
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Impact - Hawke's Bay Lifestyle Magazine
Iona College - A Chronicle of 75 Years Genifer Main, editor 1989
Art Deco Architecture of Napier, The Heather Ives 1982
J Wattie Foods Ltd - A World Leader in Canned and Shelf Stable Foods J Wattie Foods Ltd 1995
My Scandinavian Forebears - A Tale of Pioneering in Hawke's Bay Elizabeth Dagmar Jackson 1969
Brief History of the Press, A - Napier and Hastings Newspapers, 1857-1991 Robert F Johncock 1991
Wallingford and Wilder Schools - 1881-1981 C H Johnstone 1981
Impromptu Talk Touching Early History of a Small Part of Hawke’s Bay, Customs of Old Timers and Personal Reminiscences J H Joll
Early History of St Mark's Church, Clive, Hawke's Bay, Generally Referred to as Clive Church Jean Thorp
Immigration of the Scandinavian People to Hawke's Bay, The Norma Keesing 1993
East Coast Maori War, By an Old Veteran, The Kent Isaac 1907
Golden Jubilee of the Kia Toa Bowling Club, 1922-23 to 1971-72 Kia Toa Bowling Club 1972
First Impressions - History of Printing in Hawke's Bay Laraine Knight 2003
Meeanee School 130th Jubilee - 20, 21 & 22 October - 1865-1995 Laraine Knight 1995
You Can't keep a Good Idea Down - A Celebration of the YMCA in Hawke's Bay, 1890-1995 Heather Knox 1995
Koiri - Te Aute College, 1854-2004 John Wehipeihana
Kotemaori School - Golden Jubilee Celebrations, 1926-1976 1976
Kowhai Special School 1950-2000 Vanessa Smith 2000?
World War II Memorabilia - Memories and Souvenirs of James Robert (Shorty) Lancaster J R Lancaster 2002
Hastings Intermediate School Jubilee, 1954-1979 W E Langford 1979