Annual Report 1986-7

Ladies & Gentlemen it is my pleasure to present the 59th. annual report of the Hastings Croquet Club.

Firstly I would like to mention the maintenance & treatment of the lawns being cored, harrowed, fertiliser applied, lawns weeded, sprayed & rolled twice. All this being done so willingly by our greenkeeper Win Crawley & her band of helpers. Thank you Win. for all you have done over the season. Not only have you attended to lawn maintenance but also been vice captain and as well our delegate to the H.B. Croquet Assn., three jobs have you done.

At our last general meeting several suggestions were put forward as to draws for club days. Our captain Brenda Waring spent a lot of time drawing up a programme to accommodate our many players and A & B & C grade players were catered for by playing on different days this has alleviated double banking & I’m sure you all agree this new system has been a great success. Our thanks Brenda for the excellent work you have done on our behalf also the coaching classes you & Lotchen carried out during the winter months. During November twelve of our members spent a very enjoyable social day with members of the Dannevirke Rangatira Croquet Club. Hopefully we shall be able to return their hospitality with a return visit to our club this coming season. Also I make mention of two of our C grade players who participated in their first tournament. This being at Dannevirke C grade tournament, Helen Donaldson & Dorothy McKenzie, the first of many we hope. Also Ru Davis for his play in the N.Z.C.C. presidents junior invitation event held at Blenheim. Congratulations Ru for doing so well in this.

The Marewa Club were invited on two separate occasions to socialise with us and I’m sure it made us all realise just how fortunate we are to own our own greens and be able to play croquet during all seasons. During the year five new members have been received into the club and regrettably six have resigned. One of these being John Prince.

We thank Lena Lambert & Joan Kenning for their coaching new members & I’m sure you both must be very heartened when you see how your grounding, encouragment & time spent has been so rewarding – we were indeed fortunate and it was a privilege to watch the standard of play we had the opportunity to see on our lawns during the North Island championships during December last, and we look forward to seeing & learning more from the next N.Z. Croquet Councils medals event to be held on our greens during November.

Our H.B. tournament was again successful & it was encouraging to see so many of our players participating, especially our C grade players. Take advantage of learning from tournament play whenever possible. There is always something we learn each time we participate, as some of you are finding out.

We thank our patroness & life member Lotchen Ritchie for the umpire classes you held during the year also refresher course & it must have been very gratifying for you to have the seven participants gain their umpire badges. Also a thank you to our other life member, Ernie Williams for your many hours of service to the club & encouragment to all players.

Our flower gardens surrounding the lawns have been well-tended during the year, thanks to Muriel Talboys & her willing band of helpers, also to Bill Harrison for keeping our outside verge mowed & always tidy. This certainly does make a difference to the appearance of our property, also Bill for all jobs so willingly done for the club. To our tea conveynor [convener], Gwen Baker who has looked after us all so well during the year, as well as having an extra tournament to cope with. You have done what was asked of you & more Gwen. To our treasurer, Val Clarkson who looks after our money matters so efficiently & I know just how much time is spent behind the scene on our behalf. To our vice president Noeline Harrison for you support, loyalty & co-operation. Our secretary, Helen Burnard who is always available attending to our matters. To our sales table ladies, Betty Melville & Corrine McCorkindale who have organised our monthly sales table so enthusiastically, to our publicity officer, Vera Larner who has kept our sport before the publics eye. To Jean Cross, Averil Sullivan & Nola Kirk and to all our members who contribute in their quiet little way our grateful thanks to you all, as well as Mr. Gerald Kenning, our auditor & adviser & to Dr. Bruce Ritchie for copies of our balance sheet.

Looking back at previous records I see how finances have always been stressed, later in our treasurers report you will see how in the last four years with your co-operation & support we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am very grateful to you all for this support & co-operation & I thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a part of your team.

J Hunter

Coaching Ask Lena [?]

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Hastings Croquet Club

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  • Gwen Baker
  • Val Clarkson
  • Win Crawley
  • Jean Cross
  • Ru Davis
  • Helen Donaldson
  • Bill Harrison
  • Noeline Harrison
  • J Hunter
  • Gerald Kenning
  • Joan Kenning
  • Nola Kirk
  • Lena Lambert
  • Vera Larner
  • Corrine McCorkindale
  • Dorothy McKenzie
  • Betty Melville
  • John Prince
  • Dr Bruce Ritchie
  • Lotchen Ritchie
  • Averil Sullivan
  • Muriel Talboys
  • Brenda Waring

Accession number


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