Air Force Log Book 1941


Reference: – AIR27/1501


Page No.

Place   Date   Time   Summary of Events   References to Appendices

10.11.41   0825   S/Ldr. Morris flew to C.O.S conference at Ma’aten Bagush.

1500   P/o. Cole flew Tomahawk to L.G. 110 to bring A/c at that Landing Ground up to 6 at readiness. General flying.

11.11.41   0900   S/Ldr. Morris took off for Bagush at 0900 hours to attend conference at AHQWD. Returned at 1200 hours. 5 A/c returned from L.G.110 at 1200 hours. P/o Cole remained behind owing to seizure of engine. Sgt. Creighton in A/c AM 438 force landed at El Alamein. 30 miles east of Dhaba owing to engine trouble. He was unhurt. General flying

12.11.41   4 new A/c collected from Wadi Natrum – AK 460, AN 378, AN 418 and AN 409. General flying. 2nd Advance Party left for forward area. P/o Carson in charge.

13.11.41   3 new A/c collected from Wadi Natrum – AN 379, AN 435 and AN 383. 3 new pilots, F/o Hart, P/o Masters and P/o Rauger arrived here on posting from England. General flyin

14.11.41   1430   S/Ldr. Morris & 16 other pilots left for forward area. F/o Maynard assumes command of 250 Squadron Base. General flying.

15.11.41   1430   Sgt. Creighton left to join Advanced Parties in forward area. General Flying. Squadron Adjutant, F/o D.D. Maynard visited AHQWD.

16.11.41   General flying. Sgt. Gilmour, a new pilot, arrived on posting. F/o D.D. Maynard appointed A/F/LT.

17.11.41   0730    Sgt. Creighton returned from A.L.G.

1030    Sgt. Creighton left for ALG with P/o Masters. P/o Masters returned. Reported that Sgt. Creighton force – landed. A convoy was seen going to his assistance. P/o Masters was unable to locate A.L.G.

18.11.41   3 officers & 6 Sergeant Pilots left by road for ALG

19.11.41   Air Commodore H.B. Russell D.F.C., A.F.C., visited the ……

20.11.41   Squadron placed on 48 hours notice to move.

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Bob Masters died 20 November 1941 during air operations in the Western Desert, Middle East


Business / Organisation

Royal Air Force

Format of the original

Handwritten log book

Date published

10-20 November 1941


  • Pilot Officer Cole
  • Sergeant Creighton
  • Sergeant Gilmour
  • Flight Officer Hart
  • Pilot Officer Masters
  • Flight Officer Maynard
  • Squadron Leader Morris
  • Pilot Officer Rauger
  • Air Commodore H B Russell

Accession number


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