
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Some Aspects of the Early History of Hawke's Bay, NZ Alexander H Malcolm 1935
Rambles in Hawke's Bay Alan Mulgan 1946
Elsthorpe Settlement 1896 Department of Lands 1896
Forest Gate Settlement 1902, The Department of Lands 1902
Hatuma Settlement 1901, The Department of Lands 1901
Kumeroa Settlement 1902 Department of Lands 1902
Mangatahi Settlement 1907 Department of Lands 1907
Manga-o-toro Settlement 1902 Department of Lands 1902
New Zealand Tours and Excursions - Hawke's Bay Tours Department of Tourist and Health Resorts 1898
Whangawehi NZ Historic Places Trust, Hawke's Bay Regional Committee 1961
Native Ministry of Donald MacLean 1869-76, The P B Palmer 1936
Incidents in the History of Horehore Pa, Te Takapau, Hawke's Bay District Stephenson Percy Smith 1906
Street Lighting in Hawke's Bay 1961
Hawke's Bay Separation Movement 1856-58, The Dorothy Margaret Tebay 1956
Hawke's Bay - New Zealand White's Aviation Ltd 1950
History of Hatuma James Gordon Wilson 1951
Aotea Tua-Toru Official Opening, Makirikiri, June 17 1967 1967
Dannevirke Borough Handbooks For 1918, 1923 and 1927, The Dannevirke Borough Council
Official Programme of the Dannevirke-as-it-is Bazaar, March 1906 Dannevirke Borough Council 1906
Dannevirke Industrial Fair 1958 Dannevirke Junior Chamber of Commerce 1958