
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
NZ Official Yearbook 1 (1892) - 1892
Geography and Historical Geography of Hawke's Bay, NZ, The - A Preliminary Bibliography A MJ Overy 1953
Royal Society of NZ, Hawke's Bay Branch Annual Reports 1 (1877) - Royal Society of NZ, Hawke's Bay Branch
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, A G H Scholefield, editor 1940
Some Influences in the Province of Hawke's Bay Kenneth Thomas 1964
White's Pictorial Reference of New Zealand - Representative Airviews of New Zealand Cities and Boroughs Leo White 1960
Who's Who in New Zealand 1 (1908) -
Wise's New Zealand Post Office Directory 1872-3
Farming in Hawke's Bay - Water Storage in Earth Dams on Hill Country S T Anaru 1963
Soil Conservation and Dry-season Farming in Hawke's Bay S T Anaru 1963
Tree Planting For Soil Conservation and Stock Feeding S T Anaru 1963
Hawke's Bay Farming Development Association - A Good Model Organisation G de S Baylis 1916?
Hawke's Bay Mixed Farm, A E M Bates 1944
Agricultural Organisation in New Zealand Horace Belshaw 1936
Chemical Renovation of Pastures in Southern Hawke's Bay and Northern Wairarapa L W Blackmore 1964
Farming a Small Holding in Hawke's Bay George A Blake 1941
Assessment of the Potential Carrying Capacity of the Hawke's Bay and Gisborne Land Districts A C Burgess 1963
Nutrition Problems on Pasture on the Ahuriri Reclamation Area J J Byne , F H Collin 1955
Control of Barley Grass in Hawke's Bay F H Collin 1955
Development of a Hawke's Bay Fat Lamb Farm F H Collin 1951