
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Petticoat Pioneers - North Island Women of the Colonial Era Miriam MacGregor 1973
Hawke's Bay Heritage - Paintings and Drawings by John Castle Sydney Grant 1980
Hereworth School List - Incorporating Heretaunga and Hurworth Schools S W Grant 1982
Pakowhai School Centenary 1895-1995 1995
Havelock North Primary School 125th Jubilee, 1863-1988 1988
1995 and Beyond 1993?
Hawke's Bay Earthquake 1931 - 2006 75th Anniversary, 2006 Calendar 2005
Tutira, Mokara & Maungaharuru Schools 75th Jubilee, 1913-1988 1988
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Hastings, 1889 to 1989 - A Centennial Record Terry Tacon , David Dell 1990
Century of Primary Education in the Te Aute Valley, A E Titchener , Te Aute Valley School Jubilee Committee 1979
Crowded Century 1871-1971, A - The Daily Telegraph - Centennial Number 1971 1971
Action, Reaction - Hawke's Bay and East Coast Hazard Education Kit For Levels 2-4 (Year 4-8) Hawke's Bay Regional Council 2001
Napier-Hastings Year Book Stanley Adeane 1955
Album of Hastings W H Bowler
Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of NZ, An H Hanson Turton 1877 - 1883
Colenso - The Man Aileen M Andersen , Hawke's Bay and East Coast Art Society 1961
Hot Shots and Aces Betty Angus , Ross Angus, Waipawa Lawn Tennis Club 2005?
Caught in the Crunch - Earthquakes and Volcanoes in New Zealand Rebecca Ansell , J John Taber 1996
Argyll, Hawke's Bay - The First 100 Years - 1905-2005 Margaretha Butler , Hamish Carlson , Rhys Tidswell , Wendy Twist 2005
Art Deco Gardens in Napier - 1930s Landscaping Trends in the Art Deco City between 2003 and 2006