
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Rangahaua Whanui District 11B, Hawke's Bay Dean Cowie , New Zealand Waitangi Tribunal 1996
Knight Line - A Family History Nancy Croad 1998
Dannevirke High School 75th Jubilee, 1903-1978 1978
Personal Memories of Hawke's Bay in the Years 1857 to 1865 J H Davis 193-?
Westpac Banking Corporation in Hastings 1884-1984 Claire Dawe 1984
District Elector's Roll For the City of Hastings Department of Justice
Hawke's Bay Electoral District Roll Department of Justice 1969, 1972
Prophet and the Policeman, The - The Story of Rua Kenana and John Cullen Mark Derby 2009
Impressions of Napier Patricia Dick 1974?
Family of Alexander McLean of Tiree, The Margaret Dobson 2008
History of the Ngati Kahungunu T W Downes
Early Risers - The Pioneering Story of Gisborne and Hawke's Bay Aviation Richard J Waugh , John King , David Phillips About 1997
Earthquake - Life on the Edge - Survivors' Stories [videorecording] Gaylene Preston 2006?
Ebbett Park School 25th Jubilee, 1960-1985 1985
Notes on Early Hastings George Ebbett
Elsthorpe School, 75th Jubilee, 1898-1973 L L Brown 1973
Your Guide to a Hastings Spanish Mission Walk Michael Fowler 2007
Proud Heritage, A - A History of the Heretaunga Free Kindergarten Association Michael Fowler 2008
Grand Hotel, The - History 1907-2007 Michael Fowler , Mark Perry 2007
Reel Story, The - A History of Napier and Hastings Cinemas, 1896-1996 Michael Fowler , David Turnbull 2008