Title |
Author(s) |
Publication date |
Three Schools - A Centennial History |
L S Rickard |
About 1989 |
Robert Lamb - The Napier, New Zealand Years, 1879 to 1895 |
Eleanor Holmes |
2002 |
Earthquakes |
Anna Rogers , Geoff Conly |
1996 |
Napier and the 1893 Women's Franchise Petition |
L Joan Rogers |
1994 |
Waiapu - The Story of a Diocese |
Watson Rosevear |
1960 |
Gift Endures, The - A New History of the Waiapu Diocese |
John Bluck |
2009 |
Rudolf Steiner School Hastings 50th Anniversary - 1950 [to] 2000 |
Doug Green |
About 2000 |
Sacred Heart Girls College, Napier |
1991 |
Port Ahuriri, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - A Heritage Study |
Salmond Architects |
1994 |
Schools of the Century, 1874-1974 |
Raewyn Dalgliesh , Henry Hill Primary School, Standard 4 |
1974 |
Right at Home With History. [newspaper article] |
Mary Shanahan |
Louis Hay - Architect |
Peter Shaw |
1999 |
First Hundred Years, The - A Centennial History of the Napier Main and Central Schools, 1879-1979 |
D WT Sheppard |
1979 |
James Walter Chapman-Taylor in Hawke's Bay, 1913-1922 |
Judy Siers |
1991 |
Life and Times of James Walter Chapman-Taylor, The |
Judy Siers |
2007 |
Grandad's Memories Live On |
Wallace Simons |
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, Napier, 1865-1990 |
1991 |
Lindisfarne College, Hastings, New Zealand - Register of Past Pupils From 1953-2003 - Fiftieth Anniversary |
W G Smith |
2003 |
Somebody's Darling - Stories From the Napier Cemetery, 1855-1917 |
Peter Wells , Gail Pope |
About 2008 |
Old Napier Cemetery Burial Registers |