Amputee Association Newsletter March 2000


Affiliated to Amputees Federation of New Zealand Incorporated


MARCH 2000

Colin Blakesley
1027 Waipuna Street
Ph (06) 876 7789

Bob Hitchcock
32A Roselyn Road
Ph (06) 835 9687

Helen Rogers
10 Maxwell Place
Ph (06) 843 7597


Once again welcome to all at Annual meeting for year 2000. 1999 has gone so quickly bringing us to a new millenium which I hope you all celebrated in some way. Going over my notes for the year the Limbfitters visits are still well attended however we feel we [are] losing the personel contact with bookings done through Wellington, a thought to ponder on later perhaps. The conference Neill and I attended earlier in the year as you are all aware was not one we felt at ease attending however there are serious changes underway for future conferences and I hope future delegates can come away with a feeling of gain and achievement. Let us take a moment to remember those we have lost in recent or distant times. “Thank You” Our thanks go to the Lottery Board for the generous grant for the funding of our Field Officer and the Hastings Boys High School grant which is a big help in our running costs. Bob Hitchcock is regulary [regularly] visiting in Hawkes Bay and has attended Gisborne Limb Fitters Visit and I know he has covered a lot of ground from the feed back. We are still receiving calls from the hospital for visits also.

Our meetings and Social Functions have been well attended and I would like to receive new ideas from our members as to what they would like to do for more Social gatherings. Or perhaps we could take on a project to help others in the community. Our Federation has kept us up to date with their activities during the year and have produced a reference policy and procedure manual which is very interesting a good start for future conferences.

Well once again a special thank you to our committee who have kept our branch active during 1999 Helen is always looking for news for newsletter and would appreciate input from members even if you have something for sale.

To Graham and Raewyn thankyou for providing the venue today and during the year we are grateful for all your help.

Just a footnote here before I close I feel there is a strong need to update or replenish our usual notice in the hospitals doctors surgery’s physios etc.

It is with pleasure that I on your behalf present Mr Neill Rogers with the achievement cup for his work in the community. Neill attend Limb Fitters Clinics at Hastings Hospital and has done so for many years while at Napier Hospital.

President Colin Blakesley.

Here is a little piece of History taken from the first National publication “Conquest” January 1965.

The NZCAA (New Zealand Civilian Amputees Association] and its six affiliated associations has done a great deal during more than 20 years to obtain social security benefits and an improvement in condition and facilities – free artificial limbs and the repairs thereto, a free issue of stump socks, allowances for travel and other expenses incurred in attending a limb centre to mention but a few.

In addition to ensuring that such requirements are met there will of course always be the need for an association of amputees to ensure that the psychological needs of a person who has recently lost a limb are never lost sight of – not only by contact with the individual but, and just [as] important, by ensuring that society as a whole is so informed that an amputee is accepted just the same as any other person – no one can claim to be perfect.

To conclude, pause to consider what YOUR Association has done for you and ask yourself if you have given it the active support it deserves. If not, it is never Too late …

Hi Folks,

Included in this mailing is Purpose from the Federation. When you receive this Our President Colin will be attending Conference with Ron Beattie attending as an observer. It is sad to report that due to people not paying their 1999 subs we have now be allocated only one vote at Conference. I have sent some newsletters out to some people who have attended Limb Clinics and are not on our Membership list and issue them an invitation to join our local society. We need all amputees to stand together so that our National Federation has good clout when approaching Government on your behalf. I know that there is concerns that the Government has put a clause into place that says “A amputee can only have a second limb if funds are available” This would certainly affect people in the work force. So come on all you who have not yet paid your Sub for year 2000 pop your $5.00 in an envelope and post to me.


SUBS $5.00
If you have a RED DOT HERE
Post of H Rogers
10 Maxwell Pl

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Amputees Federation of NZ Incorporated

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Date published

March 2000


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