
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Short History of the Parochial District of St Paul's, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, A A O Edwards 1949
Church of England, Dannevirke 1881-1956 Sydney Reade Gardiner 1956
History of the Church of England in New Zealand, A H T Purchas 1914
History of St Augustine's Church, Napier, 1884-1954, The St Augustine Church of England, Napier 1954
St James' Church, Hastings 1964
Celebrating 75 Years of Service to the Glory of God in This Community - St Luke's, Havelock North 1949
St Matthews Diamond Jubilee, 1895-1955 St Matthew's Church, Hastings 1955
Founder of the Diocese of Waiapu, The Sir William John Simkin
Form and Order of the Service of Dedication of Waiapu Cathedral, St Matthias Day, 24 February, 1960, The Waiapu Cathedral 1960
Laying the Foundation Stone of Waiapu Cathedral, October 12, 1955 Waiapu Cathedral
Waiapu Church Gazette, Napier, 1 (1910) - 39 Number 9 (1945)
Glorious Here to Fores - Hastings Baptist Church Jubilee Celebrations Hastings Baptist Church 1958
Napier Baptist Church, The - A Short History Napier Baptist Church 1947
Short History of the Miller Memorial Congregational Church, A - Jubilee 1894-1944 Rev N Burgess 1944
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Napier 1953
Greenmeadows Methodist Church 75th Anniversary 1888-1963 Elsie Gladys Charman 1963
Methodism in Napier - The Story of the First Decade Charles Henry Laws
History of Methodism in New Zealand, The William Morley 1900
75 Years of Methodism in Woodville, 1876-1951 Charles B Oldfield 1951
Centenary Sketches of New Zealand Methodism William James Williams 1922