Tag: oral history

Griffiths' Footwear Centenary - Judy Breward

Guide to Duart House - Jim Watt and Anne Ford Anderson

Haliburton, James Roy (Jim) & Beatrice Beverley (Bev) Interview

Hamilton, June Interview

Hancock, John Stewart Interview

Hanna, Valda Fay (Fay) Interview

Hansen, Geoffrey Ronald (Geoff) Interview

Hantler, Lillian Dorothy Interview

Hapuku, Owen Jerry (Jerry) Interview

Harding, Timothy (Tim) John Interview

Harker, John Derek (Buster) Interview

Harper, Margaret Nell Interview

Harris, Margaret Jean and Maxwell Interview

Harris, Wakiterangi (Waa) Interview

Harrison, Lady Margaret Agnes Interview

Hartree, Thomas Roland (Tom) Interview

Harvey, William Jens (Jim) Interview

Hastie, Bruce Robert Interview

Hastings Municipal Theatre - Michael Fowler