
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
History of the County of Hawke's Bay (5 parts) Kay Mooney , Geoff Conly 1973-92
Spanish Mission Hastings - Styles of Five Decades Peter Shaw , Peter Hallett First edition 1991, 2nd edition 2006
Weekend Warriors - A Brief History of the Hawke's Bay Regiment Peter A Lea 1991
Catchment - A History of the Hawke's Bay Catchment Board and Regional Water Board J D Dunlop 1992
Eastern Hawke's Bay Ecological District - Survey Report For the Protected Natural Areas Programme Felicity Maxwell , John Adams , Geoff Walls 1993
Hawke's Bay - The History of a Province Matthew Wright 1994
Home Away From Home, A - A History of the Hastings Club 1885-1996 Maryan Moss 1997?
Life After Norsewood H C Soole
Havelock North - The History of a Village Matthew Wright 1996
Hawke's Bay Forests of Yesterday - Description and Interpretation Patrick J Grant 1996
Lunesdale - A Bush Farm Community From 1871 E S Bibby , Claire Bibby About 1990
In the Shadow of Te Waka - The History of the Te Pohue District Patrick Parsons 1997
100 Harvests - A History of Fruitgrowing in Hawke's Bay Rose Mannering 1999
It Must be Wattie's! - From Kiwi Icon to Global Player David Irving , Kerr Inkson 1998
Waipukurau - The History of a Country Town Patrick Parsons 1999
Elsthorpe - The People, The Place Elizabeth Macaulay , Yvonne Macaulay 1999
Town and Country - The History of Hastings and District Matthew Wright 2001
Quake - Hawke's Bay 1931 Matthew Wright 2001
Soils of the Heretaunga Plains - A Guide to Their Management E Griffiths 2001
Fifty 50s, The - Napier Becomes a City 1950 Claire Regnault About 2000