
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Mahora School 75th Jubilee, 1903-1978 B T Flack 1978
Mahora School Centenary, 1903-2003 Mahora School Magazine Committee 2003
History of Royston Hospital, The Eva Bradley 2007
Scandinavian Footprints - A History of Scandinavians Settling in New Zealand Margit Brew abt 2007
Our Welsh Grandparents - Charles and Bessie Griffiths Judy Breward , Glenys Bullivant , Lynne Milne 2002
Other Lives Richard Brimer , Peter Jones 1991
Portrait and Opinion Richard Brimer , Mark Sweet 1999
Posmetude Byron Buchanan
Hawke's Bay Regional Wine and Grape Industry Study, A John Buck , Alan McCorkindale , Paul Mooney 1985
Celebrating New Zealand Wine Joelle Thomson 2004
Complete Guide Hawke's Bay Wine Country, The - The Definitive Guide on Where to Stay and What to Do in Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Wine Country Tourism Association 2003 -
Landscape of New Zealand Wine, The Kevin Judd , Bob Campbell About 2009
Love Affair With Wine, A Len Cheeseman , Derek Henderson , Brett Atkinson , Mikhail Gherman 2007
Muskets & Marshes - The History of Meeanee - The Land, the People, the School Laraine Knight 1995
New Zealand Food, Wine & Art - The Journey Continues Ian Baker , Vic Williams , Anne-Marie Davis , Carol Hunter
Wine Hawke's Bay - The Official Magazine of Hawke's Bay Winegrowers Inc Hawke's Bay Winegrowers Inc 2008 -
Take a Little Wine John Buck 1969
Historic and Notable Trees of New Zealand - Poverty Bay and Hawke's Bay S W Burstall 1970
Tikokino - A History, 1855-1990 Sally Butler , Judy Mathews 1991
Smedley Station 75th Jubilee 1931-2006 - 75 Years as a Farm Training institute Kevin Thomsen , Pat Portas 2007