
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Scandinavians in New Zealand, The James Wightman Davidson 1936
Tuwharetoa - The History of the Maori People of the Taupo District John Te Herekiekie Grace 1959
Scandinavians in Australia, New Zealand and the Western Pacific, The Jern S Lyng 1939
Exploration of New Zealand, The William Graham McClymont 1959
History and Policy of the Native Land Laws of New Zealand From 1840-1886 Patrick S McLean 1886
Takitimu By Tiaki Hikawera Mitira John H Mitchell 1944
Provincial System in New Zealand 1852-76, The William Parker Morrell 1964
Making New Zealand - Pictorial Surveys of a Century Department of Internal Affairs 1940
Forest Homes - The Story of the Scandinavian Settlements in the Forty Mile Bush, NZ George Conrad Petersen 1958
NZ Parliamentary Record 1840-1949 Guy Hardy Scholefield 1950
Newspapers in New Zealand Guy Hardy Scholefield 1958
Richmond-Atkinson Papers, The Guy Hardy Scholefield 1960
Political Structure of the Electorates of Gisborne, Hawke's Bay and Bay of Plenty, From 1919-1949, The T M Sharp 1953
Maori Wars of the Nineteenth Century Stephenson Percy Smith 1910
Land Question as Between the Maoris and the Government, The - Second Conference Te Aute College Students' Association. December 1897 James Thorpe
Enquiry Into the Conduct of the East Coast War, 1865-1869, An Michael RM Turnbull 1947
Last Maori War in New Zealand Under the Self-reliant Policy, The Sir George Stoddart Whitmore 1902
Christianity Among the New Zealanders William Williams 1867
East Coast Historical Records Compiled and Typed By the Late Bishop WL Williams Bishop W L Williams
New Zealand of Today 1884-1887 John Bradshaw 1888