
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Development of Tall Fescue Land in Central Hawke's Bay F H Collin 1954
Drought Precautions Suggested By Hawke's Bay Experience F H Collin 1962
Farming Patterns and Problems in Central Hawke's Bay F H Collin 1963
Wheat Production in Central Hawke's Bay F H Collin 1953
Agricultural Survey of Hawke's Bay, The - Its Nature and Some of Its Preliminary Results Richard P Connell , I L Elliott 1937
Review of Farming on the Heretaunga Plains, A Richard P Connell , I L Elliott 1939
Hawke's Bay Coastal Types C A Cotton 1956
Wheat Growing in Hawke's Bay A J Coughlan 1961
Regional Planning Legislation, The John Cox 1961
Eastland Region, The K B Cumberland 1952
Fat Stock Production Survey of Wairoa County Ralph T Du Faur , RH Scott 1952
East Coast Village P R Earle 1962
Brief History of Development of the Farming of the Heretaunga Plains I L Elliott 1939
Ahuriri Lagoon, NZ - A Study of Landscape Change and Reclamation Bryan H Farrell 1952
Forest and Grass - Report of a Symposium on Possible Land Use Trends in Hawke's Bay 1961
Hawke's Bay Region, The - A Geographic Interpretation William Watterson Guthrie 1948
Gisborne-East Coast Land Use Capacity Survey Charles Sherwood Harris 1965
Hawke's Bay A and P News - 100 Years of Services to the Province of Hawke's Bay 1965
Farming in New Zealand - Hawke's Bay Rowland Philip Hill 1950
Farming Methods on the Danthonia Hills of Hawke's Bay Rowland Philip Hill 1949