Title |
Author(s) |
Publication date |
History of the Parish of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay 1874-1974, A |
R H Somerville |
1974 |
Pledge for the Future - St Luke's |
St Martin's Chapel, Iona College - A Journal of 50 Years 1958-2008 |
St Mary's School, Hastings - 40th Jubilee, 1957-1996 |
1996 |
St John's College, Hastings, Silver Jubilee, 1941-1965 |
St John's College Old Boys' Association. Silver Jubilee Committee |
1965 |
Eagle, The -The Magazine of St John's College, Hastings |
Hastings Central Business District Heritage Study |
Di Stewart , Hastings District Council |
1997 |
Hastings Central Business District |
Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner Ltd |
1988 |
Our First 30 Years |
Pat Stewart |
2003 |
Te Mata Park - Jubilee Study Master Plan |
T A Stille |
1977 |
Te Mata Park, Hawke's Bay - Ecological Management Plan 2006 |
Geoff Walls |
2006 |
Te Mata Park Nature Trail |
Droving Days - A Recollection of Stock Droving in Southern Hawke's Bay 1941-1952 |
Lewis E Swan |
2003 |
Takapau School Centennial, 1879-1979 - Manners Maketh Man |
Anne Hilson |
1979 |
Report on Central Hawke's Bay as a Major Growth Area and the Location of Proposed Meatworks at Takapau - For the Waipawa County Council |
Porter , Martin |
1976 |
Takapau - Te Atahua o te Aomarama |
Anne Hilson , Robin Hilson |
1976 |
Taradale School 125th Jubilee |
2004 |
Taradale High School - The Brooch |
Taradale Town District, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Jubilee, 1886-1936 - Souvenir Booklet |
Greenmeadows Rotary Club |
1990 |
Lt Thomas McDonnell and the Naming of Ahuriri |
John Tattersall |
1970 |