
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Heretaunga Plains Farm, A Rowland Philip Hill 1948
Heavy Development Costs Do Not Deter Hawke's Bay Farmer (Mr RC Lindsay, Rissington) Humphrey John Jagger 1966
Special-purpose Pasture in Hawke's Bay Humphrey John Jagger 1963
Wheat Growing in Hawke's Bay Humphrey John Jagger 1962-4
New Zealand Landscapes - Hawke's Bay - Outstanding Appeal of the Heretaunga Plain George Jobberns 1948
Hawke's Bay Hill Country Water Supplies Malcolm Rose Kennedy 1965
Farm Conservation Plan Dex George Knowles 1962
Relationships and Control of Annual Grasses and Clovers in Pasture - The Hawke's Bay and Poverty Bay Flats Enoch Bruce Levy
Report on a Survey of Farm Labour in Patangata County, Hawke's Bay D McClatchy 1966
Pasture Top-dressing Trials in Wellington and Southern Hawke's Bay District W J McCulloch
Geographic Regions of New Zealand Joanna H Muirhead 1944
Waipukurau Conference - Farmers Awake to Production Obligations Gilbert John Neale
Land Utilization Report of the Heretaunga Plains DSIR 1939
Heretaunga Plains Ministry of Works, Town and Country Planning Branch 1967
Rainbows Round the Lake [Lake Tutira] 1961
Successful Chemical Pasture Establishment in Hawke's Bay George Stewart Robinson , M W Cross 1963
Farming in Hawke's Bay - NZ Grasslands Conference Proceedings 1955 Russell Herman Scott 1955
Development of Hawke's Bay and the Role of Regional Planning, The G L Easterbrook Smith 1961
Land Development in Northern Hawke's Bay Robert Keith Somerville 1950
Wheat Industry in New Zealand G A H Ward 1951