Annual Report 1982-83


It is with pleasure I present my annual report on the Club’s activities for the past year.

I have enjoyed my year as your President and I trust the members have also enjoyed the year and the work we have carried out in our community

Attached are the reports from the various Committees:-
Peter Young    –    Club Service
Paul von Dadelszen   –   International Service
Brian Gurney   –   Community Service
Errol Pike   –   Vocational Service
John Mills   –   Youth Service

Thank you fellows and our co-directors, Bryce Jones, Jim Redgrave, and Dick Spence for your help and guidance during the year.

A special thanks to Club Service Members who nave kept the Club running so smoothly week after week. My report would not be complete without mentioning three people who have a real day to day commitment to Rotary, namely:
Frank Crist
Max Luttrell
Colin Young
where would we be without them?

When we look back over the year, the Club has marked up some achievements:-
Fantasyland Maze at a cost of some $5,000.
Hospice project and donation of $1,000.
First grant from the Hastings Rotary Charitable Trust of $1,000.
Landmark assistance.
Hastings Old People outing.
Club Auction – over $700.
Oliver Twist luncheon.
Exchange Student participation.
Ron Giorgi’s fifty years in Rotary
and various other community projects.

Thank you fellows for this support which has made my year very worthwhile.

An active year that has been fairly severe on our project fund. However, Peter has a project for next year which I am sure will receive Club support to remedy this temporary situation.

It is with sadness I record the passing of two of our “members, Jack Cooper and Dael Therkleson. They will be sadly missed in our Club.

Finally, thank you for giving me the opportunity and honour of joining the list of Past Presidents of our club.

Ewing Robertson.



I was absent from New Zealand for about the first two months of the Rotary Year, and I am grateful to Richard Watson for acting as Chairman during that time.

The Committee has concentrated during the year on one main project, aid to Papua New Guinea. At first, consideration was given to the proposal to stock or assist in the building of a medical aid post in a remote area. However, it became apparent that this was not appropriate, and the alternative of assistance with education was suggested. It was reported that there were four schools in the particular area catering for children from 5 to 15 years of age, the equivalent of New Zealand primary education, and teaching aids and materials were much in demand. A report was obtained from a teacher on the spot, as a result of which it was decided by the Committee that approaches would be made to local firms to see if stationery and other suitable school equipment could be obtained, hopefully at no cost.

At the time of writing this report, suitable stationery and books have been donated, and more is expected. A contribution from Club funds may be sought to assist with transportation to Papua New Guinea. Enquiries are also being made concerning the supply of garden equipment and fertilisers.

During the year meetings have been held in the Chairman’s office and at the homes of members of the Committee. Attendance at the home meetings has been good. We have had the pleasure of hearing from Kim Berthold, our exchange student. The Chairman has showed a selection of slides taken in Italy during his three-week camping trip there in August 1982, and Bryce Jones has talked about his trip to Japan.

During April, the Chairman and some members of the Committee attended the Whakatu Freezing Works with the Japanese Group study Exchange team. This was a most enjoyable and informative visit.

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“During the year the Chairman has had sundry correspondence with various Overseas Clubs, including those in Brazil, Ohio and England. At the request of the President of the host Rotary Club in South Africa for Vivienne Rarere, information was forwarded concerning New Zealand, including a booklet produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “About New Zealand”.

A highlight for the year was the final meeting held in June. This was a visit by ten members to the Japanese ship “Sunny Napier”. The members were shown over the ship and then entertained with drinks and Japanese food by the officers and crew. This was “international service” at its best.

[Paul von Dadelszen]

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

30 June 1983


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