
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Maoris on Maria Island - Punishment By Exile John Tattersall 1973
Miracle of the Ahuriri Lagoon, The - The Earthquake's Gift - Story of its Reclamation and Development T D Taylor 1940
Saline Soils of the old Ahuriri Lagoon B K Daly , W c Rijkse 1976
Te Aute College 125th Anniversary, 1854-1979 K G Scarlett , K F Tyro 1979
Te Aute College, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Te Aute College , Friends of Te Aute College 1973
Te Wero - The School Magazine of Te Aute College 1994
Te Awanga, Our Home - Burden Childhood Days 2009
Tirimoana Pa, Te Awanga, Hawke's Bay - Excavations, 1974-5 Aileen Fox 1978
First Twenty-five Years, The - A Commemorative History of Karamu High School, Hastings, New Zealand 1962-1987 Karamu High School Jubilee Committee 1987
Tira Ora - Karamu High School Magazine
Te Karamu - Catchment Review and Options For Enhancement Hawke's Bay Regional Council Asset Management 2004
Hastings Story, The - Earthquakes and Fires, February 3rd, 1931 1931
Hawke's Bay Earthquake 1931, The Hawke's Bay Cultural Trust , 'Hawke's Bay Today' 1989, 2001
Jubilee Book of the Borough of Napier 1874-1924, The - Jubilee Celebrations, Napier, 26th - 29th November, 1924 Napier Borough Council 1924
Montmorency Record, The 1867
Napier and Hawke's Bay Streets, Alphabetical and Trades Directory 1893-94, The 1893
National Tobacco Company Building, The Between 2001 and 2003
Official Handbook of Hastings, The - For the Tourist, Sportsman and Settler Hastings Borough Council 1929
Osmanthus Garden, Cornwall Park, Hastings, New Zealand, The 1998
Pourerere Road, The - A History of Omakere and Tamumu District Pam Ballantyne , Jeremy Ballantyne 2008