
An index of publications relating to Hawke's Bay and its history. We do not hold digital copies of the books themselves, but this index may assist you in finding copies.

Title Author(s) Publication date
Water-conservation and Hawke's Bay Artesian Systems Henry Thomas Hill 1924
Work of Rehabilitation - The Flood Disaster of the Esk Valley Rowland Philip Hill 1938
Artesian Trial Bore, Westshore, Napier R W Holmes 1916
Notes on an Artesian Trial Bore, Westshore, Napier R W Holmes 1917
Artesian Wells Near Napier F W Hutton 1870
Flood Rains of 11 March, 1924, in Hawke's Bay, The Edward Kidson 1930
Artesian Water Supply, Hastings and Pakipaki District P G Morgan 1927
Water Supplies, Hawke's Bay Montague Ongley 1937
Wairoa Headwaters - Protection or Natural Disaster Bernard Teague 1960
Floods in New Zealand, 1920-53 1957
Artesian Water Supply of Napier (with discussion) E A Williams 1920
Napier-Ahuriri Lagoon Lands (A Survey of Soils and Their Plant Associations), The Bernard C Aston 1933
Soil Conservation Studies Applied to Farming in Hawke's Bay - Part 1 - Investigations Into Run-off and Soil Loss Douglas A Campbell 1945
Soil Conservation Studies Applied to Farming in Hawke's Bay - Part 2 - Investigations Into Soil Erosion and Flooding Douglas A Campbell 1945
Soil Conservation Studies Applied to Farming in Hawke's Bay - Part 3 - Investigations Into Revegetation of Eroded Areas Douglas A Campbell 1946
Soil Conservation Studies Applied to Farming in Hawke's Bay - Part 4 - Influence of Farming on Soil Erosion Douglas A Campbell 1950
District Around Norsewood, The S H Cox 1882
Region IIIB - Wellington, Hawke's Bay Tertiary "Hill Country" Kenneth Brailey Cumberland 1944
Note on Some Betonitic Clays From Hawke's Bay L RL Dunn 1938
Classification of New Zealand Soils H T Ferrar 1928