
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Photos - Napier Earthquake, 1931 - 16 in Folder
Assessment of Heritage Significance - Otatara Pa Historic Reserve Elizabeth Pishief , K L Jones 1997
Super Sites for Conservation Education - Otatara Pa Historic Reserve -Resource Kit for Teachers Elizabeth Pishief 2002
Porangahau School - 100 years Hilary Pedersen 1968
Anglican Parish of Porangahau, Central Hawke's Bay, The - Centennial Celebrations, 26th-28th September, 1975 - Souvenir Booklet 1975
Porangahau [cartographic material] Land Information NZ 2009
Road to Porangahau and Notes on Land Settlement J G Wilson 1962
Tuahine - Sisters of Porangahau Hilary Pedersen , Marina Sciascia 2007
Poukawa School 75th Reunion 1996 Poukawa School Jubilee Booklet Committee 1996
Hotel Cabana - Thru the Decades Lee Pritchard 2007
Public Perceptions and Interpretations of Council Services and Representation - Prepared as Part of the Public Feedback Program for Hastings District Council National Research Bureau (NZ) 2001
Pukehou School - 1952-2002 2003
Puketapu School, Hawke's Bay - Centennial booklet 1864-1964 1964
Puketapu School, Tahi Tamariki - 125th Jubilee, 1864-1989 1990
Twyford School 1912-1987 Alec Rainbow 1987
Civilian - Soldier - Civilian Brian Redfern 2004
Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Company, The - 1940 to 1949 E Renouf
Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Company, The - 1950 to 1959 E Renouf 1971
Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Company, The - 1960 to 1969 E Renouf
1991 NZ Census of Population and Dwellings.. Gisborne/Hawke's Bay Regional Report Department of Statistics 1992