Spanish Mission Hastings – Styles of Five Decades
Also published in paperback for Art Deco Trust, Napier, 1991.
Cosmos Publications, PO Box 5153, Napier
Peter Shaw, 1946 –
Peter Hallett, 1922-2007
Includes index, bibliographical references (p. [2], 2nd sequence)
0-908887-05-1 (paperback) 24 x 21cm
Second edition – Paperback, 80 pages, 24 x 21 cm, NZ, 2006
From the foreword to the 2nd edition –
The first edition appeared in 1991. In the 15 years since then awareness and appreciation of Hastings’ inner city buildings have increased markedly. Many of them had to be re-photographed because they have now been painted in carefully considered colour schemes which have enhanced and drawn attention to their character. Towns and small cities in new world countries are not known for their architecture, but Hastings, like Napier, is fortunate to have a townscape which relates to a particular era, with the cohesiveness and harmony that results. That these styles are seen in such concentration makes them even more remarkable and Hastings’ CBD has a richness which has for too long been under-valued.
Cover type
HardbackType of publication
22 x 25 cmOther Details
2 pages, illustrations (some colour), facsimiles, plans
Cosmos PublicationsYear published
First edition 1991, 2nd edition 2006Place of publication
NapierBibliography subjects
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