
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Hawke's Bay Touring Map Guide [cartographic material] Gregory's Publishing Company abt 2005
Kiwi Pathfinder Napier, Hastings, Hawke's Bay District & 10 Hawke's Bay Provincial Towns - Complete Town & Regional Map NZ Minimaps Ltd About 2000
100 Years From 1904 to 2004 - The Hastings District High School, Hastings Technical High School, the Hastings High School, the Hastings Boys' High School Graham Thomas 2004
Putting Heart Into the Hills - New Production Phase Opened Up on a Hawke's Bay Sheep Hill Property 1962
Writers and Writing in New Zealand - (2) Tutira - The Story of a New Zealand Sheep Station H Winston Rhodes 1957
Breaking-in Hawke's Bay Hill Country David Alan Ritchie 1948
Winemakers of New Zealand Richard George Scott 1964
On Vine Growing in Hawke's Bay Reverend Father Yardin 1890
Eventful Years Sir Ernest Andrews 1958
Missionary Era in the Diocese of Waiapu, The A Atkin 1934
Fifty Years in New Zealand, 1894-1944 - Recollections and Reflections Alfred Walter Averill 1945
Broadcasting, Grave and Gay Kenneth George Collins 1967
Men of Mark of New Zealand Alfred Cox, editor 1886
Early New Zealand Families Douglas Cresswell 1949
Ormond of Hawke's Bay Douglas Cresswell 1947
Donald McLean - Chief Land Purchase Agent, 1846-1861, and Native Secretary, 1856-1861 Raymond Watson Shaw Fargher 1947
Boss, The - Allen Williams of Te Aute 1852-1945 Muriel Buchanan Faulkner 1960, reprint 2015
NZ Rulers and Statesmen From 1840-1897 William Gisborne 1897
Henry Hill (A Biography) Henry Hill 1935
Francis Hutchinson of Omatua Amy H Hutchinson 1940