
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Hastings - City of the Plains - Official Souvenir Programme for the Proclamation of Hastings as a City, 8th-9th September, 1956 Hastings Borough Council 1956
Hastings Central School - 1875-2000, 125th Jubilee 22-24 September 2000 2000
Hastings High School Old Boys' Rugby Football Club Golden Jubilee 1924-1974
Hastings New Zealand, 1950 Hastings Borough Council, 1950 1950
Hastings High School, 1904-1954 - Jubilee Souvenir R WS Fargher 1954
Report of the Hastings Schools Ministerial Reference Group on Schooling Provision in the Hastings District Hastings Schools Ministerial Reference Group 1994
Havelock North School Centennial, 1863-1963 - October 25th, 26th, and 27th 1963 L W Scott 1963
History of the Hawke's Bay Aquarium Society Inc 1957-2007 Ian L Mills 2007
Waipawa DHS - Onward - 1908-1958 ; Waipukurau DHS - I Will Yet Go Forward, 1920-1958 ; Central Hawke's Bay College, Waipukurau, 1958-1983 1983
Hawke's Bay Genealogy Conference (1991, Hastings, NZ) - People of the Bay Hawke's Bay Genealogy Group, Conference Committee, 1991 1991
Hawke's Bay Harbour Board - Annual Report 1988, 1875-1988 End of an Era Hawke's Bay Harbour Board 1988
Report of the Inquiry Into the Heretaunga Purchase - 5th March to 12 April, 1873 Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission 1873
Heaton Family Centennial - Yorkshire to New Zealand, 1906-2006 Barbara R Jones , Jean Clifton 2006
One Hundred Years of Sport With the Hawke's Bay Hounds, 1889-1990 Theo Herbert 1991
Ways of Whana Whana, The - The Beamish Families From County Cork to Hawke's Bay Theo Herbert 1995
Heretaunga Intermediate, Hastings John Davidson 1985
Hibernian Society, St Joseph's Branch 172, Hastings - Centennial 1885-1985 1986
One Hundred Years in the Parish of St Columba, Havelock North, 1871-1971 John Hodder 1971
View of the Bay, A - Its Inhabitants Seen Through the Eyes of the 53-year-old Lucy Violet Holdsworth L V Hodgkin , Audrey Brodie , James Brodie 2000
Puketitiri School Centenary, 1896-1996 Marian Holt 1996