
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Preliminary Sedimentological Evaluation of Some Flysch-like Deposits From the Makara Basin, Central Hawke's Bay, NZ G J Van Der Lingen 1968
Volcanic Ash in the Makara Basin (Upper Miocene), Hawke's Bay, NZ G J Van Der Lingen 1968
Earthquake Rents as Evidence of Recent Surface Faulting in Hawke's Bay R J Waghorn 1927
Earth Movements in Hawke's Bay District Disclosed By Triangulation H E Walshe 1937
Lower Cretaceous Foraminifera From Red Island and the Waikopiro "high", Hawke's Bay Peter Noel Webb 1966
Economic Geology of New Zealand Gordon John Williams 1965
Geology of the Weber District John H Williamson 1931
Water Supplies of Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Nelson and Marlborough (Chemicals and Bacteriologiocal Analyses) A P Cooke , M McCabe 1965
Easterly and Westerly Rainfalls in Hawke's Bay John David Coulter 1962
Flood Control Scheme - Heretaunga Plains (Hawke's Bay) Ronald George Drummond 1965
Hawke's Bay Flood 23-25 April, 1938 A P Grant 1939
Ground Waters of the Heretaunga Plains, The Patrick John Grant 1965
Major Regime Changes of the Tukituki River, Hawke's Bay, Since About 1650 AD Patrick John Grant 1965
Tutira Lake - 1925 and 1963 Patrick John Grant 1966
Variations of Rainfall Frequency in Relation to Erosion in Eastern Hawke's Bay Patrick John Grant 1966
Geology and Ground Water Hydrology of the Heretaunga Plains T L Grant-Taylor 1957
Third Annual Conference of Delegates of the NZ Catchment Board's Association, Napier, 1949 Hawke's Bay Catchment District 1949
Artesian-water Basins of the Heretaunga Plains, Hawke's Bay, The Henry Thomas Hill 1905
Artesian Wells Henry Thomas Hill 1890
On the Artesian-well System of Hawke's Bay Henry Thomas Hill 1888