
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Grassland Evolution at Tutira - Fifty-year Turfs William Herbert Guthrie-Smith 1930
Grasses of Tutira William Herbert Guthrie-Smith 1907
Hawke's Bay Coastal Sheep Station Rowland Philip Hill 1946
Changing Landscape of a North Island (NZ) Sheep Station, The [Kiwi Station, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay; The Development of a NZ Sheep Station] Helen M Hodgson 1941
Romance of Tutira, The - Story of a Famous Sheep Station and of a Notable Book Maurice Hurst 1947
Ideas From a Hawke's Bay Woolshed 1963
Pathfinding in Hill Country Sheep and Wool Production [on farm "Ratahiwi" in upper Manawatu] James Alexander Hilton Inglis 1965
Stock and Pasture Management on Hill Country [Ratahiwi] James Alexander Hilton Inglis 1965
Hawke's Bay Coastal Hill Country Sheep Farm [Ngahere Station, Waipawa] Humphrey John Jagger 1962
First Sheep to Reach the Bay Lester Masters 1958
Mangaohane Station T Morrin 1956
Sheepfarming in Waipukurau County, Hawke's Bay Michael Nelson 1953
Southern Hawke's Bay Coastal Country Keith Noel Oldham 1957
Pastoral Fringe in Hawke's Bay, The Peter ND Pirie 1953
Guthrie-Smith of Tutira A E Woodhouse 1959
Tales of Pioneer Women - Collected By the Women's Institute of New Zealand Airini Elizabeth Woodhouse 1940
Waerenga-o-Hika Parish 1854-1961 Stanley Bull
Diocese of Waiapu Church of England
Few Brief Historical Notes and Remarks Concerning the Early Christian Church at Ahuriri, A William Colenso 1889
Waiapu Cathedral - Birth, Death and Resurrection William Milton Edwards 1966