
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Mangateretere School 50th Anniversary 1903-1953 1953
Maraekakaho School 75th Jubilee 1893-1968 William Terence Ballantyne 1968
Hohepa Homes and Schools NZ Trust Board For Home Schools For Curative Education 1964
Petane-Eskdale School Centenary Souvenir Booklet 1859-1959 Robert Levelis de Denne 1959
Puketapu School Centennial Booklet 1864-1964 Philip George Carter 1964
Putorino School Golden Jubilee Celebrations 1916-1966 William Ernest McKeich 1966
Hastings Street School, Napier - 73rd Anniversary and Closing Reunion Souvenir Booklet 1960
Hukarere Native Girls' School Act, 1892, and Amendment Act, 1927
And God Gave the Increase - Centenary in Napier of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions 1865-1965 Kathleen Margaret Mooney 1964
Napier Boys' High School Acts and Amendments
Napier Boys' High School Jubilee Historical Sketch 1872-1922 W A Armour 1922
Napier Boys' High School Diamond Jubilee Historical Sketch 1872-1932 1932
Napier Boys' High School Historical Survey 1872-1947 - 75th Anniversary Booklet 1947
Napier Girls' High School Jubilee 1884-1934
Napier Girls' High School Jubilee 1884-1959 1959
Napier Main School [Central School] Diamond Jubilee 1879-1939 1939
Napier Main and Central School 75th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet H K Stevenson 1954
Norsewood School 75th Jubilee 1874-1949 1949
St Joseph's Maori Girls' College, Greenmeadows, Centenary 1867-1967 1968
Visit to St Joseph's Maori Girls' College 1964