Title |
Author(s) |
Publication date |
Preliminary Sedimentological Evaluation of Some Flysch-like Deposits From the Makara Basin, Central Hawke's Bay, NZ |
G J Van Der Lingen |
1968 |
Volcanic Ash in the Makara Basin (Upper Miocene), Hawke's Bay, NZ |
G J Van Der Lingen |
1968 |
Earthquake Rents as Evidence of Recent Surface Faulting in Hawke's Bay |
R J Waghorn |
1927 |
Earth Movements in Hawke's Bay District Disclosed By Triangulation |
H E Walshe |
1937 |
Lower Cretaceous Foraminifera From Red Island and the Waikopiro "high", Hawke's Bay |
Peter Noel Webb |
1966 |
Economic Geology of New Zealand |
Gordon John Williams |
1965 |
Geology of the Weber District |
John H Williamson |
1931 |
Water Supplies of Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Nelson and Marlborough (Chemicals and Bacteriologiocal Analyses) |
A P Cooke , M McCabe |
1965 |
Easterly and Westerly Rainfalls in Hawke's Bay |
John David Coulter |
1962 |
Flood Control Scheme - Heretaunga Plains (Hawke's Bay) |
Ronald George Drummond |
1965 |
Hawke's Bay Flood 23-25 April, 1938 |
A P Grant |
1939 |
Ground Waters of the Heretaunga Plains, The |
Patrick John Grant |
1965 |
Major Regime Changes of the Tukituki River, Hawke's Bay, Since About 1650 AD |
Patrick John Grant |
1965 |
Tutira Lake - 1925 and 1963 |
Patrick John Grant |
1966 |
Variations of Rainfall Frequency in Relation to Erosion in Eastern Hawke's Bay |
Patrick John Grant |
1966 |
Geology and Ground Water Hydrology of the Heretaunga Plains |
T L Grant-Taylor |
1957 |
Third Annual Conference of Delegates of the NZ Catchment Board's Association, Napier, 1949 |
Hawke's Bay Catchment District |
1949 |
Artesian-water Basins of the Heretaunga Plains, Hawke's Bay, The |
Henry Thomas Hill |
1905 |
Artesian Wells |
Henry Thomas Hill |
1890 |
On the Artesian-well System of Hawke's Bay |
Henry Thomas Hill |
1888 |