
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Tom Lowry - Leader in a Thousand Bill Francis 2010
Frimley School, Established 1952 - Silver Jubilee Celebrations, 3rd - 5th June, 1977 Ian Talbot, editor 1977
Souvenir Booklet of Waikaremoana, Wairau-moana, Waikare-iti, A - A Concise History of the Lakes, the People and the Land Rodney Gallen , Allan North 1977
Havelock North and District - Personalities and Reminiscences Deborah Giles 1973?
Herrick Family Album Barbara Gordon 1996
Taradale - The Story of a Village, 1844-2000 Janet Gordon , Shirley Spence
Resurrection and the Life, The - A Centennial History of the Cathedrals of St John the Evangelist, 1886-1986, Diocese of Waiapu, Napier, New Zealand Sydney Grant 1986
Highways in the Heart - Lindisfarne College, Hastings - A Celebration of Forty Years 1953-1993 Margaret Gray 1993
Highways - The Lindisfarne College Family Magazine
Dannevirke 1887-1987 - A BNZ Century Robert H Griffin 1987
Hastings 1881-1981 - A BNZ century R H Griffin 1981
Groome - Ancestors & Descendants of Michael Edward Groome & Edward Percy Groome Mick Groome , Barbara Groome 1995
Personal Records - Home Movies 1930s [videorecording] William H Growcott 2008
Defenders of New Zealand, The - Being a Short Biography of Colonists Who Distinguished Themselves in Upholding Her Majesty's Supremacy in These Islands Thomas Wayth Gudgeon , Thomas McDonnell 1887
Maori Tribes of the East Coast of New Zealand, The W E Gudgeon 1972?
Te Aranga o Te Aute - Ta te Rangatira Tana Kai he Korero ta te Ware he Muhukai Mark Te Aranga Hakiwai 1974
Hakui - Mothers of Porangahau Hilary Pedersen , Marina Sciascia 2004
Ply-ability Lucy Hammonds , Rigel Sorzano 2009
Hastings Noel C Harding
Napier's Medicine Makers - A Brief History of Chemists & Druggists Who Served the Town From 1860 to the 1950's Des Harris , Don Millar 2007