
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
East Coast (NZ) Historical Records W L Williams 1932
Talk Prepared For Presentation to the Hastings Chamber of Commerce, A J G Wilson 19?
More Hawke's Bay History - The Story of a Maori Pa; The History of Waikopiro J G Wilson 1967
Smoke Across the Bay Margaret Wilson 1984
Wings Over Hawke's Bay H D Hanger 1964
Wise's Napier and Hastings Streets Directory 1953
Wise's New Zealand Post Office Directory Volume 2 - Wellington - Hawke's Bay and Taranaki 1957 1957
Woodford House Register of Old Girls 1894-1964 Woodford House 1964, 1993
British Regiments in Napier, 1858-1867 Alice Woodhouse 1970
Naming of Napier, The Alice Woodhouse 1970
Woodville School Centenary 1877-1977 - Souvenir Programme 1977
Kiwi Minimap Masterton, 11 Wairarapa Towns & District Street Map [cartographic material] - Features Carterton, Dannevirke, Eketahuna, Featherston, Greytown, Martinborough, Norsewood, Ormondville, Pahiatua, Pongaroa, Woodville Kiwimaps Ltd About 2003
Woodville [cartographic material] Land Information NZ 2009
Woodville 1882-1982 - A BNZ Century R H Griffin 1982
Cultivating Paradise - Aspects of Napier's Botanical History Robin Woodward 2002
Napier - City of Style Matthew Wright 1996
Early Sawmilling Industry in Hawke's Bay, The Matthew Wright 1985
Hawke's Bay, Lifestyle Country - A Comprehensive Guide to Everything Offering Interest and Enjoyment to Visitors to Hawke's Bay 1991
Working Together - The History of Carter Oji Kokusaku Pan Pacific Ltd, 1971-1993 Matthew Wright 1999
Kaweka [cartographic material] / NZ Department Of Survey and Land Information Department of Survey and Land Information 1995