
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Meat and Wool Production in Hawke's Bay Alan Osborn Warner 1965
Dairy Industry Being Streamlined in Southern Hawke's Bay 1963
Hale and Hearty at 97 - A Foundation Director (Mr TE Crosse) Attends Diamond Jubilee of Heretaunga Company Heretaunga Co-operative Dairy Co. 1952
Back in Business (On a Farm at Te Rehunga) Allan Hope 1962
Tamaki-Kiritaki Co-op Dairy Co. Ltd Golden Jubilee 1909-1959 FH Simmonds
Dairying at Tutira - There's Butterfat in These Hills Thomas Grace Tyrer 1959
Rapid Transformation of Derelict into Productive Dairy Farm (at Putorino) Thomas Grace Tyrer 1958
Sandbrook Revisited (Farm at Te Rehunga) David Kingdon Yerex 1962
Mortality in Stone-fruit Trees in Hawke's Bay N J Adamson 1930
Occurrence of Sun Scald on Apples in Hawke's Bay N J Adamson 1932
Fruitgrowing J D Atkinson 1939
Growing Canning Peas in Hawke's Bay George A Blake 1945
Fruit Industry's Fantastic Increase in Hawke's Bay Noel Bernard William Congdon 1966
Production Factors Affecting the Hawke's Bay Fruitgrower Noel Bernard William Congdon 1967
Adding Humus to Orchard Soils in Hawke's Bay Tom Conway 1951
Asparagus Production in Hawke's Bay Tom Conway 1946
Hawke's Bay Produced 4 Million Pound Worth of Fruit and Vegetables a Year Tom Conway 1965
Orchard Cultivation Methods in Hawke's Bay Tom Conway 1949
Chemical Thinning of Apples in Hawke's Bay Ronald Merio Davison , R E Robbins 1953
Use of Chemical Thinning Sprays on Apple Trees in New Zealand - Preliminary Experiments in Hawke's Bay and Nelson Ronald Merio Davison 1955