Annual Report 1981-2


Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present the fifty fourth annual report of the Hastings Croquet Club.

Following Mr. Bill Curtin’s election as Club Captain at the Annual General Meeting in May 1981 the committee received with regret his resignation at the first meeting. Mrs L. Ritchie accepted the committees nomination to fill the vacancy and our gratitude is certainly accorded to her for having so graciously taken on again the very demanding duties of Captain when we were aware that it was a position from which she wished to be relieved. We were pleased that Mr Curtin’s commitments allowed him to remain as a Committee member.

At that meeting also committee members accepted particular tasks in order to share the work load. Mrs. V. Larner and Mrs. A. Sullivan have been telephone secretaries to assist Miss M. Shand, Secretayin [Secretary in] communicating club activities to members. Mrs A. Sullivan has been responsible for raffles and the Sales Table. Mrs J. Cross has arranged for catering and housekeeping. The President, Vice Captain and Mrs D. Unwin formed a match committee to work with and assist the Captain and Mrs. L. Ritchie and Miss M. Shand have been club delegates to the H.B. Association Meetings held monthly at the Marewa and Hastings Clubs.

Mr. E. Williams and Mr. J. Ewen although not committee members offered to regularly mark the lawns and to assist whenever needed to maintain the playing facilities. The club has indeed been grateful and most fortunate to receive the expert services of Ernie and Jack. Nothing has seemed to be too much trouble. They have willingly responded to our requests to be a carpenter, an engineer, a general maintenance man, a painter, an irrigation expert or whatever. Thank you both, we recognise your hard work and we are very grateful.

It has been of continual concern not to have a groundsman to be responsible for and to co-ordinate lawn maintenance. An approach was made to the City Council to help aerate the lawns during the autumn. It was unsuccessful because of the financial commitment involved. Mr. Bruce Pattullo, the son of members, offered the loan of a grooving machine and he also instructed us in it’s use. The machine, the property of Morrison Industries, became


available for sale. It was purchased by a member and given as a gift to the club. A hard working group of members then grooved the lawns and we were advised that regular maintenance should include it’s use every spring and autumn. The lawns now need a planned programme for weed control and top dressing. Advise has been sought from Government Horticultural Officers but serious consideration will need to be given as to how any advise [advice] can be carried out. Manual work of such magnitude is clearly beyond our membership and delays in setting lawn care into motion now can only mean a lowering of the lawns standards which have been a credit to this club for many years. Labour costs money and our annual budget has not had to include such an item for some time. It surely must do so now but how we can meet the expense is a matter for immediate concern and I hope one which all members will feel a responsibility to discuss. It has been a physical strain to water the lawns and to try to keep the grounds generally tidy during the year. We seem to have reached the stage where “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” We certainly have had a great working team in some faithful members and all credit for the standard of our lawns now is due to their hard work.

Following requests from two schools senior students from Hastings G.H. School and Havelock North High School were introduced to croquet at two planned four weekly programmes. Some forty young people participated most enthusiastically. Students, teachers and our members who were involved thought it a very worthwhile venture. We are hopeful that croquet generally will benefit from some new young players eventually while immediately, as a club, approximately $38.00 was added to our funds. We have also assisted in establishing a croquet lawn at the Pakeke Club for Senior Citizens at Havelock North. It was a ‘Lions’ project which we were happy to support by donating equipment, and giving advise on markings etc. Mrs J. Cross and Mr. E. Williams liaised on our behalf and Mrs Cross attended the official opening of the lawn. Our active participation in promoting croquet in the community was stated as a function of our club when we submitted an application to the Eastern and Central Hawkes Bay Savings Bank for a sports grant recently. I think that we have aquitted [acquitted] ourselves well in this regard during the past year. The weather early in the season dampend [dampened] our enthusiasm for fund raising ‘Twilight Croquet’ and then heavy demands on the lawns prevented similar


social activities after Christmas. Finances were boosted however, during the N.Z. Junior Championships and again during the H.B. Association Tournament which attracted a record number of entries. The efforts of members during both tournaments encouraged spontaneous praise from visitors for the hospitality they received. Management was also recognised as being first class and such reports have obviously contributed to the request from the N.Z.C.C. for Hastings to host the President’s Invitation Levels Tournament in November 1982. It is a privilege to watch the standard of play we have had the opportunity to see on our lawns this year and new members are encouraged to take advantage of learning from tournament play whenever possible.

Vandalism has been an unfortunate intrusion in our club this year. Minor damage has been done to the lawns on a number of occasions and the pavilion has been broken into twice. The last time burglary took place too and unfortunately insurance cannot cover this latter aspect. We have neigherhood [neighbourhood] watch however, and all members are entreated to ensure maximum security by checking windows and doors before finally padlocking the gates. Damage to date has mainly been of a minor nature but each time it has involved extra work for the secretary and those involved with repairs.

It is with sadness that I record the passing of Mr Clarry Hunt. Although new to croquet Clarry was a very enthusiastic pupil of Ernie Williams. He was thorouly [thoroughly] enjoying not only the play but also the friendship of members when he became ill. Sympathy was expressed to Mrs Hunt and members of his family who were grateful for our support.

During the year five new members have been received and four members have resigned. We are particularly sorry to have lost our youngest player, Ian Davis but hope that he returns to croquet after the demands of school examinations are over.

This year some very experienced and valued members of the committee retire after fulfilling the maximum 3 year term of office. Mrs Ritchie as Captain, Miss Shand as Secretary, Mrs Cross as tea convenor you each brought to your positions skills which will be sadly missed. Your break has been well earned however, and we know that you will each be continuing to contribute to the club in other capacities. I personally have appreciated your individual wisdom and the strength that you have brought to the committee.

The Treasurer, Mrs M. Ewen, is available for re-election but I wish to record thanks for her special expertise too. We appreciate the businesslike manner in which you administer your duties Moira and I know that the auditor sings your praises as well.

To all committee members whether retiring or available for re-election, my personal thanks. I hope that the members feel as I do that we have worked as a team to promote the best interests of croquet generally and the Hastings Club particularly. A committee elected by the members needs the support of everyone and only by open dialogue can the committee know if it is meeting the needs of those who elect it.

Let CO-OPERATION and SUPPORT be our aim for the coming year because the committee you elect is going to need those two vital ingredients if the club is to function harmoniously.

B Waring

Brenda Waring

May 1, 1982

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Croquet Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

1 May 1982


  • Mrs J Cross
  • Bill Curtin
  • Ian Davis
  • Jack Ewen
  • Mrs M Ewen
  • Clarry Hunt
  • Mrs V Larner
  • Bruce Pattullo
  • Mrs L Ritchie
  • Miss M Shand
  • Mrs A Sullivan
  • Mrs D Unwin
  • Brenda Waring
  • Ernie Williams

Accession number


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