Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Meat Company, The – 1940 to 1949


“Hastings 1969”.
Includes 1 black and white photograph, glued in, an aerial view of the works in 1945.
1.   Policy
2.   Financial
3.   Directors
4.   Other personnel : senior executives, war service, labour relations, general
5.   Agreements : Borthwicks – Nelson N.Z. Ltd.
6.   Owner’s account
7.   Sidelights
8.   Conclusions

1.   Killing by season, 10 years, to date
2.   Annual appropriations of profits by year, 10 years
3.   Rates of rebates to clients by seasons
4.   Capital expenditure and source of funds by years, 10 years
5.   Runner prices
6.   Changes in directorate


  • E Renouf

Type of publication





27 cm

Other Details

Illustrations, portraits

Bibliography subjects


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