spraying weeds and indeed to all of you, whether committee members or not who have worked on behalf of the club during the year. Club spirit, I think, is as vital if not more so than the quality of play for the clubs future, and I am sure that members who can work together will all the more be able to enjoy their play together.
Some very hardworking and valued committee members complete their term of office this year or are not available for re-election. The treasurer, Mrs M. Ewen has very ably kept our financial affairs in order. We have appreciated your work Moira – thank you for all that you have done. Mrs V. Larner became captain almost by default but I think that she has executed her duties faultlessly. We all appreciate the pressure the demands of the captaincy placed upon you Vera and thank you for rising to the occasion, even though it was against your will initially. Mrs J Kenning has been a tower of strength to me personally, to the club and to the newer players. Enjoy your well earned retirement from office Joan and particularly enjoy more time with Gerald but please consider becoming active as a committee member again fairly soon. Mrs P. Green accepted her appointment in the catering and housekeeping area with many feelings of inadequacy but Peggy you have proved your adequacy without a doubt. You have done a marvellous job throughout the year, thank you for all your work. The club is indeed fortunate that Mrs Averill Sullivan is still available for re-election. I have appreciated your help and support as secretary Averill and I know that your continued work will benefit us all.
To the Vice President Tom Quayle and to all committee members my personal thanks. [As] a team I feel that we have worked together for the benefit of the club and for the promotion of croquet generally and I know that without your continued support my task would have been much harder.
On the whole I have enjoyed my 3 year term as President. Thank you for giving me the privilege of heading the committee you elected and of representing you all. I now look forward to supporting my successor and the committee you elect today and I wish them every success for their term of office.
B Waring
Brenda Waring
May 7 1983
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