
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Through the Years 1902-1958 National Council of Women of NZ 1958
Universal Hawke's Bay - East Coast Almanac - 1951-2
St Joseph's Maori Girls' College, 1867-1990 - Nga Korero Mo te Kura Maori o Hato Hohepa Maria Van der Linden 1990
Beyond Blue Hills - One Hundred Years of Woodford House Mary Varnham 1994
Your Bid, Sir E G F Vogtherr 1969
No Regrets Ernest Vogtherr 1965
Napier - Hastings Wolfgang Vorbeck 2008
Iona - Icarad's Gift, 1858-1989 John Waddington 1990
Wairoa - A Pictorial History Wairoa District Heritage and Museum Trust 2000
In the Beaux-Arts Tradition - William Gummer Architect Paul Waite 2005
Havelock North Portraits A D Wallace 1973?
Warren's Bakery - A Slice of Hawke's Bay History 2004
Ross Shield Hastings 2015 2015
Pilgrimage - A Biography of Anthony Spur Webb, M.A., Camb., Canon of St John's Cathedral, Napier, and First Vicar of Ormondville Alice Webb 1949
Temples of Wonder - A Writer's Project Based on the Collections of the Hawke's Bay Museum - 18 August 2001 to February 2002 Peter Wells 2002
Carved Cloak For Tahu, A - History of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti Mere Whaanga 2004
Whakatu Works - 10 Year Reunion 1996 1996
Establishing the District Health Board For Hawke's Bay - Information and Discussion Document - Te whakatu Poari Hauora a-rohe mo Te Matau-a-Maui 2000
All Aboard the Train From Napier to Woodville Thomas F Wheeler 1994
Silver Threads - The Memoirs of Jocelyn Williams Jocelyn Williams About 2009