Used Books for Sale

We have a selection of used books for sale on TradeMe. All proceeds go towards the operation of the Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank.

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Current listings

Williams & Kettle - The Price of Success, The - Ewan McGregor No bids$45.003 days
Onwards from an Island No bids$20.003 days
The Mackersey Story - Building a Legacy No bids$45.003 days
City of Napier Centennial No bids$15.003 days
Handbook for exhibitors and Judges - Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries No bids$5.003 days
Te Mata - The First 100 Years No bids$20.003 days
Hawke's Bay on Show No bids$75.00 per item3 days
Sainsbury Logan & Williams No bids$80.003 days
Before and After - Photographs of effects on Hastings NZ of the 1931 earthquake No bids$10.003 days
A Changing Land - Alan Scarfe No bids$40.003 days
In the Shadow of the Cape - Angus Gordon No bids$25.003 days
Hastings High School Jubilee Souvenir 1904-1954 No bids$15.003 days
Before and After No bids$10.003 days
Hastings Old & New - Centennial 1984 No bids$20.003 days
The Park Sensations by Joe Lorigan No bids$15.003 days
Shattered Hastings - 1931 Earthquake No bids$5.003 days
The Way We Were - Pictorial Memories of Early New Zealand No bids$15.003 days
Images of Hawke's Bay No bids$10.003 days
A Century's Challenge - Wright Stephenson & Co Limited No bids$25.003 days
Hastings High School 75th Jubliee - 1904-1979 No bids$15.003 days
From Disaster to Recovery: The Hastings CBD 1931 - 1935 No bids$15.003 days
Havelock North History of a Village No bids$15.003 days
West to the Annie - Edited & Reprinted 2024 No bids$95.003 days
First Impressions - Printing - Hawke's Bay - Laraine Knight No bids$5.00 per item3 days
On the Horses Back - NZ Soc Genealogists Conference 2004 No bids$10.003 days
Health & Wellbeing Recipes - Eastern Bay of Plenty CWI 1988 No bids$10.003 days
Spanish Mission Hastings – Styles of Five Decades No bids$10.003 days
Profile of a Province - Hawkes Bay No bids$10.003 days
Napier Boy's High School - Centennial Historical Survey 1872-1972 No bids$7.503 days
The Shock of '31. The Hawke's Bay Earthquake No bids$15.003 days
Hawke's Bay in Colour No bids$15.003 days
Cockies of Clydebank No bids$40.003 days
Piet's Eye in the Sky - The Story of NZ Aerial Mapping Ltd No bids$15.003 days
Lifesavers on Wheels No bids$40.003 days
A Crowded Century No bids$20.003 days
Knowledge Bank Tote Bag No bids$20.00 per item3 days
A Home Away from Home No bids$10.003 days
Hang on a Minute - A History of St. Matthews Church Hastings 1895-1995 No bids$15.00 per item3 days
Hastings - The Hub of Hawke's Bay No bids$10.003 days
The Call of the Canyon - First Edition 1924 No bids$25.003 days
The Richmond Years No bids$15.003 days
After Words - Interviews & letters from survivors 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake No bids$20.003 days
From Inkwells to Emails No bids$15.003 days
Hastings Central School Centenary 1875-1975 No bids$15.00 per item3 days
Hawke's Bay Farmers Market - The First 20 Years No bids$20.00 per item3 days
Quake - The Big Canterbury Earthquake of 2010 No bids$10.003 days
Taradale Town District, Jubilee, 1886-1936 No bids$10.00 per item3 days
Tinkers Gully, Desert Gold & Other Stories No bids$40.003 days
What's In A Name, The Streets About Napier - Ian Mills No bids$20.003 days

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