Annual Report 1975







I read a very good quote last week that said – If you want to give yourself a jolt, then write down what you accomplished yesterday.  Well, I’ve been trying to write down what we’ve accomplished over the past twelve months – and I’ve certainly been jolted!

I can’t look back on a single major achievement during my year in office – the fountain at the Cultural Centre – that’s the result of Past President John’s work.  There’s been no railway stations at Fantasyland, no wishing wells at Civic Square, no financial assistance for the Coronary Care unit at the hospital.  But all was not lost – there have been some minor achievements.  I think of the Redwoods we planted at Te Mata Park – they’ll be a living tribute to the Rotary Club of Hastings.

I think of that wonderful meeting with the Chinese community at Waikoko Homestead – certainly a bridge-builder in community relations.  I think of the hosting of that very large party of English Rotarians and the goodwill for New Zealand and our club that this engendered.  We all know, too, that Brian Campbell is quietly progressing with another house project that will make a substantial contribution to our project funds.  There were other minor achievements, and to me, two of the most pleasing were the bringing into the membership of our club 12 fine new Rotarians, and the attendance percentage at our weekly luncheon meetings.  We are the third largest of the 46 clubs in District 293 yet we topped the whole district in February with a weekly average of 90%, and on several other months, we were in the top ten.  We can be proud of that!

We were saddened during the year, when we lost by death four wonderful members – Honorary member, Bill Greer (President 1950) and members Paul Barcham (28 years) Jack Thompson (19 years) and Vic Howells (13 years).  Another valued member, Tom Richards, transferred to Auckland.

These past twelve months have been amongst the happiest in my life – and I have you to thank for it.

Thank you for the great compliment you paid me in asking me to be your President.

Thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement you have given me throughout the whole year, but thank you most of all for your friendship – this I have valued above all else



Probably more than any other of the Rotary committees, Club Service is dependent on a constant team effort for its success, and, this year I believe the team spirit and efficiency has been absolutely top-class.

The Classification and Membership sub-committees have operated as a group with regular “think” sessions resulting in 16 new Classifications being opened and 20 nominations being forthcoming for these classifications.  From these 16 classifications, 11 new members were inducted and 2 classifications were still under action as at the 30th June.  This result is one of recent years’ most satisfactory – a tribute to the efforts of Dick Gray, Syd Young, Paul Jones and John Cornelius.

Our Programme Organisers, Bill Chapman and Jack Seton, were constantly aware of the importance of good speakers to the continued enjoyment and subsequent high attendance ratio of luncheon meetings.  They have searched far and wide in their efforts to ensure a balanced ratio of local, national and international programmes. I think their crowning effort was the bringing of Eve Rimmer from Whakatane for the June 24 change-over function.

No praise is too high for the great efficiency of the “luncheon squad”, Ian Hickman’s enthusiasm, ability, and constant “on-the- job” efficiency as Marshal has, I believe, been responsible for much of the efficiency.  Gordon Lee, Ted Gallen, Colin Young, Alan Walker, Dick Gray, Keith Sands, Bill Kemp, John Mullany, Jack Dallimore and Sam Rangiihu have all contributed much to the fellowship and smooth-running of each week’s Rotary meeting.  I particularly commend the great work by comparatively new members, Gordon Lee and Ted Gallen, in the demanding roles of Cashier and Attendance recorder.

The Sergeant-at-Arms role is one of the most difficult in the club. To be a “funny man”, month after month, requires a lot of work and nervous tension.  This year’s Sergeants squad Gwyn Lewis, Paul Jones, John Cornelius and Bill Webb, have been a tremendous success, providing lots of laughs and considerable sums for our Sunshine Fund.

Social Functions organised by Don Patterson and Frank Darroch have included two very successful progressive dinners, a superb Barbecue on a most glorious summer’s night at Frank and Margaret Darroch’s lovely home, an excellent ladies luncheon at the Angus Inn, and the very enjoyable change-over dinner on June 24th.

Again this year, Max Luttrell has contributed much to the great fellowship aura of the club with his weekly bulletin, full of entertainment, Rotary information, as well as club news. His wit and wisdom are appreciated by all members.  Bill Langford as Historian and Frank Darroch, keeping the Records, have worked quietly in the background.

Lionel Wainscott and Hamish McPherson have had a busy year as Club Visitors.  Several of our members have been ill in hospital or at home, and the visits of Lionel and Hamish have been enjoyed by them.  During the year, Arthur Giorgi who has been Treasurer for several years sought leave-of-absence for an extended stay in Great Britain.  Colin Young willingly took over Arthur’s demanding duties and has moved [proved] a model of pleasant, unruffled efficiency.

Finally, again this year as for several years past, no praise is too high for the tremendous efficiency of our “towering giant” of a Secretary, Frank Crist.  His detailed secretarial work is first class and his Rotary knowledge, so freely imparted, is of tremendous assistance to all Club Officers.




Our committee’s activities for the year centred around a desire to increase our knowledge of the international activities of Rotary.  We enjoyed having visitors at our meetings and hearing talks with an international theme and we also accepted responsibility for some worthwhile projects.

We had eleven evening meetings at various committee members homes.  They were well attended, rather informal and all very enjoyable gatherings where we had opportunity to get to know one another much better.

Our Speakers were:-

Thomas Konig –   Exchange student from Germany
Cliff Cox –   Rotary Foundation
Bill Sims –   Rotary visitor from California
John Nott –   Group study exchange
Dr. Nelson –   Missionary Medical Services in South Vietnam
Ian McPherson –   World tour
Bob Edmonds –   Visitor from U.S.A.


We sponsored a scholarship which covered the cost of a young Indian Leper’s attendance at a trade rehabilitation centre.

With assistance from Doctor Nelson our committee accepted responsibility for packaging and freighting a substantial quantity of medical supplies to a refugee hospital in Hong Kong.

We arranged a grant partly from the Golden Jubilee South Pacific Trust and partly from the J.R. McKenzie Trust Fund, together with some of our own funds, to cover the costs for a young Fijian girl to have her sixth form High School year in Hastings.  Unfortunately we experienced some unexpected visa problems which prevented the girl coming for the 1975 school year, but the funds are still available and hopefully she will be here in 1976.


Cliff Cox carried out his duties as Rotary Foundation Officer in his usual conscientious and efficient manner and our committee is grateful to him for the trouble he has taken during the year to tell us of the work of Rotary Foundation.


We are all aware of the tremendous job George Pacey does for Student Exchange and members of our committee were pleased to assist George on the odd occasion and more particularly during the student orientation weekend.

Ian Featherstone as Student Exchange liaison Officer has also worked hard during the year taking care of the various visiting students.


It has been a pleasure to act as chairman of this committee for the year.  All members have taken an interest in the meetings and I thank them for their support.



Recognised as regular duties of the Community Service Committee are:

(a)  Organising Rotary participation in three house-to-house appeals during the year.

(b)  Organising the Town and Country Forum.

(c)  Organising Club assistance with the Redwood grove at Te Mata Park and with the activities of the Pakowhai Country Park Trust Board.

(d)  Assisting with old-folks’ concerts and outings.

I believe that the committee performed adequately in all the above fields.  We were particularly pleased with the success of this year’s Town and Country Forum but would especially acknowledge the great assistance received from President Bryce in spear-heading the idea and arranging involvement with the Chinese Community.  Because we made direct approaches to club members, all house-to-house appeals were well supported with cars and drivers from Hastings Rotary.

At the beginning of the Rotary year we set as our main objective the organising of activities and outings for children resident in Welfare Family Homes.  We sought help in this project from many sporting clubs and societies but the response was discouraging.  However, children were taken on several outings by committee members – outings which were enjoyed by children and Rotarians alike.  The Community committee recommends that future committees should consider pursuing and extending the scope of this project.

During the course of the year the committee investigated the possibility and desirability of publishing a pamphlet to be distributed to Hastings legal firms setting out the aims of the Hastings Rotary Trust.  It was thought that such a pamphlet might promote bequests or donations to the Trust. Ian Snadden prepared a draft wording and this was approved in principle but by the close of the Rotary year details had not been finalised.

Under the competent and virtually sole direction of Brian Campbell, the construction of a second house for the Trust was commenced.  This will be finished during the 1975/76 Rotary year.

Although our achievements have not been great, I believe that what has been done has been well worthwhile and I thank my committee members for their support.

Laurie Lloyd,

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

30 June 1975


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