Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Meat Company, The – 1960 to 1969
“Hastings, October 1971”
“Confidential – Not for publication”
Description based on “Copy number X”
Contents –
1. Policy –
2. Financial
3. Directors
4. Other personnel: labour relations
5. Agreements: Borthwicks – Nelson N.Z. Ltd
6. Owner’s account
7. Sidelights
8. Conclusions
APPENDICES: 1. Killing by season, 10 years, to date – 2. Annual appropriations of profits by year, 10 years – 3. Rates of rebates to clients by seasons – 4. Capital expenditure and source of funds by years, 10 years – 5. Runner prices – 6. Changes in directorate
Type of publication
27 cmOther Details
Includes 4 black and white photographs, glued in: the Board of Directors in 1960 and 1967; aerial views of the works, in 1964 and 1969
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