
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Bill Hyslop Remembers - The Autobiography of a Motorist Starting From the Horse and Buggy and Cycle Days William Ebenezer Hyslop 1965
Re-union of the Descendants of Edward and Emma Tucker Sydney Ionoval Jones 1961
Colenso Memorial, Napier Lawrence Lannie 1961
NZ Bookseller's Reminiscences Ernest Edward Marsden 1955
Black Beech and Honeydew - An Autobiography Ngaio Marsh 1966
William Colenso Doris Hutchinson Pow 1931
Days That Have Been Mary Scott 1966
Sermon in Memory of Sir Donald McLean, A Reverend David Sidney 1878
Te Makarini - An Outline of the Life and Work of Sir Donald McLean, a New Zealand Statesman, 1820-1877 K L Simkin 1932
William Colenso - Educator D J Stewart 1966
Chief of Hawke's Bay, The Michael Robert McGregor Turnbull 1960
Through Ninety Years, 1826-1916 - Life and Work Among the Maoris in New Zealand Frederic Wanklyn Williams 1939
Pioneering in New Zealand - Life of the Venerable Archdeacon Samuel Williams William Temple Williams 1929
Guide to Fresh Water Angling in Hawke's Bay C Russell Barham 1968
First of Eleven New Steel Stern Trawlers Launched By Napier Shipbuilders 1964
Trout in Wellington and Hawke's Bay, NZ Dept of Tourist and Publicity 1963
Trading Vessel Conversion - Owners Very Satisfied Following Sea Trials of New Napier Trawler Pirimae 1963
Baillie Motors Ltd - Hawke's Bay's Live Sales and Service Organisation Baillie Motors Ltd, Hastings 1955
Science in Hawke's Bay Myks O'Connor 1963
Brief Note on the Stratigraphy of Bird and Human Material in Hawke's Bay, A W H Hartree 1960