Annual Report 1980-81 International Committee



This Committee started its year with two main objects. Projects were to be attempted that identified some need that was worthwhile, unlikely to be done otherwise, and capable of supervised completion. Additionally, they were to be small and within our capabilities, but could be expanded if need be.

Secondly, we were determined to use the year, and its efforts, to get to know each other better, and to enjoy ourselves. We were determined to make Rotary a pleasant and not necessarily over serious experience, and if need be to impose this on the rest of the Club.

This second purpose was achieved.  I know that I speak for the rest of the Committee when I say that we all made new or improved old friendships, and that with the active encouragement of President Jack, share this with the Club as a whole. The starvation luncheon at which we catered for the Club with rice and curry , plus a glass of water, and took the proceeds, not only complemented the talk given on a Malaysian refugee camp by Dr Peter Fleischl, but gave the opportunity for Gordon Lee and Bryce Jones to demonstrate their brock bleaking [block breaking?] skills. Our cake auction, which made the princely sum of $26:00, was notable for the look on Basil Brooker’s face when he found his beautiful cake was hollow. My thanks to all who contributed to these happenings.

MALAYSIAN REFUGEE CAMP. Dr Fleischl talked to the Club on his three months in Malaysia on an Island with 11,000 Vietnamese refugees, and the proceeds from the meal covered $200:00 sent previously towards a washing machine and drier, a joint project with other Service Clubs.

Interchurch commission on immigration and refugee resettlement. Support to this Committees work was given by grant of $50.00 to the cost of one person’s introductory course.

Last years Committee team of Hans Andersen, Peter Young, Bryce Jones and Gordon Lee continued an active interest and involvement with the Chung family, and a successful establishment of this refugee family in our Community is tribute both to the adaptability and hard work of the family and its sponsors. At the same time it is clear that language and cultural barriers take a long time to bridge, future sponsors must be aware of the need for the sort of long-term committment undertaken by our Members. The thanks of Committee and Club go to those Members mentioned.

Fiji Salvation Army rehabilitation programme for ex-offenders .This programme appears to be very worthwhile and contact through Captain David Major of the Salvation Army who is a member of the Suva Rotary Club. The Committee decided to sponsor two specific projects, and were aided by a grant of $300:00 from the


South Pacific Trust. These projects were –

1.   Provision of underwater fishing gear. This involved purchase of a new under water torch, batteries plus a battery charger and additional spear gun equipment. This is particularly useful as most fishing is done at night.

2.   Welding equipment, involving purchase of masks, gloves and hand tools. This is supportive to a work-shop set up by U.S. aid funds.

The sum of [blank] was sent to Fiji, as expected discounts plus purchase in a major trading centre seemed preferable to buying in New Zealand then shipping the more expensive goods.

District 993 World Service Committee. A grant of $20.00 towards the reconnaissan [reconnaissance] travel fund for this District Committee was made as clearly many projects require on the spot assessment and active help is useful. In future our Club will have access to this fund if needed.

Austintown, Ohio U.S.A. This Club is holding an auction in August and sent U.S. $15.00 towards purchase of an item from this Club.  A pair of fleecy lambs wool childrens mittens were sent, plus a pair provided by this Club to match the Austintown contribution.

Ship Board Dinner. Through last minute hitches in shipping schedules this traditional dinner was not held this year but it is hoped that it will be held in future years. Thanks are due to the efforts of Members for their efforts to bring this to fruition.

International Committee Gala Chinese Banquet. Over 50 from the Committee and the Club at large attended a fine evenings fellowship and dinning [dining] (and wining) at the Canton Restaurant, where Gordon Lee provided a sumptuous eleven course meal. Guests included the Chung family plus our Exchange Student Kala Hoffman and three visiting Rotary Exchange Students. This project was funded by the cake stall and a minor levy on those attending.

This report details the major activities of the Committee over the year. One or two other small projects were passed over to the incoming Committee for consideration.

Ian McPherson
Ian McPherson Chairman,

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