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- 150 Years of Newsprint in Hawke's Bay 1857-2007
150 Years of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay 1857-2007
1985 1885
HBS Building Society congratulates Hawke’s Bay Today on 150 years of delivering news to our region – news including historic Hastings milestones such as:-
Hastings receiving City status
Hastings Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital established
Hastings Municipal Theatre constructed
Hastings sale yards opened
First winery in Hastings
First bicycle works in Hastings
First Watties factory in Hastings
For 122 years, HBS has created history
of its own:-
Enthusiastically delivering financial services since 1885 and still going strong
Helping thousands of people into their homes and businesses
Assisting numerous community groups and organisations through sponsorship grants
Seven past Board Chairmen of Hastings Building Society became Mayors of Hastings and Havelock North
Hastings Permanent Building and Investment Society was founded in 1885 in the Carlton Club Hotel. Only thirteen months prior, the Hastings Town Board was established, followed soon after by the Hastings Borough Council
HBS is proud to have shared in the shaping of Hawke’s Bay growth and prosperity, and still continues today to provide personalised services and competitive financial options for its customers.
“Spectacular HBS floats in Blossom Festivals”
[email protected]
(06) 872 7299
Hastings Building Society

Page 3
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Contents Page
Our time in Hawke’s Bay 5
A strong history in print 6-7
The Daily Telegraph 8-9
The Herald-Tribune 10-11
Behind The Daily Telegraph 12
Behind The Herald-Tribune 13
Disasters 14-17
The Daily Telegraph Editors 18
The Herald-Tribune Editors 19
Public Journals 20
Commercial Print Divisions 21
Changes In Ownership 22
The Merger – A new era 23-24
Messages 22-28
Editorial 29-31
Advertising Sales 32-33
Community Newspapers 34
Operations Team 35
Our Paper 36
Photography Team 38
APN Print Hastings 39-41
Circulation/Marketing 42-43
APN Print Central 45
Strong Relationships 47
Well drilling Engineers Established 1946
Years of experience in
Drilling and constructing water bores
Geotechnical and Auger holes
Environmental Drilling
Engineering & bore maintenance
All staff are dedicated and well trained in all aspects of drilling.
Photo captions –
The first workshop at Frank senior’s wool scouring yard. (Where St. John’s Ambulance are now.) 1946
Bayliss Bros’ first drilling rig at the top end of Oak Road, Taradale, 1946.
Bayliss Bros purchased a Keystone drilling rig in the late 1940’s.
The Gloucester Street workshop 1973, now HB Toyota
Bayliss Bros yard, December 2004
The new workshop, December 2005
Schramm T66H working in one of the more hazardous sites.
Another successful irrigation bore.
Hawke’s Bays’ oldest Serving and most experienced Drilling Company Phone 844 2167

Celebrating 130 Years
A Potted History of the Napier Cosmopolitan Club
The club was established on September 14th 1877 (130 years ago last week!) It is the oldest active Chartered Club in New Zealand.
The Club’s Queen’s Charter (liquor license) was granted in 1881. This is a unique license owned by only a handful of Clubs.
The membership has grown from 260 in 1877, when membership cost a shilling a month or £10 donation brought life membership. Current membership is over 2,000 and fees $35 per year. (In 1992 membership was 1106 and subs $78!)
The Club has bounced back from adverse times. It was completely destroyed in the earthquake of 1931. When it moved to the present Marine Parade premises in 1987, it got into financial difficulties and was nearly bankrupt by 1992. However by the mid-nineties it was recovering well and being recognized as a leader in innovation and new ideas and continues to prosper under astute governance, high standards from employees and good attendance by members.
The Clubs governance includes a Board of Directors and Management Committee. It operates as two businesses, with the restaurant company formed in 2003 a separate identity and open to the public.
For the greatest part of the Club’s history it was a mans’ domain, but this all changed in the late 1980’s when females were admitted and now make up 25% of the membership.
Long gone are the days when Clubs were just drinking dens – today they are social centers where sports, families and friends and social activities have become an integral and necessary part.
The Club has played its part in the City well, and takes part in community or charity projects and is always certain of achieving a sympathetic hearing. With it’s high membership it can speak with authority and respect on local issues.
Club enjoys revival in interest
The Napier Cosmopolitan Club is going from strength to strength, enjoying a revival of interest from members.
The Board’s Report for the period ending 31st August shows a continued increase in membership – up to 2012. Beverages and food have been a fundamental part of the clubs reason for being in existence in the past, but the trend has been noticeably changing over the last decade. New and younger members are a different breed and appear to join clubs for the different activities and special occasions that are promoted, and also the safe and friendly environment. Shows and other promoted activities are generally well supported. We have two great shows coming up in October, so mark your calendar for the Country/Hypno Show starring Internationally acclaimed Guy Cater and direct from Nashville the awesome Kevin Greaves. This is followed by the fabulous Emerald Brothers Tribute Show to the stars on Friday 26th October.
The significant renovations that have taken place as part at our “master plan” introduced in 2002 has ensured we have kept abreast at the competition and able to compete confidently. We are currently updating that plan with the former bottle store site that has been empty for a few years the focus of attention and a possible retail site. We also released a concept at the recent AGM advising some startling new plans tor the café/bistro and gaming areas.
Photo captions –
1. 1900
2. Tin shack temporarily used by the Cossie Club after the 1931 earthquake
3. Club site in 1932, a year after the earthquake
4. 1977 Club from Emerson St and
5. from Dickens Street (the club occupied the entire site until moving to Marine Parade in 1987).
Napier Cosmopolitan Club
Restaurant & Function Centre
Full catering & bar service available.
Stage & changing room facilities, catering for up to 300
Weddings, Engagements, Birthdays, Christmas parties, Private Functions & Conferences
For further information on that special event contact Operations Manager:
Jamie Flett
phone: 8351 158 ext 2
mobile/text: 0274827133
email: [email protected]
Become A Member
As part of our 130-years celebrations, we are giving four months FREE membership to new members during September and October.
That’s membership until March 2009!
Visit the club at 173 Marine Parade or go to our website [www].napiercosmopolitanclub.co.nz
and download an application form.
Subscription fees $35 ($20 for partners)
Family Restaurant
The 2nd level Family Restaurant is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday and children are welcome. Bookings are essential particularly Friday – and Saturday evenings.
The club also caters for large group bookings (weddings, birthdays, socials, etc) in the adjacent function centre.
The Bistro in the Marine Parade Lounge Bar is open Tuesday to Sunday, including lunch on Saturday and Sunday.
More info?
For more information on the clubs dining & catering operations contact the Restaurant Manager:
Jamie Flett
phone 8351 158 ext 2
mobile/text 0274827133
email [email protected]
The Napier Cosmopolitan Club 173 Marine Parade [www].napiercosmopolitanclub.co.nz

Page 5
First newspaper printed in Hawke’s Bay
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Our Time In Hawke’s Bay
The publication of Hawke’s Bay’s first newspaper in 1857, only the third in New Zealand’s short history, signalled a milestone in the establishment of the region’s identity.
The first European settler, William Colenso, had arrived just 13 years before and the area was still very much frontier territory. Its settler population was far outweighed by livestock, but exporting was already underway with around 900 bales of wool shipped in 1856, and there was lively trade between the settlers and the approximately 1100 Maori living along the coast.
Government Land Purchase Commissioner Donald McLean, ambitious for the district, then called Ahuriri, and keen to see it a province independent of Wellington, recognised the role a newspaper would play in progress. Working with merchant Thomas Fitzgerald, he encouraged newspaperman James Wood to come to Hawke’s Bay and establish a local printed mouthpiece.
Wood, an Australian-born Scot and former Melbourne newspaper sub-editor, had arrived in New Zealand with his family in 1851 and worked on the Southern Cross newspaper in Auckland. Among the luggage loaded aboard the steamer Wonga Wonga that carried the Woods family to Napier in August 1857, was a small hand-operated Albion press, the type, ink and paper Wood needed to set up business.
He didn’t waste time. Fitzgerald provided premises; a small wooden store at Port of Napier (probably in Waghorne Street) became the Herald General Printing Office, and on 24 September 1857 the first issue of the Hawke’s Bay Herald and Ahuriri Advocate appeared.
It was just four laboriously hand-printed pages long; the circulation was tiny, around 200 copies, and distribution was by horse, coach, post and canoe, but from the start it played the newspaper’s traditional role, highlighting the day’s issues, providing opinion and an advertising vehicle for businesses.
The front page, in then-current style, devoted its four wide columns to advertising. Conditions might be basic but Ahuriri people it seems went without little. Napier general merchant John Alexander called attention to a list of goods ranging from crushed loaf sugar, Honey Dew tobacco, candles, Wybrow pint pickles in two-dozen cases, London bottled vinegar and Liverpool soap to brandy, champagne, cherry cordial, ale and stout. He could supply Sydney-made drays, American ploughs, Stockholm tar, white lead paint, nails and assorted horseshoes, blankets for 10 shillings and four pence, blue serge shirts and cord trousers.
Other drapers in Auckland promised greater refinements; shooting coats, black cloth dress and walking coats, satin velvet hats, tweed trousers, and muslin, cashmere and other dress materials “in great variety”. Fellow Auckland businessmen proclaimed themselves auctioneers of land, horses, cattle and sheep, buyers of wheat, or suppliers of paper mache [papier mâché] jewellery, iron bedsteads, saddlery, solar lamps, writing desks and dressing gowns, all orders “promptly forwarded and executed with utmost despatch”.
Shipping companies announced frequent Auckland to London passenger and freight services on some of the “finest and fastest vessels afloat”, “commanded by skilful and experienced captains”.
Inside, the newspaper reported settlers’ calls for military protection and their demand for “imperial troops to guard the European community against the present disorder, if not impending calamity, of Maori strife”.
During the next year the Herald appeared weekly on Saturday mornings and took a lead in campaigning for the separation of Hawke’s Bay from Wellington, a campaign that ended on 1 November 1858 with the gazetting of an Order in Council establishing Hawke’s Bay as a province.
Wood was appointed the new provincial administration’s printer, and the Herald, dropping the Ahuriri Advocate part of its title, embarked on its second year as the province’s official newspaper.
Photo captions –
The Herald Office in Tennyson Street in 1859
The first Hawke’s Bay newspaper was printed at Ahuriri, next to the Commercial Hotel, in the shed at the extreme right
Publication Manager – Jillene Seddon Researcher and Writer – Christine Fallwell Publication Designer -Adam Harris
Hawke’s Bay Newspapers are proud to celebrate 150 Years of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay. We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this commemorative publication:
Laraine Knight – Historian/author of First Impressions – the History of Printing in Hawke’s Bay.
Laraine allowed us to utilise her comprehensive research to publish this historical publication.
Print Hawke’s Bay Ltd – Publishers and Brebner Print Ltd – Printers of First Impressions – the History of Printing in Hawke’s Bay.
Editorial contributors – Linda Andrews, Tania McCauley, Jim Eagles.
Hawke’s Bay Newspapers Sales team, Graphic Artists and the Operations team.
Past Commercial Print Managers – J F (Bob) Johncock and James Morgan
Previous staff contributors – Max Botherway and Ron Hall
Photo caption – Hawke’s Bay Newspapers photographers and First Impressions
Projects Co-Ordinator – Theresa Hutchison
Page 6
Seat of government transferred from Auckland to Wellington
Native Land court established
A Strong History In Print
At one year old, the Hawke’s Bay Herald and Ahuriri Advocate, Hawke’s Bay’s first newspaper, had outgrown the former warehouse in Ahuriri where it began and moved to purpose-built premises in Tennyson Street.
A photo of the area shows the new Herald offices as one of a lonely smattering buildings facing a bare tussock-covered expanse at the foot of Bluff Hill. By the standards of its distant neighbours, the Herald’s multi-paned twin-windowed frontage was grand, a reflection perhaps of the newspaper’s significance in the fledgling settlement. The population of Napier at the time was about 340 people in 79 households and the whole Ahuriri district, still governed by Wellington province, had just 7000 people, split evenly, Maori and pakeha.
The move to the new building, completed just as the Herald published the final issue of its first year at the end of September, 1858, occasioned delays in publishing two issues and profuse apologies: “The removal of a printing office, at all times a processing [process] involving much trouble, has proved especially so in Napier from the limited means of carriage and the impossibility of procuring the necessary assistance.”
A year later, in November 1858, Hawke’s Bay’s establishment as a separate province, for which the Herald-Advocate had campaigned, prompted a simplification of the newspaper’s name to Hawke’s Bay Herald.
It acquired the status of being the province’s official newspaper, and another year on, with extra staff and equipment, went from four to six pages an issue. Photos from the early 1860s show the building had been added to; it was now two-storeys, a book and stationary warehouse at street level and the Herald Office above. In 1861, publication went from weekly to bi-weekly, on Tuesday and Saturday mornings, and in 1862 the acquisition of a revolutionary cylinder press allowed the introduction of a second colour, used first in a display advertisement.
In 1871, founder James Wood sold the Herald to four employees, editor William Carlile, Thomas Morrison, Peter Dinwiddie and Richard Walker. That year, facing competition from the newly-launched Daily Telegraph, the Herald became a daily. By 1886 it was four to eight pages long, the expansion no doubt assisted by the introduction in 1879 of a three-and-a-half horsepower gas engine to drive the press, making it possible to print 1500 copies an hour, a roughly six-fold increase on the hand press with which Woods had started.
18 December 1886, disaster struck The again-expanded building was one of 26 destroyed by a fire which, fanned by strong wind, raced through Napier in minutes. The building which replaced it on the same site was substantial; a two-storeyed brick and stone building with ornamental roof parapet, it became one of the first to install electricity when it became available in Hawke’s Bay in 1888.
The paper was now printing about 2500 copies daily, a process requiring day and night shifts, and machines so weighty it was necessary to stagger start-up or the entire building would vibrate.
Photo captions –
James Wood (1822-1875)
Tennyson Street, showing extensions at rear of building c 1870
Tennyson Street premises prior to the 1886 fire
Hawke’s Bay Realties
working for you
The Directors and staff of Hawke’s Bay Realties are proud and passionate about their region, acknowledging the support received throughout 150 years of newsprint in
Hawke’s Bay
bringing the finest of world cinema to Hawke’s Bay audiences since 1990.
We’re equipped with star [state]-of-the-art film and sound equipment for the greater enjoyment of patrons
The Century, home of the Napier International Film Festival since 1994 and the Italian Film Festival since 2002 (This year 14-28 November).
The Century is the only locally owned and operated cinema in the Napier/Hastings area – now in its 18th year.
All profits assist the Hawke’s Bay Museum & Art Gallery.
We join in celebrating 150 years of newsprint.
We’ve been advertising on newsprint since we started, firstly in the Daily Telegraph and Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune and then Hawke’s Bay Today since it was first published.
Page 8
First issue of The Daily Telegraph published
The Daily Telegraph
An advertisement for the Daily Telegraph in 1881 proclaims the one-penny paper as having the largest circulation by many hundreds of any newspaper on the North Island’s east coast.
This notable status gives no hint of the paper’s shaky beginnings just 10 years before. The first issue, published 1 February 1871, had a circulation somewhere in the 100s, and before the Telegraph was a year old, its ownership company, had collapsed under financial difficulties.
Some attributed the swift demise to the paper’s forthright stance on political issues. It was founded as a voice for liberalism and called for the partition of the large land blocks which were regarded as a barrier to enterprising small settlers.
Editor and managing director Richard Halkett Lord, a witty, former London journalist, certainly suffered for his opinions. In August 1871, he was horsewhipped in the street by a solicitor he had described as “a bad egg”. Summoned to court, the angry solicitor pleaded provocation and, to the applause of the courtroom’s public, was fined only two shillings.
When the founding company collapsed, four original shareholders, none of them journalists, came to the Telegraph’s rescue. One, Edward Knowles, a merchant from Kent, England, eventually became sole proprietor in 1891 and with his business skills, the Telegraph developed into a progressive provincial newspaper.
In opposition to the earlier-founded Hawke’s Bay Herald, the Daily Telegraph was an evening paper, hand typeset and hand-printed, first at small, veranda-fronted premises on Hastings Street. Four pages long, five columns per page and originally selling for 2p, it was dominated by advertising, but in coming years was to cover key issues of the day, such as Napier’s need for a breakwater harbour, the development of reclamation, river control, the east coast railway and Waikaremoana’s hydro stations.
Besides outliving the Hawke’s Bay Herald which eventually merged with the Hastings-based Hawke’s Bay Tribune to become the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune, the Daily Telegraph survived several smaller competitors in Napier, among them the Hawke’s Bay Times, published 1861 to 1874, the Star which was established to support politician Sir George Grey and lasted only six weeks, and a later daily, the Evening News and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser which ran from 1885 to 1897.
Knowles’ proprietorship however also faced its trials. Napier’s ‘great fire’ of December 1886, destroyed the Telegraph’s offices, then in Tennyson Street. Low water pressure prevented the fire brigade saving the building, but publication went on nevertheless. Printer Robert Harding lent the paper the use of his office and a small newssheet was printed on an old press that had withstood the fire. A day after the fire, work began on new premises on the same site as those destroyed and these were to last through a further period of growth under a partnership of four Auckland newspapermen to whom Knowles sold in 1908.
Photo captions –
Hastings Street premises c 1871
The new Daily Telegraph office built after the 1886 fire
The Daily Telegraph office after the fire of 1886
The new office built after the 1931 Earthquake
Since 1936
Fashion for the discerning
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Page 10
Boer War begins
New Zealand becomes a Dominion
The Herald-Tribune
Lofty ideals and pragmatic business interests combined in the establishment of a new newspaper for Hastings in 1910, and provided the foundation of what was to be the town’s key printed news vehicle for the next 89 years.
In its first issue, on 12 December 1910, the Hawke’s Bay Tribune announced it stood for “broad general principles… not tied to any political party”. Its columns were to be “a medium for free discussion… and open to all so long as there is anything to be said worth saying… As the tribunes in ancient Rome were appointed to see justice done, so it will be our endeavour to secure equal treatment for all.”
These high principles were underpinned by the concerns of business leaders who realised the importance of a strong newspaper to Hastings’ progress.
The new Hawke’s Bay Tribune incorporated the Hastings Standard, the town’s second newspaper. Successor to the bi-weekly Hastings Star and Advertiser which began in 1886 and lasted only two years, the Standard had been launched in April 1896 by two young Greymouth newspapermen, William Arnott and Anthony Cashion. With two newspapers, the Hawke’s Bay Herald and Daily Telegraph, already well-established, the Standard’s early years were difficult, but in 1907, after a series of owners, including William Hart whose name was long-associated with printing in Hastings, it was bought by two Taranaki men, Alfred Carncross and William Whitlock.
The latter envisaged the Standard becoming one of New Zealand’s leading provincial papers. He had the original office in Station Street (later Russell Street) dragged by traction engine along to Karamu Road. The journalists continued working inside on the way and spent a winter in a rough scrim and tarpaulin shelter as new premises were added next door on the corner of Queen Street, but saw their hardships rewarded with growing circulation until by 1910, new premises and plant were needed for further expansion.
Here Hawke’s Bay frozen meat industry pioneer William Nelson stepped in, promising assistance finding finance for a new paper. Although never directly involved himself, he gathered the interest of several farmers, and suggested the paper’s name Hawke’s Bay Tribune. Among the principal shareholders were his son George Nelson, John and T Mason Chambers, big Havelock North landowners and Whitlock who was to be editor, and who is generally acknowledged as largely responsible for its early progress.
On 28 August 1911, eight months after its launch, the Tribune moved into a new, two-storeyed brick building on the Queen Street-Karamu Road comer. Its equipment was the best available and in 1926 there were further advances with the installation of a three-deck rotary-printer and modern stereotyping machinery.
Progress was stalled by Hawke’s Bay’s 1931 earthquake which damaged plant and so weakened the Tribune building that the top floor was later removed. However, with the help of printer Percy George, a small daily newssheet was produced until full publication resumed 13 days later.
The Tribune’s Napier rival, the Hawke’s Bay Herald, was less fortunate. Its building was destroyed and it accepted an offer from the Tribune to handle printing on its behalf. However, the Herald never fully recovered and in 1932 its ownership company merged with the Hastings paper’s to form Hawke’s Bay Newspapers Ltd. The two papers continued independent publication until 1937 when the Herald ceased and the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune was born.
Photo captions –
The Hawke’s Bay Tribune Napier branch office
The Hawke’s Bay Tribune corner of Queen Street and Karamu Road, with the printing works on the left
The Herald-Tribune building after the removal of the top story
Nimon & Sons Ltd – Nimbus Services Ltd
Bus and Coach Services to the public since 1905
Martin Place, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay
Phone: (06) 877 8133 Fax: (06) 877 8996
Proud to be supplying and servicing Industry and the People of Hawke’s Bay with
Hydraulics and Water blasting needs
for over 20 years
Hulena Hydraulics, 609 Hastings St North, Hastings
t 06 878 6646 f 06 878 6638 e [email protected]
Page 11
Queen Victoria dies
Boer War ends
[newspaper part page]
The Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune Coronation and Hastings Borough Jubilee Number Friday, May 7, 1937.
[newspaper part page]
Page 12
NZ rugby team tours England & became know as the All Blacks
James Wattie establishes Watties Canneries
Behind The Daily Telegraph
Just six men, five from one family, guided the business interests of the Daily Telegraph for more than a century as it served a growing seaport town, survived the ravages of earthquake, depression and world wars and reported on one of the fastest-changing periods in human history.
The first was Edward Knowles. He had been part of the company which founded the newspaper in 1871 and, with three fellow original shareholders, took over when that company collapsed within its first year.
The most actively involved of the new owners, Knowles was a versatile entrepreneur who had arrived in New Zealand from Kent, England in 1856 and the following year in Hawke’s Bay where he later owned stores in Clive and Wairoa, and developed the angled cross-street subdivision in Hastings that became known as Knowles’ Folly for its divergence from the town’s dominant grid pattern.
Knowles put the Telegraph on its feet, so that within 10 years it was advertised as the largest-circulation newspaper on the North Island’s east coast. Leading the paper through a second major crisis, the destruction of its premises in the 1886 Napier fire, Knowles became sole owner soon afterwards and built the paper into a thriving business.
When he retired in 1908, he sold to four Auckland newspapermen, Henry Brett and Thomson Leys of the Auckland Star, and William Geddis and William Blomfield of the New Zealand Observer. Geddis, born in Ireland and educated in Auckland, became managing director, beginning the three-generation family succession that the Daily Telegraph Company for the next 82 years.
He was succeeded in 1919 by his son Trevor Geddis, who in 1929 also became editor. He’d worked his way through the industry, first as an apprentice printer, then a journalist, sub-editor, and parliamentary press gallery reporter. With his brother Clifton, also a director and the company secretary, he saw the paper face another milestone challenge in 1931 when, within two days of celebrating its diamond jubilee, its offices were destroyed in the Hawke’s Bay earthquake.
Trevor Geddis retired as editor in 1951 and as managing director five years later, when his son Brian took on the role, holding it until 1981. He was followed by his cousin and former company secretary John Geddis who continued as manager after the Geddis family sold its interest in 1982 and the Daily Telegraph and Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune ownership merged as Hawke’s Bay News Company Ltd.
The long period of Geddis family managership encompassed some major changes in the Daily Telegraph and newspapers generally. It saw the paper go from being printed on two slow Wharfdale machines which often did not complete the day’s printing until 7pm, to the introduction in 1977 of a semi-computerised offset system, then one of the most modern in the world, which allowed the use of high quality full-colour illustration. It saw the arrival of the first women production staff and journalists, the introduction of process colour photography in 1978, and a steady expansion which by the late 1970s took daily circulation to more than 18,500.
Photo captions –
W J Geddis MLC (1860-1926)
T M Geddis OBE (1891-1970)
C S Geddis (1895-1953)
Brian Geddis (1921-1988)
John Geddis (1935- )
Page 13
First issue of the Hawke’s Bay Tribune is printed
NZ’s population reaches 1 million
Behind The Herald-Tribune
Typical of newspapers last century, the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune’s history is dominated by the leadership of a single family, by men who switched easily between the seats of manager and editor, by men whose often strong personalities left as their legacy not just a successful newspaper, but also a fund of personal stories as lively as those on which the paper reported.
The first of the breed was William Whitlock who was a principal shareholder in the company that founded the Herald-Tribune’s predecessor, the Hawke’s Bay Tribune in 1910. His introduction to the industry to which he was to make an important contribution came via his mother-in-law whose example as founder of West Coast weekly persuaded Whitlock that newspapers offered better prospects than the farm work he’d done since emigrating from England in 1886.
After running Taranaki’s Egmont Settler, in 1907 Whitlock and a business friend bought the Hastings Standard which three years later was incorporated in the newly formed Hawke’s Bay Tribune.
As managing-editor of the Tribune, he established strong principles of editorial freedom which he passed onto his son William (Bill) when he retired in 1933. Again a managing-editor, Bill Whitlock had a background in both aspects of the industry, having been company secretary and accountant with the Auckland Star, and later a senior journalist there and at other main centre dailies.
In 1926 he oversaw the merger of the Hawke’s Bay Tribune with the Hawke’s Bay Herald and continued to lead the newly formed Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune on twin editorial-managerial fronts until 1958 when he handed the editorship to his son Tony, while remaining as managing director for another 18 years.
Bill was known for his dichotomous personality; a stickler for accuracy and grammar, he could vent his wrath over minor errors then let considerable indiscretions go unchallenged; physically big with a sometimes-aggressive manner he could also display great kindness to staff in difficulty.
His successor as managing-director was Ted Webber who had been editor since 1961 when Bill’s intervention to wipe a news story from the paper prompted an angry Tony to walk out. Webber had been an official Second World War correspondent, was known for his witty writing and in an earlier position at the Rotorua Morning Post, had been one of New Zealand’s youngest editors.
He resigned the editorship of the Herald Tribune in 1976 to become managing director, and retiring a year later, was followed by Keith Stinson, first as general manager, then in 1979 as managing director. Stinson continued in the position after the Herald-Tribune and Daily Telegraph merged in 1982 forming a public company, Hawke’s Bay News Co Ltd and retired in 1986, two years after the Hawke’s Bay company was taken over by Brierley empire’s New Zealand News.
Photo captions –
W C Whitlock (1865-1946)
Bill Whitlock (1891-1977)
Tony Whitlock (1918-2002)
Ted Webber (1910-1983)
Keith Stinson OBE (1926 – )
Page 15
WW1 ends
Hawke’s Bay Earthquake kills 256
With the co-operation of Messrs. Ball and Co.
A Catastrophe
Napier, overtaken by the worst catastrophe that has ever occurred in New Zealand, has been levelled, the disaster bringing with it a death roll which cannot yet be assured. An earthquake of almost unimaginable severity, which reached the city at 10.50 am. yesterday, razing the buildings in the business section and leaving the homes in the residential area twisted and broken, was followed by disastrous fire which was driven through the stricken business area by a strong south-easterly wind from the most dangerous quarter-the sea.
It is impossible at present to define the number which the death-roll will reach. Not for days, until the debris of such buildings as the Nurses’ Home at the Public Hospital, the Technical College and St. John’s Cathedral where many are believed to have been trapped, has been cleared and thoroughly searched, will the extent to which human life has suffered be known.
Without the slightest warning, the shook overtook the city, and after rocking it for about one minute, left it ruined; Thousands of people who were indoors fled into the streets, where broken masonry and fallen telegraph poles heaped up in an enormous barricade temporarily blocking egress to the more open and safer spaces.
’Quakes continued to shake the city throughout the night and to-day and many people whose curiosity and awe draws them to the most affected area to survey the wreckage expose themselves to unnecessary danger from the possibility of the unsupported skeleton and walls of buildings crashing to the ground, and liberating fires which have remained concealed.
Hastings has been laid waste to almost the same extent at Napier, and here also there is no chance of assessing the death rate at the present. All the main brick buildings in the town, including the Grand Hotel and Messrs. Roach’s premises, have been levelled to the ground. Several deaths occurred in the former building and it is impossible to estimate the numbers of those who met their death in Roach’s, numbers of employees and customers being trapped as the building collapsed. Fire damage was not so extensive in Hastings as it was in Napier. Seventeen deaths occurred in Taradale.
Water closets MUST NOT be used.
Use Bucket and bury or dig pit in garden.
The Death Roll
The death roll around the district already numbers well over 50 identified and numbers unidentified or missing. The list is as follows :
Miss Meta Dewes, of Napier
Mr. Val Harrison, of Napier
Mr. Alf. Bonner, of Napier
Nurse Nancy Thorne-George, of Napier
Mrs. L.T. Bisson, of Napier
Nurse Eileen Williams, of Napier
Miss Eileen Brandon, of Napier
Mr. Jack Shirley, of Napier
Nurse Stone, of Napier
Nurse Staines, of Napier
Nurse Insoll, of Napier
Sister Mitchell, of Napier
Nurse Kadell, of Napier
Mrs. C. Bickerstaff, of Napier
Master Irvine Stead, of Napier
Mrs. Mendelssohn, of Napier
Mr. J. Stevens, of Napier
Mr. Taggett, of Napier
Mrs. T. Barry, senr., Napier
Miss Leah Bennett, of Napier
Master Anderson, of the Napier Technical College
Two more Technical College boys at present unidentified
Father Gondringer, Hastings
Father Boyle, Greenmeadows
Mr. J. H. Colebourne, of Hastings
William Stevenson, of Mosgiel
Mr. Alexander Devonport, of Fendalton
Mr. Vincent Carmody, of Wanganui
Mr. James Doogan, of Greymouth
Mr. Leanard Mangor, of Timaru
Mrs. Susan Orr, of Taradale
Patricia Paul, Taradale, aged 8
Irleen Dunn, of Taradale, aged 7
Dennis Kitson, of Taradale, aged 7
William Archibald Pollock, of Greenmeadows, aged 8.
Mr. Ernest Howard, of Taradale
Elizabeth Jeffares, of Taradale.
Sister Ignatius, of Greenmeadows
Mr. Thomas Gill, of Hastings
Mrs. Hoolighan, of Hastings
Mrs. Murray and infant, of Hastings
Mr. John Ross, of Hastings
The following inmates of Parke Island Old Men’s Home are dead:-
Andrew Watson
James Saunders
Daniel Stewart
John Henry Watson
Edward Cotton
Michael Cassidy
Charles Skinner
John Dwyer
John Rae
Gilbert Brown
Edward Hansen
John McKenzie
Arthur Watson
William Cameron
The Very Rev. Dean Brocklehurst
Mr. E.C. Main, J.P.
Mr. S.H. Hole
Mr. D. Romberg
Mr. K. Cutfield
Miss G. Cutfield
Mr. A.E. Lawry
Mr. F. Jane
Miss D. Phillery
Page 16
Air Services begin across Cook Strait
Free education becomes available to all under the age of 19
Fire, Earthquake and War
Fire, earthquake and war the first 60 years of Hawke’s Bay’s newspapers were marked by disasters local and international, and as the papers suffered alongside their communities, they also frequently played a strategic role in recovery efforts.
On 18 December 1886, fire ripped down Napier’s Tennyson Street, showing no favouritism in selecting its victims. The fire, which began in a warehouse, was fanned by a strong northerly, the fire brigade, hampered by low water pressure could do little to stop it and the offices of the town’s two rival newspapers, the Hawke’s Bay Herald and Daily Telegraph were among the 26 buildings destroyed.
It was a significant setback for both; the Herald had made substantial additions to plant and premises and at the height of the blaze, employees rushed out carrying cases of type, documents… anything they could save. The cost of the replacement offices, a substantial brick and stone building erected on the same site near the Church Lane corner, was $5000.
The Telegraph also rebuilt on its fire-razed site, making a start within three days. It had resumed publishing the day before, producing a small newssheet at the premises of printer Robert Harding.
The first issue reported it was “printed on one of the old machines that stood Saturday’s fire, with a piece of calico for a cover. Crowds were attracted to witness the novel printing on the ruins of the conflagration”.
Progress continued and on 1 February 1931 the Telegraph celebrated its diamond jubilee, hiring a steam train to take staff and families to a sports day and picnic at Ellis Wallace Road, Eskdale.
Two days later, their newly re-modelled and solid-looking offices were in ruins, flattened by the 7.9 Richter-scale earthquake that struck Hawke’s Bay mid-morning on 3 February. Several staff were trapped inside, one was killed a young printer outside between two adjoining buildings was crushed in the falling rubble.
The linotype press, one of the most modern of any of New Zealand’s provincial newspapers, was reduced to a tangled wreck, but again the Telegraph rallied. Editor Trevor Geddis arranged the use of Ball and Co’s printing offices and on 4 February, the first of eight daily news bulletins appeared, printed on a treadle operated hand press. The bulletins, the only source of official information, were a vital means of communication in the devastated town.
A few days later, when Ball’s offices were declared unsafe, the Telegraph moved again, this time taking refuge in a play shed at Te Awa School, where it worked for almost three weeks before relocating to speedily-erected temporary premises on the comer of Vautier and Dalton streets. It was back in full production on 23 February but faced several more shifts, first to ‘Tintown’ Clive Square, then the since-
demolished Marist Hall, before being back in permanent premises two years later. These, the much-admired art deco building designed by EA Williams, were heavily reinforced against earthquakes.
The Hawke’s Bay Herald, its offices also destroyed, proved less resilient and its days as a Napier printed paper ended with the acceptance of Hastings’ Hawke’s Bay Tribune’s offer to print on its behalf. A few months later the two papers’ ownership companies combined and although the Herald continued as a separate publication until 1937, it eventually merged with the Hastings paper to establish the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune.
Like the Telegraph, the Tribune lost one staff member in the ’quake, although not in the newspaper offices.
Chief reporter Arthur (Darby) Ryan was killed leaving Hastings Post Office when the large clock fell on him from two storeys above.
The Tribune’s Karamu Road-Queen Street corner offices were badly shaken, the upper storey housing the commercial offices becoming so unstable it was later removed. Staff salvaged the damaged press and two linotype machines, and with 30 ‘extras’ employed for the reconstruction effort, re-established operations in a temporary iron shed.
Meanwhile, printer Percy George collaborated in the production of a newssheet providing important public information such as casualty lists and evacuation, salvage, sanitary and safety instructions The first appeared on 5 February, handset and printed on a treadle machine, and by the 11th and last issue, circulation was over 1700. On 16 February, the normal four-page paper was back on the streets.
The following 15 or so years brought other challenges for the Bay’s newspapers, first the Depression and then the Second World War, which saw staff leave to join the forces, and newsprint and other necessary materials rationed, so that the Herald-Tribune for example, was reduced from its usual 12 to 6 pages, to six. Paradoxically, the international tragedy provided opportunities to add new visual interest to newspapers with dramatic photos from war correspondents overseas.
With THE CO-OPERATION OF Messrs. Ball and Co
People seeking missing friends or relatives are requested to immediately inform the Police at Headquarters in Byron Street.
After the quake about midnight last night, fire broke out in two locations, on the Bluff Hill, and at Napier South. The blaze on the Bluff at the residence of Mr. Jenkinson, Seapoint Road, was caused through a copper in which a fire had been lighted, falling to pieces. The outbreak was a big one and menaced the whole of Seapoint Road, but sailors and marines were rushed up from the warships and did splendid work, digging down a bank to the blaze and crushing out the flames. The warships played their searchlights on to the scene of the fire, to aid operations. The blaze in Kennedy Road was subdued through the good efforts of the Napier Fire Brigade, who had water to aid them.
Five hundred people, mostly women and children, were evacuated this morning by train, bound for Palmerston North. Included in this number were the children from the Hawke’s Bay Children’s home.
The public were expressly warned against the grave danger attending the leaving of lighted candles in their homes during a ’quake. All lights should be at once extinguished on account of the fire risk.
The Napier Ministers’ Association have arranged for a united church service to be held in Clive Square at the Cenotaph on Sunday Morning at 11 o’clock. If the weather is unfavourable the service will be held in the Congregational Church, which is undamaged.
The funerals of the victims of the disaster who have been identified, with some unidentified, were held yesterday at Napier and Hastings. Fifty more people were buried in the Napier Cemetery and 49 were buried at Hastings.
SANITARY: Please secure advice on Sanitary Matters if you wish to assist in stopping the outbreak of disease.
Wash in sea for present. Report to Borough Office if no water.
Looting is absolutely forbidden as is illegal trespass. The naval and marine guards are armed and will shoot on sight where looting occurs.
Quite a large team of medical Officers and health inspectors have divided the city into the flats and the hills, with medical officers of health in charge of each district. Two other officers are in control of water distribution, and testing of water supplies.
Be careful of foodstuffs and flies.
We repeat the need for scrupulous cleanliness and also for destroying rubbish either by burning or burying, especially that liable to decompose.
The authorities at Nelson Park are doing wonderful work in getting women and children away by road and rail. Application for means to leave the city should be made at once to authorities at the park.
The authorities have taken steps to stop all northward bound traffic at the Ashurst Bridge, on the main road, and ensure that no tourists, sightseers, or other unnecessary traffic will enter the stricken area.
A very dangerous practice that should not be proceeded with, that of lighting fires in stoves that are now minus chimneys, has been much in evidence, particularly yesterday. In one instance a man climbed on to his roof and rebuilt his chimney with house bricks, after which he lit a fire. Marines had to be called in before he would extinguish it.
The Public Works Department has called for applications for labour for restabilising the essential functions of the city. All able-bodied men are being retained in the city for rehabilitation purposes and will not be permitted to leave unless in possession of a special permit.
It is most unwise to light fires inside houses, and any lit in gardens for cooking purposes must be extinguished before citizens go to sleep at night.
All able-bodied men willing to assist the authorities are requested to attend at the Police Headquarters, Byron Street, immediately.
Patrols are wanted, also men for clearing the streets.
The town is being divided into eleven districts, each to be searched by a leader with ten men, in order to take a census. All returns are to be in by 3p.m. today and any person not registered by that time is to report to the Borough Council office.
John Booth, aged 13, or anyone knowing his whereabouts, is to report at once to Mrs. Falconer at the Hastings Racecourse Hospital.
Boy Scouts are wanted urgently. All available should report to the Borough Council Offices.
Printed by the Daily Telegraph Co., Ltd, at Te Awa School.
Photo captions –
The Daily Telegraph office after the fire of 1886
The temporary office of The Daily Telegraph in Vaulter Street after the 1931 earthquake
The Victory Rotary Press reconditioned after the 1931 earthquake
Page 17
WWII begins
The Cities rebuild
Hawke’s Bay’s cataclysmic 1931 earthquake represents a turning point in the province’s history, due not just to the scale of the disaster itself, but also its coincidence with major international events.
As the dust settled on the rubble, and Hawke’s Bay began rebuilding, its mood mixed optimism and despair, optimism at the opportunity to create modern cities which led to the adoption of the art deco and Spanish Mission-style architecture fashionable overseas, and despair as the effects of the worldwide economic depression that began in 1929, hit.
Even with plentiful work on new buildings and repairing damaged infrastructure, unemployment soured and as farm incomes collapsed, many farmers were forced off their land, adding to the tide of itinerants walking the province in search of a few hours or days work. The government, bent on a conservative balancing-the-books policy, aggravated the situation, cash-strapped local authorities could provide little relief and it wasn’t until Michael Savage’s Labour government swept to power in 1935 that things began to improve.
Public works projects such as forest-planting, housing and road construction were implemented, dairy products received guaranteed prices, and state-funded social security was introduced. Napier and Hastings began to expand for the first time in years, only to have progress falter again from the effects of the Second World War.
Although farm products, much-needed by the allied forces, earned high prices, there were serious scarcities of imported industrial raw materials, food was in short supply and rationed, and working-age people enlisting in the military services, left the labour force depleted.
Against the background of fear over possible Japanese invasion that prompted blackout regulations and the construction of air-raid shelters in Hastings and bunkers along the coastline, Hawke’s Bay contributed to the war effort. Napier port became an important supply centre for the Pacific warzone, patriotic societies organised relief parcels for POWs, and the government’s increase production scheme saw unemployed men grow crops on a 40-acre block in Napier, the profits from sales going to patriotic causes.
The war over, recovery wasn’t immediate but when it came it was impressive. The 1950s and 1960s brought New Zealand prosperity and Hawke’s Bay boomed. Primary product prices were high and new technologies such as top-dressing boosted production, infrastructure developed with significant injections of government and local authority funding, and industry experienced a burst of development. In Hastings that meant expansion in food processing in parallel with increasing fruit and vegetable production on the surrounding plains; in Napier it meant development of light industries in the new Onekawa industrial zone, and the growth of the port to become by1950, New Zealand’s third largest by export value.
New suburbs sprung up in both cities, Windsor and Parkvale in Hastings, Onekawa, Maraenui and Pirimai in Napier. Public amenities such as the Marine Parade gardens and Hastings’ Fantasyland were developed. In 1961 Hawke’s Bay’s main airport acquired a new terminal, followed later by a new runway, and the subsequent decade saw the first multi-storeyed buildings constructed in the Bay’s twin cities.
The excitement of progress was reflected in changing lifestyles. Most families could afford to own a home, a car, and live well, enjoying leisure time with sports and outings such as the famous ‘Sunday drive’. The arrival of television in 1964 was the first of the tide of technological changes that continue to revolutionise social life.
The good times rolled over into the 70s with further industrial expansion such as the construction of Whirinaki pulp mill, new educational facilities such as Hawke’s Bay Community College (now EIT), further residential areas including Greenmeadows East and Flaxmere, and town centre developments like the Clive Square carillon and other tourist attractions for Napier, and in Hastings, the notorious ring road.
But the national economy was shaky, pressured by things such as reduced trade with Britain and a widespread international downturn following oil shocks. Temporarily and artificially boosted by government borrowing-funded spending, things collapsed when the new Labour government elected in 1984 revolutionised economic structures. Hawke’s Bay suffered with the rest of the country. The closure of its two main meat freezing works, Whakatu and Tomoana seemed a sign of a wider doom, and it wasn’t until the late ’90s when influenced by general economic improvements, the diversification of Hawke’s Bay’s primary sector, particularly with the wine industry, and the development of a strong tourist industry, that optimism and better prosperity returned.
Photo caption – The reconstruction of the Daily Telegraph after the 1931 Earthquake
1910 saw the beginning
Grandparents Harry and Mabel Mardon purchased 10 acres in Evenden Rd
1936 Parents Percy & Nel purchased 7 acres on Pakowhai Rd doubling the orchard
1953-54 Sons David & Philip joined the family business, another 21 acres adjoining the property were purchased. Pernel Orchard was then formed, combining the first names of their parents Percy and Nel.
1996 Fire destroyed existing fruit shop and stone fruit packhouse
1997 New premises built incorporating Cafe, Fruit Shop, Museum and Gift Shop
Plans are under way for our Anniversary celebrating 50 years in business as Pernel Orchard LTD.
Percy and Nel with their family, 1978
Percy and Nel, circa 1938
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Page 18
WWII ends
NZ Girl Guides movement established
Daily Telegraph Editors
The inheritor of Trevor Geddis’s 22-year legacy of editorial leadership taking the Daily Telegraph through the traumas of earthquake, depression and war, was associate editor of 17 years, Athol McCredie.
He took over as editor when Geddis retired in 1951 and his sudden death in 1960 marked the end of a 30-year association with the Daily Telegraph.
McCredie’s successor was a similarly long-experienced journalist, Geoff Conly. He entered journalism in 1934 on Dunedin’s Evening Star and prior to moving to the Daily Telegraph was associate editor of the Taranaki Herald for nine years.
As well as his professional journalism career, Conly used his writing skills as an author, writing histories of Hawke’s Bay’s 1931 earthquake, the Tarawera eruption, Watties’ first 50 years and New Zealand Aerial Mapping.
He retired in 1978 and was followed as editor by Maurice Berry, a journalist all his working life. By the time he became Daily Telegraph editor, Berry had notched up time with the Dominion, a Melbourne newspaper, the Manawatu Evening Standard, the Auckland Star and Federated Farmers’ Straight Furrow.
Poor health prompted Berry to step aside as editor in 1982, although he continued as a sub-editor for a further five years before retiring. Meanwhile Ken Hawker had moved from assistant editorship into the editor’s chair.
He’d begun his newspaper career as a general reporter with the Otago Daily Telegraph and been on the Daily Telegraph’s journalism staff since the mid-1960s, actively involved in the creation of Hawke’s Bay rugby’s Hawkeye legend during the team’s halcyon period of Ranfurly Shield domination.
Hawker’s focus as editor was to ensure the Daily Telegraph had real meaning for its community and he his emphasis was on local news. In 1987 Hawker was instrumental in redesigning the paper with a new banner, and introducing the daily use of process colour, a first in New Zealand and a move that was followed by two industry awards for best front page.
When Hawker died in 1996, Louis Pierard was appointed editor, staying two years before swapping positions with Bay of Plenty Times editor Jim Eagles who, in 1999, became editor of the new combined Napier-Hastings paper, Hawke’s Bay Today.
Photo captions –
T M Geddis (1891-1970)
A F B McCredie (1909-1960)
D G Conly (1918-1992)
M A Berry 1927- )
Ken Hawker (1939-1996)
Louis Pierard (1953- )
Jeff Silvester – General Manager
Jeff Silvester was regarded with suspicion when he became business manager at the Daily Telegraph in 1989. The paper had been bought by big-enterprise New Zealand News the year before and it was feared Silvester, who’d moved from Auckland to take the post, was a quick-come-and-go hatchet man, appointed to close down the Napier operation.
He proved the doubters wrong, becoming general manager when John Geddis retired in 1990 and staying the remainder of the decade until the Telegraph and Herald-Tribune merged in Hawke’s Bay Today.
Although he’d held management positions with Auckland community newspapers in Auckland, The Telegraph was Silvester’s first experience of a daily and he arrived at a challenging time as traditional print media faced increasing competition from new electronic media, both for public attention and advertising.
He’d begun his print world career in marketing and publishing, eventually becoming Mills and Boon (NZ) general manager, and after the Telegraph, returned to the field as owner manager of a Napier bookstore.
Funeral Services
A Celebration of Life
Celebrating 107 Years
1910 Paper notice
1931 Earthquake
Dunstalls 2007
Paul Dunstall
Reg. Funeral Director
Don Carter
Reg. Funeral Director
Michael Bates Noelene Burgess
Phone for a free information pack
griefcare accredited FDANZ
Phone (06) 835 7196 EDWARDES STREET, NAPIER
Email: [email protected]
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 19
Mt Ruapehu erupts
First Hastings Blossom Festival held
Herald-Tribune Editors
The two men who occupied the editor’s chair on the second floor of the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune building during the paper’s last quarter century had moved up from the ground floor of their industry.
Len Anderson, named successor to Ted Webber in 1976, was the newspapers first in-house appointment to the editor’s position and had been at the paper for 25 years, as agricultural and general reporter, then chief reporter, news editor and assistant editor.
He had trained on the Wanganui Herald returning there after a five-year interruption to his career during the Second World War when he served in the army and with the RNZAF in the Pacific.
As the Herald-Tribune’s rural reporter, Anderson established farming news as an important and strong feature of the newspaper’s coverage and in the role of chief reporter, he was responsible for the clear delineation of reporters’ rounds and well-ordered systems for assigning work.
Anderson retired as editor and member of the board of directors in 1985 and died in 2001.
James Morgan who followed him as editor, had his first taste of the newspaper industry delivering morning and evening papers as a schoolboy, and had been at the Herald-Tribune most of his full-time working life.
He joined ‘officially’ as an apprentice linotype operator/ compositor when he left high school at age 15, but always wanting to be a journalist, went briefly to the Otago Daily Times as a sub-editor and returned to the Herald-Tribune in the early 1960s, to sub-edit there.
In 1963, armed with a letter of introduction from Ted Webber, he headed off on OE, finding work with Australian Associated Press in the heart of London’s Fleet Street. Two years later, when the Herald-Tribune like many other papers at the time, was struggling to find experienced staff, Morgan was flown home to become deputy chief sub-editor.
Later he was founding managing-editor of the Flaxmere and Western Suburbs Gazette, and chief sub-editor and assistant editor of the Herald-Tribune.
With his twin background in printing and journalism, Morgan played a key role in taking the Herald-Tribune through the transformation from hot metal to offset printing, the introduction of full colour, and eventually computerised production. The newspaper became the first New Zealand recipient of a PANPA award for excellence in offset printing and in 1987, a special election edition won the first Australasian award for front-page design.
The launch of Hawke’s Bay Today in 1999 ended Morgan’s editorial role and he retired after 45 years in the newspaper industry.
Photo captions –
Bill Whitlock (1891-1927)
Tony Whitlock 1918-2002)
Ted Webber (1910-1983)
Len Anderson (1922-2001)1
James Morgan (1940- )
Ron Hall – General Manager
In hindsight, Ron Hall’s appointment to the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune as marketing manager in 1976 just as the paper moved to offset printing, was perhaps significant.
His subsequent 28 years in management positions with Hawke’s Bay’s newspapers were to be one of the most turbulent periods of change in newspaper ownership and technology in New Zealand.1
After a period as company secretary for the Herald-Tribune and Hawke’s Bay News, Hall was appointed general manager of the Herald-Tribune in 1984, the same year its ownership company, Hawke’s Bay News, was bought by New Zealand Newspapers Ltd. He went on to manage the company’s entire Hawke’s Bay newspapers group and was still at the helm when that fell, first to Wilson and Horton in 1988 and then to Dublin-based Independent Newspapers Ltd. A new regional division encompassing Hawke’s Bay, Wairarapa, Wanganui and Manawatu was formed; Hall was appointed manager and took charge of four daily and about 12 community newspapers.
The background to the constant upheaval was ongoing change in newspaper production technology and increasing competition for advertising dollars from new forms of media.
Halls’ priorities were to keep the papers abreast with technological developments and relevant to readers, and hence to the advertisers on whom they depended for financial viability. Juggling those challenges with the daily pressures of producing a newspaper, he also believed it essential staff derived satisfaction from their work.
“Once we became part of an international group, a new factor was added to the mix, the requirement to produce a good return on corporate investment,” he says.
The task of merging Hawke’s Bay’s two newspapers into Hawke’s Bay Today in 1999 was one of the most exciting of his career and Hall regards INL’s decision to invest substantially in new plant and building extensions at time as a sign of confidence in Hawke’s Bay.
He retired in 2004, but continues to hold directorships of several local organizations including Presbyterian Support East Coast.
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Page 20
1857 [1957]
New Zealand’s population reaches 2 million
Public Journals
“…the centre from which a public journal issues is generally viewed as one of consideration and importance.”
So read the leading article in the first issue of the Wairoa Free Press, 7 August 1878. The Press was Wairoa’s first newspaper and its founders’ recognition of the status provided by a paper was probably common to their counterparts establishing similar ventures in other settlements across Hawke’s Bay.
Likewise, their conviction that a local newspaper was vital to the township’s progress, their belief that the district’s “enterprising settlers” needed a local press to “proclaim their wants and make known the capabilities and resources of the land in which they live”.
The Press fell victim to fire after just 19 months later, something else it shared with many other early Hawke’s Bay newspapers. Its successor The Wairoa Guardian and County Advocate, appeared in July 1880, its role typifying that of newspapers in a pioneer country of small, isolated communities.
It promised to supply readers with “the latest news, both local and general; our telegraphic intelligence will be forwarded up to within a short time of publication; we will likewise cull from Home and Colonial papers the best and newest information on the leading questions of the day… Our correspondence columns will be open to all alike, who will write in fairness and moderation, and we invite discussion on all matters of public interest”.
Another newspaper, the East Coast Mail appeared thrice weekly for 14 months until January 1909 when it too collapsed following fire. The Wairoa Guardian, a biweekly, appeared four months later, lasted longer, but suffered the same fate in 1921.
Its role as the town’s public voice was filled by the Wairoa Star, the town’s present-day newspaper which first appeared on 23 September 1921 and by the time of its golden anniversary, was providing twice-weekly coverage for the area from Tuai to Mahia and south to Tutira. In 1979 the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune, Daily Telegraph and Gisborne Herald acquired equal part-ownership of the Star.
Newspapers were launched in several of Hawke’s Bay’s more southerly towns at about the same time as in Wairoa. Waipawa’s first, the Waipawa Mail, appeared bi-weekly from 1878 until 1941, disappeared due to wartime economic exigencies and was re-established post-war at the instigation of the Chamber of Commerce, as a free weekly. It was still being published from its original 57 Ruataniwha Road building when it sold to the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune 100 years later.
Waipukurau had to wait for a paper until veteran newspaperman James Claridge arrived in town with a hand press bought from the Government Printing Office in Wellington. On 21 December 1905 it printed the first issue of The Waipukurau Press, a biweekly. The paper went daily in 1931, was renamed Central Hawke’s Bay Press six years later and was bought by Hawke’s Bay Newspapers in 1980.
Combining Waipawa and Waipukurau’s newspapers in a new division, CHB Print, the new owners relaunched the Central Hawke’s Bay Press, first as a biweekly and later in weekly form as today. It is now printed at Hawke’s Bay Today’s office in Hastings.
Dannevirke has had a newspaper since May 1888 when the that issue of the Bush Advocate, a single-page newssheet, price 2p, was produced with a ‘large and expensive’ plant (i.e. a few cases of type, a hand-fed press and minimal office essentials) from a rudimentary wooden building on what is now High street.
It survived and grew to do battle with 1898-newcomer the Dannevirke Morning Press. Going daily in 1901, the Press prompted the Advocate to expand or collapse and with new owners and new equipment it too began daily publication, in the end out distancing its rival which published its own formal obituary in 1909 just as the Dannevirke Evening News appeared.
Founded by a group of local business people who wanted a more independent political voice than that provided by the Liberal-leaning Advocate, the News faced stiff competition from its opponent and in 1912 the two merged under the Evening News name. The next few decades were rocky – First World War shortages followed by the Depression – and in 1935, the owners of the News invited Will Appleton, founder of a successful Wellington advertising company, to become involved. His business skills salvaged the paper and in doing so began 50 years’ Appleton family involvement in managing directorship and editorial roles.
In 1985, pressured by the need for expensive plant improvements, the News sold a 25 per cent share to Hawke’s Bay Newspapers, and after the last Appleton died in 1985, that company’s parent, New Zealand News, bought the Appleton controlling interest.
Two years on the Dannevirke Evening News made New Zealand newspaper history, appointing Sue Emeny as the country’s first women [woman] newspaper editor.
Printing of the paper was moved to Hastings in 1998.
Dannevirke Evening News
The Waipawa Mail
Central Hawke’s Bay Press WEATHER Cloudy
The Wairoa Star
Page 21
Queen Elizabeth becomes the first Monarch to Visit New Zealand
Tangiwai rail disaster kills 151
Commercial Print Divisions
While there are numerous records relating to the history of the newspaper there is very little information recorded by the job-printing side of the business.
When Dinwiddie Walker & Co Ltd purchased the business they bought the jobbing side of the business more to the fore with the Hawke’s Bay Almanac, first printed in 1860. These were very popular and a wealth of information about the province. They were a combination of many things to many people; an almanac, which also listed historical events that had happened on the appropriate date; they listed the settlers, schools churches, businesses, clubs, land owners, the Judicial system and the doctors. Page after page of advertising was included, of businesses in the area. Also recorded were statistic figures. A wonderful legacy left for those to follow.
Dinwiddie Walker & Co used their expertise in the lithography department to advertise the company and its prowess in the art of printing. The Almanacs were a wonderful way of showing the public at large the ability of the printing company.
It was not long before the private commercial printers started appearing and setting up in real competition to the newspaper offices.
Unfortunately, like most other commercial printing companies tied to a newspaper, the early archives do not indicate to any extent the numbers of staff or equipment utilized in the commercial printing division of the company.
In 1953, R F Johncock (Bob) began employment as Commercial Printing Manager for the Daily Telegraph. One of the early tasks he encountered was to improve both the machinery and quality of product. To implement this over a period, two Heidelberg cylinder presses and an auto platen were introduced. A hand-fed platen was also upgraded.
The permanent staff at the time consisted of the manager, 3 compositors, 3 machinists, 1 bookbinder, 2 bindery assistants, 1 Linotype operator and 1 saleman [salesman]. The department was somewhat slow in becoming offset-minded and only reached the small one-colour Hamada stage with its plate making equipment. Linotype Services in Palmerston North assisted with linotype setting, for large magazines and books, for several years. As a sideline over a 10-year period, thousands and thousands of canvas coin bags were overprinted with logos for the BNZ and ANZ Banks.
Letterpress printing was still to the fore when Bob Johncock retired in 1983 and John Lythgoe took over.
The Commercial Printing Department of The Daily Telegraph closed in 1986.
When the Herald and the Tribune combined to form the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune after the 1931 earthquake, it also had its own commercial printery.
In 1974 the business of Herald-Tribune Print Ltd was formed by Englishman Denis Gleave and Frank Dew. Both men worked in the printing department at the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune and had also established their own ‘backyard’ printing business. W A Whitlock, managing director of the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune newspaper, was aware Gleave and Dew were running a ‘backyard’ operation. After some discussion, it was decided to establish Herald-Tribune Print Ltd. At the same time, the printing business belonging to A A George II, George Print Ltd, was sold to Herald Tribune Print Ltd. The business continued at 209 Queen Street East , with A A George commencing employment with the Herald-Tribune Print Ltd.
After some time, Gleave decided to go back to England and Dew back to his hometown Fielding, where he had a bookshop.
Dick Craig, who previously trained at Government Print in Wellington, was employed as Manager of Herald Tribune Print. Craig was in charge of the eventual merger of Herald Tribune Print with CHB Mail Ltd. Simultaneously James Morgan travelled daily from Hastings to Waipawa to merge the weekly Waipawa Mail with the Monday to Friday CHB Press. After a short lease of life CHB press ceased, leaving CHB Mail, to this day still Commercial Printing today under the APN Group Australasia.
Photo captions –
Keith Stinson, Bill Strong, Julius Hansson, Charlie Forbes and Dick Craig, c 1980. The photograph of old handset font was presented to Keith Stinson on his retirement after he completed the merge of the print departments.
Waipukura Press Ruataniwha Street c 1927
APN Print Central staff 2007
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 22
Hastings officially made a city
Last man hanged in New Zealand
Changes In Ownership
The final two decades of the 20th century saw significant changes in newspaper ownership in Hawke’s Bay, changes that were of immense psychological importance to the long-rival twin cities and foreshadowed the eventual merger of their two newspapers as the century closed.
They began in 1982 with the merger of the ownership companies of the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune and Daily Telegraph into a new public company, Hawke’s Bay News Co Ltd. As well as the Napier and Hastings dailies, it encompassed several other Hawke’s Bay media and print companies; Patterson Office Supplies, Central Hawke’s Bay Print (the merged Herald-Tribune Print, Waipawa Mail and Central Hawke’s Bay Press), Computer Services, plus part ownership of Radio Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa Star and Dannevirke News.
This was a period of flux in New Zealand media ownership. Many independent provincial dailies were being taken over by growing metropolitan centre news companies, and the formation of a Hawke’s Bay conglomeration was intended to strengthen local resistance to the national trend. However after two years the new company succumbed and was taken over by New Zealand Newspapers Ltd, publishers of the Auckland Star.
That company too was short-lived. When it collapsed in 1988, the Hawke’s Bay papers became part of Wilson and Horton Ltd, which published the New Zealand Herald, but further changes were to come and a few years later Wilson and Horton was acquired by Dublin-based publishing group, Independent Newspapers Ltd (INL). Its chairman Tony O’Reilly, a former Irish rugby international, already had interests in Hawke’s Bay as head of the Heinz Corporation, owner of Wattie Foods Ltd. In addition to the New Zealand Herald and nine New Zealand provincial newspapers, all operated by Australian-based subsidiary APN News and Media, INL owns other newspapers and other media chains around the world.
“It was a really exciting time. We were all so busy it wasn’t until a little bit later we took a step back and realised it was unique,” recalls Mr Botherway.
Photo captions –
Max Botherway
Last Issue of The Daily Telegraph May 1 1999
Last Issue of The Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune May 1 1999
Elegance is an attitude
McClurg’s Ltd
McClurg’s Jewellers 116 Hastings Street, Napier
Phone: 06 835 8564
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 23
Regular TV broadcasts begin
Man takes first steps on the moon
The Merger
Bringing together Hawke’s Bay’s two regional newspapers.
Merging Napier’s Daily Telegraph and Hastings’ Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune into Hawke’s Bay Today was the most exciting yet unpleasant, difficult yet fulfilling job I’ve done in nearly 50 years of journalism.
It was exciting because the chance to start a new newspaper is extremely rare and the project brought together the best team newspaper of people – editorial, circulation, advertising and management – I’ve worked with.
Unpleasant, because the downside of being able to select the best people from two lively editorial teams was the need to make the remainder redundant.
Difficult because it was never going to be easy to bring together two papers which previously competed vigorously and serve two communities which at times seemed to detest each other.
And fulfilling because the result was an outstanding newspaper one of which I still feel proud – which won the support of the vast majority of the Hawke’s Bay community.
The exercise was greatly helped by the presence of some outstanding journalists, in particular Sharron Pardoe, whose skills as news editor were essential to providing content that appealed across the region, and Laura Franklin, now editor of the Northern Advocate in Whangarei, whose design work resulted in a paper which looked fresh and exciting but still familiar and readable.
Another crucial factor was the early involvement of readers in the shaping of the combined paper. We asked them to decide on a range of matters – including the choice of typefaces, cooking columns, crosswords and puzzles, and the placement of death notices and television programmes which I believe helped the paper win acceptance.
Of course, not everyone was happy when Hawke’s Bay Today appeared. I still remember with amazement the phone call from a Napier man who complained about getting news from Waipkurau [Waipukurau] and said, “I’m no more interested in Waipukrau than I am in Afghanistan.”
Or the woman from Hastings who demanded separate deaths columns for Napier and Hastings because “I don’t want to read about a lot of dead Napier people”
But, despite those attitudes, I believe Hawke’s Bay Today did succeed in its aim of being a newspaper for the whole of the Bay. The proof of that came from the fact that its creation halted a decline in newspaper circulations which had been going on for a decade.
Did it also succeed in its aim of bringing Hawke’s Bay together as a region after decades of pointless parochial squabbles? Since I’m no longer there it’s hard for me to judge. But I’d like to think that the success of the Kelt Capital Magpies and the power of the Hawke’s Bay Wine Country brand are pointers that it did.
Photo caption – Jim Eagles
Editor through the amalgamation
A New Era In Newsprint
May 3 1999 marked the start of a new era in newsprint in Hawke’s Bay, as the first edition of the country’s newest provincial daily, Hawke’s Bay Today, rolled off the new press and hit the streets.
Max Botherway, who oversaw the project of merging Hawke’s Bay Today’s forerunners, Napier’s Daily Telegraph and Hastings Herald Tribune, described the time leading up to the amalgamation as exciting, with its share of challenges.
“Both newspapers were struggling to grow revenue but continued to incur annual increases in costs,” Mr Botherway says.
A merger had been seriously considered before by the management team, and over several years opinions were sought from readers, local advertisers, and national advertising agencies.
“We discovered Hawke’s Bay people identified with horticulture and the land, blue sky and sunshine. They were things we came across time and again.”
This research helped with the design of the blue and gold masthead, which Mr Botherway worked on with former Tribune artist Russell Green.
The main reason for merging was the huge duplication of advertising, about 80 percent, in both newspapers. There were also two aging presses unable to keep up with technological changes – advertisers and readers had become accustomed to good quality colour on every page, leading with the real estate and motoring sections, and expected nothing less.
The new press also required a new building, adjacent to the existing Tribune site, which also underwent a dramatic upgrade.
Bearing in mind the strong parochialism in Napier and Hastings, a neutral name for the new paper was chosen, something fresh, immediate, and modern.
One unfortunate spinoff was some redundancies, a hard but inevitable fact of any merger of two such well established local businesses.
There would also be a new editor, Jim Eagles, brought in from another of the group’s dailies, the Bay of Plenty Times.
AdPlus and Cre@ive Advertising were commissioned to come up with promotions for the three markets (readers, agencies, advertisers). The management team went with AdPlus’ zippy billboard campaign, vehicle designs and jingle, and gave the nod to Cre@ive’s innovative direct market campaign for local and national advertisers, which saw packets of jellybeans, representing readers of all colours and sizes, going out across the country.
The huge effort by Hawke’s Bay’s creative talents was recognised later with a Pacific regional marketing award, beating entries from countries including the US.
Photo caption – Hawke’s Bay Today head office, Hastings, corner of Queen Street and Karamu Road
Page 25
Mt Erebus disaster kills 257
Carless days introduced to help fuel crisis
General Manager’s Message
One hundred and fifty years is an awesome milestone for any industry to have been at the very heart of its community.
Look about and see how so many aspects daily life have changed in that century and a half. It is the same for newspapers: The technology we use today is light years ahead of what was available in the earliest days of movable wooden type and hand operated printing presses. The clatter of typewriters, the intensive labour of molten lead and typesetting machines, the stink and the ink… all have been replaced by highly evolved, efficient production methods to give economies, speed and quality.
And how different we look, too. Only comparatively recently have classified advertisements migrated off the front page to make way for news headlines. More recently, colour can be seen on virtually every page.
Yet while newspapers today are constantly having to reinvent themselves, reflecting and anticipating the demands of our advertisers and readers in an ever-changing world, the relationship that gave birth to the Press in Hawke’s Bay all those years ago still remains the same.
Today, a successful newspaper must maintain the same involvement, at all levels, in the commercial and cultural life of its community. At Hawke’s Bay Today we have invested heavily in sports coverage with our commitment to Monday’s Sports Extra and our bellwether role in promoting and supporting the Magpies Rugby team. We also recognise the demands of the business community with our sponsorship of business and export awards and in our Tuesday business pages. And our commitment to our advertising partners is second to none.
Newspapers exist because people need to know what’s going on around them. Radio and television are relative newcomers. The internet is the latest challenge to the printed word. While one can only speculate on what the future holds, newspapers remain very much a part of every day life. They are vibrant, portable, accessible, and useful, putting readers in touch with an explanation of the world, and the advertiser in touch with the reader.
Hawke’s Bay Today may only be in its ninth year, but a very rich, 150-year tradition courses through our veins. And we intend to continue the same commitment and dedication of all who have gone before us with the same expectation that you, the advertiser and reader will always tell us what you need, and that we will always be able to service those needs. I would like to personally wish “The Bay”, our Readers, and “Your Paper” another 150 years of wealth, and prosperity. Also our thanks to all those that have supported ‘Your Paper’ for the last 150 years.
Photo caption –
Laurie Coghlan
General Manager-Publisher
Hawke’s Bay Newspapers Ltd.
(a division of APN News and Media NZ)
Editor’s Message
The tale of the public horsewhipping in 1871 of Daily Telegraph editor Robert Halkett Lord, reprinted on page 8 of this souvenir publication, would have been a memory well-preserved in the minds of his successors on the Napier newspaper.
Lord paid for his forthright opinions. A local lawyer he had described in his columns as “a bad egg” took to him in the street. In court, the solicitor successfully claimed provocation in mitigation, to the noisy pleasure of the public gallery.
Whether it happened quite that, it’s certainly believable. Newspapers court controversy. It is their nature as they go out and speak (as Lord Beaverbrook put it) for “the inarticulate and the submerged”. What newspapers report and the opinions they carry cannot always find favour with everyone.
While aggrieved readers these days (thankfully) adopt a more restrained approach to registering their disapproval if their names are published in an unflattering context, folk are no less passionate about their daily newspaper.
And those who toil to produce it are also sustained by a passion – for the printed word.
A daily newspaper is probably the most critically evaluated, regular purchase that people make.
As the product of the efforts of hundreds of people, as well as being the peerless provider of the region’s local news, Hawke’s Bay Today represents exceptional value for money. Yet, when one considers the price of a single copy the intensive analysis and criticism that any daily newspaper attracts seems strangely out of proportion to its cost. Readers will spend nearly three times that amount on a cappuccino so bland it barely registers.
Today’s newspaper looks very different to the first sheets produced by the Hawke’s Bay Herald and Ahuriri Advocate printed weekly on a hand-operated press 150 years ago. And it may not be the sole source of information, opinion and entertainment that it once was for the region’s readers. But it still carries the same tradition of serving its readers who, in turn, have a high personal investment in the newspaper that’s delivered to their door.
That is why the slings and arrows, as well as the endorsements, not only remind us of our obligation to serve our readers well but provide a reassurance that we count for a great deal.
A newspaper is judged hard, and that is how it should be… because we carry the aspirations, expectations and the attitudes of our community, just as our hard-working printing and publishing forebears have done throughout the past sesquicentennium.
Photo caption –
Louis Pierard
Hawke’s Bay Today
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 26
Spys sink Rainbow Warrior
Whakatu freezing works close
Message from the Napier Mayor
Congratulations Hawke’s Bay Today on 150 years of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay.
Newspapers have a history of longevity, but to be celebrating a story that stretches over many generations, is something special. Napier and Hastings people will identify with the names of the first papers printed, as the word ‘Herald’ endured in Hastings until the end of the 20th century, and Ahuriri has always had a special place in the history of Napier and the hearts of many.
The amalgamation of the two papers, The Daily Telegraph and The Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune engendered the kind of feeling and debate that only readers who claim ownership of the publications as “their paper” could sustain. It showed a committed and lively readership, but in the end the Corporate prevailed, and Hawke’s Bay Today rose from the ashes.
Today our only regional paper, Hawke’s Bay Today, has a readership across the cities and districts of our area and beyond. The paper informs, entertains and guides. More importantly, it reflects Hawke’s Bay’s people, how they think, what they do and celebrates their hard work and successes. It certainly engenders discussion and comment, positive and negative, on issues raised, and takes it on the nose when the comment is directed at Hawke’s Bay Today.
The local newspapers spawned by the parent are great for community and neighbourhood information, and are appreciated by their readers – different papers for a diverse readership.
Well done to Hawke’s Bay Today for delivering the news for 150 years.
Barbara Arnott
Napier Mayor
Message from the Hastings Mayor
Newspapers have always been essential to the relationship between decision-makers and the public. When newspapers first appeared in homes they were the only authoritative news source available. Even with the advent of the “wireless” the newspaper was still viewed as the most credible and detailed source of news and information.
Today, newspapers compete with a raft of other news sources and yet they still hold their own as over half the population reads the newspaper every day and many more every weekend.
In Hawke’s Bay we are well catered for with a number of Weeklies and a strong daily on offer. Together these deliver the full range of news from human interest pieces to in-depth investigation, and everything between. Reaching such a milestone as 150 years is an achievement worth celebrating.
Newsprint has been a key witness to all the triumphs and trials of our community over such a broad stretch of time. It has seen more than any of us and without doubt it will continue do so for many more years to come.
Happy sesquicentennial newsprint,
Lawrence Yule
Hastings District Mayor
Alexander Construction stared from humble beginnings in Ralph Alexander’s back shed in 1945 with little more than a cut-down car and the determination to make a difference to the region’s development.
Over the years our image might have changed a bit, but our determination to be the best commercial builders in Hawke’s Bay hasn’t.
The only thing more exciting than our history, is our future
Page 27
Applemac computer launched
Waitangi Tribunal given power to hear historic grievances
Message from local members of Parliament
Congratulations to everyone who has contributed to Hawke’s Bay Today and its predecessors over the past 150 years. Hawke’s Bay Today was born from the Napier Daily Telegraph and the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune – two papers that recorded our history until eight years ago when HB Today was formed to take this amalgamated history forward.
Hawke’s Bay Today has proven that it is more than able to meet new challenges as they arise. Currently the internet is challenging traditional newspapers. But an internet search engine cannot compete with reporters who live, work in and know their community, its people and key issues. Hawke’s Bay Today publishes stories that reflect our community’s diversity and that confront the issues before us.
The paper has evolved from the voices of two cities into the voice of our region. Like Hawke’s Bay Today, we are passionate about championing our region, pushing its growth and economic development to ensure we reach our full potential.
As the local MP’s we will continue to fight for solutions to the issues that prevent our region achieving its true potential. Three key issues are:
Airport runway extension: Flights have been landing in this spot since 1932 but if we are truly to future-proof our airport we need to extend the runway. Our councils must be allowed to invest towards their vision of an expanded airport, and share the return on that investment.
Regional economic growth: Our province has the ability to be a regional leader with exciting new ideas to enhance our region’s economic growth. It’s about increasing tourism; increasing awareness of and the purchase of Hawke’s Bay produce and wine; increasing investment and increasing migration to the Bay. These factors add to economic growth and in turn raise the standard of living for all of us.
We are very positive about the future of Hawke’s Bay. The growth of the huge Asian economies of India and China will impact upon us like never before. The demand for high value protein products will be unprecedented. The future will be so good if we are able to position Hawke’s Bay to capture these opportunities.
Apple access to Australia; Finally, the Government has initiated a WTO dispute settlement proceeding against Australia to resolve the long-standing apples dispute.
The Australian market is potentially worth $30 million per annum to Hawke’s Bay apple growers and they deserve an equal opportunity to access this lucrative market.
Our newspaper will remain a key voice in our region leading debate on key issues which will help drive our region forward. Like Hawke’s Bay Today Chris and Craig are “Backing the Bay” for a brighter and prosperous future.
Well done Hawke’s Bay Today.
Craig Foss MP for Tukituki
Chris Tremain MP for Napier
National members of Parliament Craig Foss (left) and Chris Tremain
Congratulations to Hawke’s Bay Today on their 150th Anniversary
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Page 28
Pope John Paul II visits New Zealand
New Zealand wins the Rugby World Cup
Message from the Chief Operating Officer
When James Wood established the earliest incarnation of this newspaper 150 years ago, little could he know that one day it would be part of a global media empire.
Today, the newspaper is owned by APN News and Media, one of the largest and fastest growing multi-media companies in Australasia, operating a broad portfolio of businesses across five countries.
The largest single shareholder in APN is Sir Anthony O’Reilly’s Irish-based Independent News and Media, with media interests across Europe, South Africa, India, Australasia, and Asia. The former Lions rugby international built the Independent group while holding down the role as Chief Executive of Heinz, one of the world’s largest food processors.
It is ironic that Sir Anthony oversaw the purchase of both Wattie’s and Hawke’s Bay Today, two of the region’s iconic brands.
Here in New Zealand, APN publishes 10 daily newspaper titles, including The New Zealand Herald, and top-ranking regional and community newspapers outside Auckland.
Also part of the family are iconic magazines such as New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, which just celebrated 75 years of publishing, and The Listener. APN also owns 50% of The Radio Network, with stations such as Newstalk ZB, Classic Hits, Radio Hauraki, and ZM.
The original newspapers which made up the entity now known as Hawke’s Bay Newspapers were largely family concerns – entrepreneurs and their successors who played a key role in the development of the region by being the main vehicle to keep residents informed about what was happening here, around the rest of New Zealand, and the world.
Corporate interest in the newspaper first arose in 1984 when The Daily Telegraph and Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune were taken over by Brierley Investments. The two rival private companies had merged two years earlier to form Hawke’s Bay Newspapers.
Brierley, in swashbuckling fashion, broke up the New Zealand Newspapers business and sold most of the newspaper and magazine titles to Wilson and Horton in 1989.
In more of the irony that surrounds the history of this newspaper, it was Brierley who was responsible for bringing APN to New Zealand. In the mid-1990’s Brierley staged a lightning share raid on Wilson and Horton and quickly secured a significant 20% stake.
In the corporate war of words which followed, Brierley eventually agreed to depart the share register if Wilson and Horton could secure a “white knight” to take over the holding.
That white knight was Sir Anthony’s Independent group. Another chapter in the history of newspapers was written.
Photo caption –
Craig Marsh, Chief Operating Officer APN New Zealand – Regionals. Pictured at the Daily Telegraph Building In Napier.
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Page 29
Tomoana freezing works closed
The tools of the trade may have changed dramatically in the past 150 years for the region’s newspaper editorial team but the work itself remains very much the same: The unceasing quest for a good story and the race to get it into print by deadline.
The clatter of reporters’ typewriters long ago made way for the quiet hum of the computer. Pencilled instructions to compositors working with lead type have yielded to computerised layout and sophisticated subediting software. The first local press photographers, who arrived on the scene nearly 80 years later with their glass-plate cameras and magnesium flares, would marvel at the speed, efficiency and colour of today’s digital photography, transmitted by laptop and mobile phone.
Led by the editor, news editor and chief reporter and chief photographer, Hawke’s Bay Today’s team of reporters and photographers, covers the region from Mahia in the north to Dannevirke on [in] the south in the quest for pictures and stories.
In our aim to be serve our readers, we report and interpret the news from round the Bay, from crime and court to carnivals, cricket and council meetings and from fire and floods to fashion, food, football and family reunions, recording the daily events that affect and interest our community. And with our subediting team we package it to bring you the complete Hawke’s Bay Today, delivered in time to ensure that “the Bay’s news comes first”.
Photo captions –
Louis Pierard from Hawke’s Bay Today accepts the Campaigning Newspaper Of the Year award from APN New Zealand CEO Martin Simons.
Editorial department c 1983
Reporters and sub-editors of Hawke’s Bay Today editoral department September 2007
Page 30
First Lotto draw
Cyclone Bola strikes Hawke’s Bay
Doug Laing Court reporter
Napier reporter Doug Laing joined the Daily Telegraph, first-time-round, in December 1977, and takes a reality check on possibly the most discussed part of daily news – the Court news.
Reports on events in Hawke’s Bay courts have been a feature of almost every day in the 150 years in which daily papers have been published in the region.
But no longer is it that if you appear in court you will get your name in the paper, for such is the huge increase in the number of cases, that any will to still cover the complete field is negated by the impossibility of it.
To put it in simple perspective, one can look to a comparison between an historic wooden building still standing on Marine Parade, the courthouse where judges dispensed justice for 113 years, and the new courthouse which replaced it in 1988.
The old courthouse, now occupied by the Department of Conservation, opened in 1875, and when I first ventured inside 102 years later, it’s workload comprised a weekly one-day list which generally dealt with fewer than 20 defendants apart from those charged with exceeding speed limits, and other traffic matters. There was the occasional defended hearing, and a fortnight was set aside every three months for cases in what was then known as the Supreme Court (now the High Court), such as jury trials, civil matters, and divorces. It was only occasionally that any other space apart from the main courtroom was required.
In 2007, it is not uncommon for the weekly criminal list on Wednesday to have more than 100 names. It has been over 150, which doesn’t include speedsters who are now handled by Justices of the Peace on another day. A Registrar spends the first hour adjourning cases not ready to be dealt with on the day, and often at least two duty solicitors are on hand to help get the simpler matter [matters] out of the way as quick as possible. In the 12 months to the end of June, 25 weeks of sittings were scheduled in the High Court, and 40 weeks were scheduled for District Court jury trials. With defended hearings and depositions also a regular part of courthouse life, there are often three courtrooms in Napier dealing with criminal cases simultaneously, and and at least once a month a whole day is set aside for sentencing matters where almost all those in the dock can expect to go to jail.
In the days of the old courthouse, there was a prison nearby on Bluff Hill, where if there were ever more than 100 occupants it was overcrowded. The current institution, at Mangaroa, near Hastings, houses more than 600 every night – and more and more are on a mysterious sentence known as home detention, because there’s not enough room in the real jail.
This is a picture of crime out of control and will leave many people wondering if any form of penalty works, but it is also a symptom of numerous other ills which have developed in society.
Fortunately a reporter’s life is not spent entirely in this environment, and I have been heavily involved in sports, both administrativey and in reporting thereof.
A Crown prosecutor once commented it was an unusual mix, but I wonder.
Once socialising after a sports event in Napier, not long after returning to Hawke’s Bay in 1987, a senior gang member, who had served a significant part of his life in jail, and who had also spent a reasonable amount of time casting a suspicious eye towards this newcomer till finally accepting this new arrival in the fraternity, slapped me on the back and said “It’s much better getting the name in the paper for getting a try than for going to jail.”
To my knowledge, he hasn’t been to jail since.
Photo caption – Doug Laing, court reporter, Hawke’s Bay Today, pictured outside the old Napier Court, now Conservation House, home of the Conservation Department
Rebecca Harper Rural reporter
A day in the life of a rural journalist
Rebecca Harper
From saleyards to politicians, I never know what will happen on any given day, which is why I love being the rural journalist.
Growing up on a farm, a love of animals, and a bit of local knowledge have certainly helped. But I think the reason I enjoy it so much is the people. Rural people are friendly and most are willing to go the extra mile to help (or just sit at the saleyards explaining the benefits of using a certain breed of bull over another).
The rural round is also a great excuse to get out of the office.
Although I’ve been here for only 10 months and this is my first job, there have already been some significant events affecting rural people and their livelihoods. I definitely feel like I’ve had my work cut out for me.
For farmers on the East Coast, not just Hawke’s Bay, this year has been a horror one. This is mainly because of the insidious drought we experienced, rain didn’t arrive until June, but also because of the high dollar and the lamb job.
The challenge was to ensure ordinary town folk were able to understand just how serious the drought was (and continues to be). Agriculture still forms the backbone of the economy, and in Hawke’s Bay a bad year for the farmers will have flow on effects for everyone.
In fact, I think this applies to all rural stories I write it’s getting “townies” to appreciate the importance of the rural sectors, and yet still write something appealing to those in the industry.
I also struggled to come up with positive stories at a time when people were finding it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I think I got there in the end.
In the horticulture world, labour shortages continue to be a problem and the on-going 86-year ban on our apples from entering Australia has also been a major issue.
So, although I may be wearing a dress to work, my trusty red bands are waiting under the desk, and a trip to a farm will probably make my day.
Photo caption – Rebecca Harper, Heartland reporter, Hawke’s Bay Today
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 31
New Zealand celebrates it’s sesquicentennial
Roger Moroney Columnist
Roger Moroney was a Latecomer to the newspaper industry, but has enjoyed every minute of it becoming a veteran of the job along the way.
I didn’t start writing “seriously” (which means for a regular wage) until I was 29. Until then I had worked as a foreman in the wool industry in Napier (by all means insert sheep jokes now organising the show floor for the big wool sales.
But I’d actually started writing about motorcycling on a freelance basis (irregular wage) for a small NZ bike mag in 1974, and in the late ‘70s the editor of The Daily Telegraph in Napier agreed to run a fortnightly motorcycle road test after l approached him.
There were lots of guys doing car tests, but none doing bikes.
I had a ball. The money was minimal but I had dealers offering me the very latest machines to test. For a bloke with no money, a young family and a mortgage, this was nirvana.
I’ve ridden and tested about 350 different bikes since then… but not so many these days. Crashed a couple and pretty near wrote one, and myself for that matter, off.
Eventually the editor offered me a job as a reporter in 1984 – reckoning I had some skill with words. I didn’t think so. I just wrote how I spoke basically, as I’d had no formal training in journalism (still haven’t for that matter) and had left school at 16.
I had to leave school really as the history teacher uncovered a scam I was running. I had been charged with collecting 20 cents every Wednesday from the other kids in the class for the cost of attending a film show.
I bumped it up to 25 cents to make some spare change. They all found out at once when one kid (while descending into suicidal boredom watching a film about Canadian wheat growers) declared “This is supposed to be worth 25 cents?”
The game was up.
So anyway, I started as a junior reporter and struggled for a few months before getting the general idea. I started doing a TV review column after about six months. Also kept doing bike stuff and enjoyed features. Hard news was never my forte, although I’ve broken a couple of decent crime stories in the course of police reporting.
I’ve been writing the At Large column for about 10 years. Generally I do it in one hit, in the afternoon, while the muse nibbles. I veer toward subjects that people can relate to. Things you fall into while growing up. Things you hear. The weather even… how to cheer up in winter using bright lights and scouring the world weather wrap looking for places that are climatically worse off. Anything.
Often I get ideas from just conversations in pubs. “These new coins are rubbish,” a barman remarked one day. It went from there… a column about the new coinage introduced into NZ from behind the eyes of barmen, punters and drunks.
My column philosophy is not so much that it should educate or lead to discussion and all that sort of thing I just want people to feel they have been entertained by it.
Often I’ll do a column to get readers involved. One was about writing a story with the letters of the alphabet forming the first letter of the words used to tell the story. I rattled one off like… A Boy Called Des E-mailed Frank. Go Home It Joked… etc. The feedback was remarkable, and some of the efforts sent in were brilliant.
I enjoy doing the columns. I have no pretensions to climb high in literature. I’m a journeyman writer, that’s all. A cold drink and a good book and warm sun at the end of the day, that’ll do me.
I’m Hawke’s Bay born, love living here and will likely shuffle off from here. Fair skies, the nearby Pacific and good people.
That’s the ticket.
Photo captions –
Roger Moroney, reporter Hawke’s Bay Today
Roger Moroney from Hawke’s Bay Today receives the Columnist of the Year award from APN New Zealand CEO Martin Simons at the APN Readership Awards 2007
Anendra Singh Sports Editor
I suppose it’s a bit like being a woman, not that I’ll ever know for sure.
If what women say about multi-tasking is true then it’s a prerequisite for anyone hoping to survive in the sports department of Hawke’s Bay Today.
The boys, Shane Hurndell and Hamish Bidwell, are furiously wearing out their computer keyboards while I’m designing the pages in the morning.
The phone interrupts the ryhthm. Someone on the other end just realised that he has a tournament at the weekend and it’s Thursday today.
Unfortunately for him the photograph and assignments for the weekend have already been sorted out. “But don’t worry, mate, we’ll see what we can do,” I tell him, cringing at the thought of dashing between Napier and Hastings, armed with a digital camera and notebook.
There goes the barbecue with the family on Saturday afternoon. Oh and banish any thoughts I may have had about watching the children play sports.
Shane’s nodding his head in approval as I write this piece. It’s something the sports boys have come to accept over the years. The bottom line is, when you play we work. Having said that, on the flip side are the rewards of the job.
You get to meet myriad personalities – the good, the bad and the ugly.
“Sometimes you get the best seats in the house and the feed is good too,” Shane tells me.
Other times things don’t necessarily follow the script on the field or courts, so some difficult questions have to be asked.
Making a concerted effort to cover many different codes in the region inevitably means more work. Putting Hawke’s Bay people first in Sport Today profiles is always the driving factor.
Ultimately the best reward has to be the feedback from people to say we’ve done a good job of boosting their profile and putting them on the radar of sports in Hawke’s Bay.
Photo caption – Anendra Singh, Sports Editor Hawke’s Buy Today.
Page 32
One and two cent coins no longer legal tender
Employment contracts act passed
Advertising Sales Department
While many things about your local newspaper have changed over the past 150 years, the fundamentals of advertising sales have remained true.
The team has always worked to core principles and philosophies; building local relationships, understanding clients’ needs and providing outstanding customer service.
It’s about conveying information to the reader and, of course, delivering results.
However, says Hawke’s Bay Today sales manager Ian Beattie, the way advertising is sold has changed significantly.
For a start, today’s sales professional comes to you, rather than being an office-bound order taker.
“Salespeople would not have targets or any measure of their achievements and commissions did not exist. Sales material, brochures, etcetera did not exist – they carried a rate card, a pad and a pen,” Ian says.
The sales team of old were a far cry from the proactive, market savvy professionals of today.
There was no national advertising body, so campaigns for national chains lacked cohesion and regional franchise holders were unable to access the economies of scale they enjoy today.
“Interestingly,” says Ian, “Hawke’s Bay partnered with the local newspapers in Manawatu and Taranaki to provide the first “group advertising buy” which was administered out of Hawke’s Bay.
“Now, we have a structured sales team to manage our key accounts, territory accounts and private parties and we see greater use of advertising “packages” such as our current Black & White Club to encourage greater frequency to generate better results.”
Colour advertising has virtually become the norm as advertisers seek that “stand out” appeal and many of our clients submit their advertising as digital files – no need for an office runner these days!
Innovation has been applied to the distribution network, for example “total market coverage” can be achieved for selected products, such as in our rural publications.
These developments are all about tailoring our services to meet clients’ individual needs.
We’re very aware that our customers have greater choice as to where they can place the advertising expenditure, whether on billboards, radio, television, in direct mail, magazines or online.
“More emphasis is placed on customer service and delivering effective advertising,” Ian points out “Advertisers now closely monitor the results of the marketing expenditure and we see greater use of features and special publications, often tied to local events.”
Hawke’s Bay Today’s sales team works continually to improve service and outcomes for its advertisers, even providing effective research to enable them to better target their prospective customers.
Then and now, press advertising delivers.
Photo captions –
L-R: Jane Frater, Group Sales Manager, Ian Beattie, Advertising Circulation Director
Advertising sales team – Hastings
Advertising sales team – Napier
Hawke’s Bay Today feature products
Page 35
Mt Ruapehu erupts
Operations Team
Creative, Production and Digital
Newspapers are a visual medium, so Hawke’s Bay Today makes considerable investment in ensuring everything it produces has impact. Our operations department encompasses three teams: Creative, Production and Digital.
Each team looks after specific areas in advertising, says manager Tania Lambert, its main focus being enhanced efficiency, constantly improving design and creativity, and delivering the best possible customer service, both internally and externally.
“This structure was implemented in 2005, and has been very successful,” says Tania. “Teams get to work on their own client portfolios, resulting in a greater understanding of clients’ advertising needs.
“The changes have also given us the opportunity to work closely together as a team instead of individuals. Sharing ideas, skills and knowledge have been a big bonus.”
Tania thrives on the atmosphere and happily lays claim to having “a great team”.
She also strives to make sure that the team has all the tools, training and support needed to do its job well. In this industry it’s all about team work, a team that works well, serves its clients well.
A lot of work has gone into “housekeeping” to ensure that all files meet our press requirements. All the team’s screens have been colour calibrated to ensure colour reproduction is compatible to our press profile.
“Pre-flight software to edit and fix problem files has been an excellent investment and learning tool,” she says.
“My team leaders and myself are often relied upon to deal with client files, troubleshooting and in some instances provided training.
“Software is upgraded by our local IT guy Roger Gale, system upgrades are also monitored by Roger or our IT support group in Auckland. Coming up with a constant stream of new concepts is also very much a team effort
“The operations team liaise with either myself, marketing and sales,” Tania says. “Often this is done for a facelift of a product we’re currently running or when we are launching a new product”.
As its clients’ needs become more sophisticated, Hawke’s Bay Today has introduced gloss, quartos plus stitch and trim products. The variety of design options, together with the different grades of paper available, have made our products more attractive to the market.
“After all these years I still enjoy the variety and challenges within this industry,” says Tania.
“I have a huge amount of admiration for the talent that is within this company.
“It gives me immense pleasure seeing potential in staff that has yet to be tapped into and when it is, the rewards are great for everyone.”
Photo captions –
Hawke’s Bay Today Creative Team.
L-R Ian Thorburn Creative Team Leader, Aaron Bryan, Adam Harris, Pamela Lucas, Matt Davidson, Giselle Beacham & Olivia Strawbridge
Creative Team Ilka Hetzel & Sharon Morgan
Roger Gale IT Systems Controller
Production team – L-R Alison McArthur, Roger Tegg, Craig Langley, Tina Mucalo Production & Digital Team Leader, Carmen Hausler, Glenn Allen, Vanessa Shipp, Steve Kennedy & Tania Lambert Operations Manager
150 Years
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 37
Library looks to future
After 133 years, the Napier Public Library has its sights firmly on the future.
When the library was established in 1874 it was known as the Municipal Library.
It was established by the Athenaeum and Mechanics’ Institute in a building on the corner of Herschell Street and Browning Street where the art gallery and museum are now.
In 1907 the Napier Borough Council was asked to take over the building, library and mortgage because the Athenaeum committee had run into financial difficulties.
In 1933, after the destruction of the Hawke’s Bay earthquake in 1931, the library was re-established upstairs in the Market Reserve building with the main access from Tennyson Street.
In 1971 the library was transferred to a temporary home in the former Majestic Ballroom on the corner of Dalton Street and Vautier Street while a new library building was planned and built.
It was to be part of a new Civic Building and this caused many column centimetres of debate in the Daily Telegraph newspaper with some correspondents saying it would be too small and others saying the new library would have to be downstairs so everyone could get to it.
The debate on the new library began many years before its temporary move in 1971.
As far back as 1964, the director of the National Library Service, Mr G T Alley, said the proposed Civic Building site would “put the kibosh” on any new library because it would be too small.
He proposed a 7600 sq metre (25,000 sq feet) purpose-built building on a commercial site.
He got his wish in one sense because rapidly rising costs in the 1970s made including the library in the centre too expensive.
It was not until 1986 that the library was moved to its present home in Station Street, next to the Civic Building.
The Napier library is also responsible for the administration of the Taradale library.
The Taradale library, established in 1934, was a stand-alone entity until 1968 when it came under the wing of Napier. It moved to its present location, in the Taradale Rugby Club rooms, in 1995.
The Taradale library has had the staunch support of the Friends of the Taradale Library who spent 15 years lobbying for an extension to services and space.
Their hard work saw the Napier City Council put $1.7 million toward improving Taradale’s services. An extension to the library should be finished next year.
The balance of the money will be invested in improvements to the Napier Library.
Photo captions –
Photo (1.) Napier Library in its current location, next to the civic theatre.
Photo (2.) The Taradale Library will be extended in 2008.
Photo (3.) Some of the current staff at the Napier Library.
Photo (4.)Moving in to the current library, 1986.
Photo (5.) The old library in the Market Reserve building. c. 1930s.
More Than You Expect
Napier Public Library, Station Street. Phone: (06) 834 4180 Taradale Library in White Street. Phone: (06) 845 9005
Page 38
US rocked by day of terror
Photography Team
They say a dedicated press photographer sleeps with his shoes on, one eye open and an ear listening for the phone, ready to leap from bed in an emergency.
We’ve never checked it out, but Hawke’s Bay Today’s photographers have, without doubt, shot and processed many kilometres of film, printed thousands of kilos of photographic paper, chewed up many gigabytes of hard-drive space, driven hundreds of thousands of miles and worn out thousands of dollars worth of photographic gear.
Most people think it’s a pretty cushy job, says chief photographer Warren Buckland, but the reality is very different.
When most people are enjoying public holidays and going out at night we are still shooting, covering events and sports matches with the odd emergency thrown in, Warren says.
“We always have someone at the ready to get out the door and head off to the furthest reaches of the Bay to shoot a truck smash, forest fire, flood or whatever.”
In the late 1980s and early 1990s The Daily Telegraph became the first newspaper in New Zealand to publish colour photographs on a daily basis, says Warren, who has witnessed enormous technological change over the past couple of decades.“
These we processed ourselves, often printing wet colour negative film to meet strict deadlines. Before this we processed transparency film that was given to photo litho to make colour separations from.”
The biggest change has been the move from film cameras to digital, which spelt the end of processing units loaded with toxic chemicals and the need to store negatives and prints.
But that doesn’t make our photographers any less busy, Warren says.
“Often we are each shooting up to 10 jobs a day, driving from Napier to Hastings twice, coming back to work to download and put images in SCC (our online storage system).
“And when something really big happens, we run flat out. At the height of the recent floods, we had a staff of six full-time photographers not only covering the disastrous effects on Bay people, but going the extra mile by scanning pictures to make them press-ready.
“On New Year’s Eve, for example, we sometimes have 3 photographers working until the small hours downloading images and loading them into our online storage system ready for the subs to place them on pages the following day.”
They’re a winning team alright. The rest of the industry thinks so, too, and Hawke’s Bay Today’s photographic team has earned many awards and accolades over the years.
Next time you’re asked to “say cheese”, just think, that picture could be worth gold.
Photo caption – L-R Duncan Brown, Paul Taylor, Warren Buckland, Sarah Gully, and Cameron Burnell. The photographic team at Hawke’s Bay Today
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Page 39
Teresa McCormack’s killer arrested
APN Print Photo Litho
The digital age has made a vast difference to APN Print photolithographer Dave Pope’s working day.
A 20-year veteran of the print industry, Dave joined Hawke’s Bay Newspapers under John Geddis’ stewardship.
Back then, four people worked in the photolitho room, taking artwork and preparing it for print.
It was, says Dave, very much a hands-on process requiring intense concentration and an experienced eye: “Colour separation, stripping, colour manipulation and the creation of printing plates were all done by hand and by eye.”
These days, computers and two colour-to-plate (CTP) machines valued at between $300,000 and $400,000 allow just two operators working shifts to handle APN Print Hastings’ considerable workload.
Computers would have been the biggest jump, says Dave, who says no other job would give him the same amount of satisfaction.
“CTP has got rid of film and the big gallery cameras.”
Dave is a multi-talented chap, so if you’re a regular reader and think his name has a familiar ring, it has.
He also gets a real buzz out of producing weekly musical reviews for Hawke’s Bay Today.
Photo captions –
CMYK Plates Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
L-R: Scott Povey, Pete Egerton, Pre-Press, APN Print, Hastings
L-R: Pete Egerton, Dave Pope – Pre-Press, AFN Print, Hastings
Complete CMYK Plate
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 40
Hawke’s Bay Today celebrates 5th birthday
APN Print Hastings
With 30 years of newspaper experience under his belt, APN Hastings print manager Peter Halstead is a walking, talking history book.
When Peter began his career as assistant distribution manager, Hawke’s Bay boasted two newspapers of note – the Herald-Tribune and Daily Telegraph.
He worked at the Herald-Tribune, overseeing the distribution of the paper as well as administering subscriber stops and starts, hiring dozens of paper boys and girls and liaising with 60 rural contractors.
“Because we had an old ledger system, every customer had a card,” Peter remembers, “and everything had to be written in by hand.”
It was “five or six” years before he got to sit down with a computer programmer, who with Peter’s help, wrote NIPS, the company’s first newspaper information system.
“It was a 12-month process, and the difference it made was huge,” Peter says.
So was the hardware required to run it: Our first mainframe computer was no desk-top dolly. The leviathan machine consumed an entire room.
The next milestone for Peter came in 1997, when the two Hawke’s Bay papers merged to become Hawke’s Bay Today.
Sworn to secrecy, he laboured on the merger process for six months before the announcement was made. But despite the thousands of hours that went into planning a smooth changeover, the first edition of Hawke’s Bay Today was five hours before the press started to role.
“We had installed a new press line and there were problems. We had taxis, drivers, all sorts taking the papers out.
“And the kids did a great job; they were still delivering papers at 8pm. It was October and dark by then.”
The merged workforce – involving 40 despatch staff – also caused a few headaches. On one side were staunch union members, on the other, staff who had individual contracts.
“It was ‘us and them’ for a while,” Peter laughs. “But it settled down”.
In more recent times, Hawke’s Bay Today’s Saturday edition has become a Saturday morning paper. Again, Peter and the team faced a huge logistical process; but one they pulled off very successfully.
“On Saturdays we do about 2000 papers more than during the week,” he says. “Casual sales are about 10,000.”
Since leaving Hawke’s Bay Today for APN Print three years ago, Peter has seen the printing business burgeon.
“We print 50 publications a week from places such as Wellington, Taupo, Wairarapa and Palmerston North, as well as The Napier Mail and APN’s own Hawke’s Bay Today and its stable of publications.”
Photo captions –
Peter Halstead, Print Manager, AFN Print, Hastings
Print team (Left to Right) Don Birch, Daniel Howard, Wane Larwood, Gerry Morris, Chris Davies.
Chris Davies of the Print team checks a freshly printed paper
Parking. Animal Control. Emergency Management. Water. Roads. Environmental Health. Libraries. Planing [Planning]. Building Consents. Rubbish. Opera House. Trade Waste. Parks and Gardens. Security Patrols. Landfill. Community Housing. Graffiti Removal. Recycling. Liquor Licensing. Tourism. Bylaws. Exhibition Centre. Sewerage. Visitor Information. Resource Management. Playgrounds. Landscaping. Public Art. Cemeteries and Crematorium. Trees. Infrastructure. City Archives. Civil Defence. Rural Fire. Holiday Park. Community Planning. Street cleaning. Budget Advisory. Noise Control. Working for Hastings every day (whether it makes the news or not)
Page 41
Historic Napier tobacco plant closes
Post Press
Photo captions –
L-R: Anne Lacey, post press supervisor; Scott Povey, production co-ordinator; Anita Savage, production administrator – APN Print, Hastings
Anne Munro, feeder, at the Stitch and Trim unit, APN Print, Hastings
Hawke’s Bay Today post press, Hastings buildingc
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 42
Evers-Swindell twins win gold at Rowing World Champs
Marketing & Promotions
Hawke’s Bay is without doubt a region of meteorological extremes.
From time to time, our drivers and paper boys and girls brave torrential rain, scorching hot days, huge winds – even snow and floods to ensure readers get their daily “fix” of news.
But of all the things that test us, says promotion and circulation manager Drew Broadley, power cuts are our biggest nightmare. They strike without warning and can cripple journalists, creative teams and the printing press for hours.
As with many time-worn memories, the date of this particular catastrophic event eludes us. But it’s a story worth telling, says Drew, because it illustrates the extraordinary commitment of every single staff member to getting the paper out that day.
Printing of the second section of the paper usually starts at 9:30am.
On the winter’s day in question, the press was already threaded, ready to print, when the lights flickered and went out.
The staff waited, counting the minutes, then the hours.
The usual two-section paper, it was decided, would have to be abandoned in favour of a single section.
Nonetheless, it was a long wait and many nails were chewed before the power returned, just before midday.
“It was all hands to the pump,” Drew says. “The one section paper still had to be put together, bundle labels printed, pages assembled, plates made, and finally, the paper printed and delivered to our readers.”
Long-time employee Richard Edmunds recalls that by the time the paper made it on to the streets, many paper girls and boys were not available to make deliveries in the dark.
“Office staff dropped their usual jobs, grabbed unfamiliar run lists and became “instant” paper delivery couriers,” he says.
As papers made their way to letter boxes and retail outlets, the after-hours phones went crazy with hundreds of calls from readers reporting a missing second section or that they had not received a delivery at all, because, unbeknown to them, it was still in the process of being delivered.
It was after 8:00pm when the phones finally fell silent and staff filtered out of the building.
There have been other close shaves; like the time power in the Auckland CBD failed, and the back-up generator failed.
Our system is part of a network working across the whole APN group of papers. The principal server is in Auckland and we could not access our news stories until a replacement generator for the backup generator was up and running.
Whether it’s Mother Nature putting us to the test, or an unforeseen technical problem, rest assured that the entire Hawke’s Bay Today team works its hardest to make sure the paper gets through.
Photo captions –
Hawke’s Bay Today Marketing team
L-R Drew Broadley, Peta Rook, Richard Edmunds
L-R: Merchandiser Phil Pearse, Pak’n Save Checkout Louise Nicoll, Hawke’s Buy Today point of sale, Glen Dickie, Retail Account Manager, Pak’n Save, Hastings
Front L-R: Teresa Nicol Key Account Manager, Laurie Coghlan General Manager, Drew Broadley Marketing Manager, Gary Locke Key Account Manager (Motor) – The vehicle fleet, Hawke’s Bay Today cars and APN Print vans and drivers
Page 43
Former Hastings Mayor Jeremy Dwyer loses fight with cancer
Photo captions –
Publishing staff and van drivers
Hawke’s Bay Today delivery team
L-R: Jane Anderson, Delivery Supervisor, Gareth Mentzer, Distribution Manager
Hawke’s Bay Today delivery staff supervisors.
Vern Maultsaid drives one of the Hawke’s Bay Today publishing vans, past the Hawke’s Bay Today sign at the Napier Airport, Napier
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 44
Play Together, Have Fun!
Napier’s Par2 MiniGolf course probably has the most spectacular view of any similar minigolf course in the country.
The scenery is almost enough to distracct from the minigolf on the two 18-hole courses. The course, next to the i-SITE Visitor Centre on Marine Parade, looks out over the Pacific Ocean to the spectacular cliffs of Cape Kidnappers and the distant Wharerata Range and hills of Mahia Peninsula. To the west are the art deco treasures of Napier.
There has been some form of minigolf played on the site for more than 60 years.
People were practising their minigolf putting on the site in the 1930s as the city was rebuilt from the devastation of the 1931 earthquake.
A children’s playground and the Tom Parker Fountain were completed but plans for a skating rink, “domed community centre,” bowling greens, tennis courts and other attractions were put on hold by the outbreak of the Second World War.
During the 1950s the War Memorial Centre replaced the community centre idea and the statue of Pania of the Reef, the floral clock, the roller skating rink all were built or installed at this time.
At Par2 MiniGolf there have been extensive plantings of native trees and shrubs to soften the “moonscape” design with natural obstacles such as water features.
The course is popular with visitors, families and school parties.
The Deco Drive Course is currently undergoing an Art Deco style refurbishment.
There are two courses, The Deco Drive – This course is curved amongst landscaped gardens with views to Bluff Hill and the Art Deco Arches as well as looking out across the Pacific Ocean.
Tricky slopes make for a challenging game of minigolf.
The Pacific Pro-Am – This course is full of angles and water hazards winding through the trees. The course is one of a number of Marine Parade attractions and is part of the Napier on Parade Pass. The National Aquarium, Marineland and Ocean Spa are the other three. Families, adults or children can buy passes for a discounted entry rate.
Par2 MiniGolf has a new mascot, Seamore the Seagull arrived at the Par2 MiniGolf this year. He visits on special occasions and can be seen greeting children in Napier to advertise attractions of the minigolf course.
Marine Parade, Napier – P: 834 1911
E: [email protected]
by the Soundshell beside the Sea
Visitor Information
Page 45
Art Deco weekend wins top awards
APN Print Central
75 years of family involvement
The retirement of Grigor Hopkinson as factory manager at APN’s CHB Print earlier this year ended more than 75 years’ family involvement with the newspaper and printing industries in Hawke’s Bay.
His father, Wilf, was an apprentice printer at the Hawke’s Bay Herald at the time of Hawke’s Bay’s 1931 earthquake and seven years later, in partnership with Dick Clarke and Charlie Forbes, acquired ownership of Waipukurau’s newspaper, the Central Hawke’s Bay Press. Subsequent members of the families remained as shareholders of the paper until 1980 when it was bought by Hawke’s Bay Newspapers.
By then Grigor Hopkinson had been working for the firm for 20 years, having first been roped in by his father as temporary helper when he left school in 1960. After six months, given the option of staying or leaving, he stayed and for the following two years, prepared linotype for the daily Central Hawke’s Bay Press then worked on the commercial printing jobs which occupied the press once the newspaper was out.
Gradually moved around the factory, he acquired on-the-job training in all aspects of newspaper and commercial printing, from type preparation to binding. He also did a stint ‘on the road’, ferrying copy and proofs between the printery and the numerous schools all over Hawke’s Bay for whom it produced annual school magazines.
Grigor was appointed factory manager 16 years ago, by which time the newspaper and commercial printing operations had been separated and the succession of ownership changes leading to the printery’s present-day status as part of APN Print was well underway.
So too were the technological innovations which transformed printing from the linotype operation on which he began to the current fully computerised system. Now called CHB Print, and with approximately 25 staff compared with six in Grigor’s first years, the press is the only sheet-fed operation remaining in APN.
It has been preserved, he says, by the dedication of staff whose efforts have created a strong and versatile printing business with a loyal local customer base, and by the maintenance of skills through a succession of apprentices.
He says his 47 years with the business have been rewarding, particularly so his involvement with the introduction of important new equipment such as the first single-operation two-colour press, and more recently a four-colour press. He’s also enjoyed being involved with the production of local histories and seeing the pleasure of customers when they receive their completed work.
Grigor’s own son and daughter have worked at CHB Print at various times, and he says that his hope on retiring, is that it will continue to play its current significant role in the Central Hawke’s Bay region.
Production Manager retires
Julian Hansson’s career in the print industry is exactly contiguous with the history of CHB Print, where he is production manager. He started an apprenticeship with the company as a typographer in 1979, the year of its formation as an amalgamation of the commercial print divisions of Hawke’s Bay four main newspapers. One of those was the Waipawa Mail and it was there, as a youngster, that Julian had received his introduction to the clatter of the printshop and the smell of printer’s ink.
His father Julius, a printer, became a partner in the Waipawa Mail in 1950 and Julian often spent his out-of-school time in the printshop, eventually graduating to a holiday job, and in an almost inevitable progression, deciding to make his career in the industry and taking up a typography apprenticeship.
His transition through the various aspects of CHB Print’s operation, first paste-up and cold set, then the camera department and plate making and finally, production and job planning, was paralleled by the development of the company itself.
Having begun with a single-colour offset machine, now as APN Print Central, it operates six presses, one a four-colour press installed three years ago which has extended the company’s versatility so that today it produces everything from business cards and stationery to glossy colour brochures and fully bound books.
As production manager, Julian oversees the complete operation, beginning with liasing with clients and organising quotes, then deciding on the production procedure, overseeing artwork, coordinating pressroom production and finishing in the bindery.
Photo caption –
L-R: Julian Hannson, Grigor Hopkinson from APN Print Central, Waipukurau.
Julian and Grigor’s parents used to own the business.
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
Page 46
150 years young
After 150 years, Hawke’s Bay Today, descendant of Hawke’s Bay’s original newspaper, The Hawke’s Bay Herald and Ahuriri Advocate, is still the preferred source of news and information for people in the region, with an unmatched 89,000 readers every week*
Hawke’s Bay Today continues to provide readers with the very best of local, national and international news and sport. Many thanks to our loyal readers for your support.
Hawke’s Bay
*Source: Nielsen Media Research newspaper readership survey July 06 to Jun 07
Page 47
Maori Queen dies
Flooding in Hawke’s Bay worst in 50 years
Strong Relationships
“The Art Deco Trust has always found Hawke’s Bay Today and its predecessors, the Daily Telegraph and the HB Herald-Tribune, very supportive of its efforts to promote Napier and Hawke’s Bay through its unique architecture,” Mr McGregor said. “After a period of healthy scepticism (‘We used to think you were all mad’ said the late Ken Hawker, editor of the Daily Telegraph, in the mid 1990s) the paper has been committed to the concept and it’s sponsorship of the GEON Brebner Print Art Deco Weekend is evidence of this.”
Photo caption –
Robert McGregor
Executive Director of the Art Deco Trust
Bruce Robertson from Export New Zealand sums up his relationship with Hawke’s Bay Today in two words: “Quite superb”.
“A real high point was Hawke’s Bay Today’s sponsorship of this year’s export award programme,” he says.
“We’ve a great rapport with the paper – and this is set to continue.”
When the Magpies run out onto the field at Napier’s McLean Park, Hawke’s Bay Today has been there to record the team’s progress and celebrate its success.
Photo caption –
Bruce Robertson
Executive Officer, Export New Zealand
“I’ve always had a strong association with the papers and it has always been a good, positive working relationship,” Mr Murphy said.
He has been involved in the planning and promotion of a string of events from Blues, Brews and BBQS, the Reignier Christmas Concerts, sports balls, and a number of sporting events.
“The current partnership with Hawke’s Bay Today is a key element to the marketing of these occasions.”
Having moved into the role of event sector representative for Hawke’s Bay Wine Country he said he was looking forward to continuing the beneficial relationship with the print media.
Photo caption – Kevin Murphy
Commercial Manager, Sport Hawke’s Bay
Brenda Chapman, Marketing Director at EIT Hawke’s Bay, has seen the benefits of the strong relationship between the institute and Hawke’s Bay Today on many occasions.
“EIT Hawke’s Bay is keen to share the research, knowledge and expertise of our teaching staff and our students. Both the news and advertising sections of Hawke’s Bay Today help to raise the awareness of the institute so that it is not one of the region’s best kept secrets,” she said.
Photo caption –
Brenda Chapman
Marketing Director, EIT
Mike, who grew up in Napier, said regional newspapers were an important part of the community and especially for sporting codes such as the rugby union.
“It is definitely important to us. We have a good relationship and we like to think our news stories are an important part of the paper and an aspect the community is interested in,” he said.
Mr Bishop said the union enjoyed the support of the newspaper but positive or “balanced” news stories were a must.
“I grew up in Napier so my memories would be of the Daily Telegraph and I had a brief association with the (Hawke’s Bay) Herald-Tribune when I went to school over in Hastings,” he said.
Photo caption – Mike Bishop
Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union Chief Executive.
“Very definitely,” was Mr Smith’s response to being asked if the relationship between the network and Hawke’s Bay Today was a strong and positive one.
He said both media had a big part to play in the promotion and highlighting of what he described as a “huge” number of events in the region.
“Per head of population Hawke’s Bay must be number one when it comes to festivals, concerts and sports… it’s the event capital on [of] New Zealand.”
And that was reflected in the coverage and commitment given by the newspaper and radio.
Photo caption –
Martin Smith
General Manager of The Radio Network, Hawke’s Bay
“I still have fond memories of growing up in Onga Onga, where the Herald-Tribune featured very strongly in our household,” says Kevin Hansen, director of the Horse of the Year Show.
“The coverage in Hawke’s Bay Today on the Horse of the Year Show was simply fantastic. We like to think of this as a Hawke’s Bay owned event, so it’s great to see such loyalty from our local paper.”
Photo caption –
Kevin Hansen
Director of the Horse of the Year Show
of Newsprint in Hawke’s Bay
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Format of the original
Newspaper supplementDate published
Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today
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