
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
History of the Parish of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay 1874-1974, A R H Somerville 1974
Pledge for the Future - St Luke's
St Martin's Chapel, Iona College - A Journal of 50 Years 1958-2008
St Mary's School, Hastings - 40th Jubilee, 1957-1996 1996
St John's College, Hastings, Silver Jubilee, 1941-1965 St John's College Old Boys' Association. Silver Jubilee Committee 1965
Eagle, The -The Magazine of St John's College, Hastings
Hastings Central Business District Heritage Study Di Stewart , Hastings District Council 1997
Hastings Central Business District Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner Ltd 1988
Our First 30 Years Pat Stewart 2003
Te Mata Park - Jubilee Study Master Plan T A Stille 1977
Te Mata Park, Hawke's Bay - Ecological Management Plan 2006 Geoff Walls 2006
Te Mata Park Nature Trail
Droving Days - A Recollection of Stock Droving in Southern Hawke's Bay 1941-1952 Lewis E Swan 2003
Takapau School Centennial, 1879-1979 - Manners Maketh Man Anne Hilson 1979
Report on Central Hawke's Bay as a Major Growth Area and the Location of Proposed Meatworks at Takapau - For the Waipawa County Council Porter , Martin 1976
Takapau - Te Atahua o te Aomarama Anne Hilson , Robin Hilson 1976
Taradale School 125th Jubilee 2004
Taradale High School - The Brooch
Taradale Town District, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Jubilee, 1886-1936 - Souvenir Booklet Greenmeadows Rotary Club 1990
Lt Thomas McDonnell and the Naming of Ahuriri John Tattersall 1970