Annual Report 1991



In presenting this report, I express my thanks to the Club Officers, Directors and especially the Chairmen of the various committees, all of whom by their leadership contributed greatly to a year of good fellowship and worthwhile service. The success or otherwise of any Club is never down to any one person, but rather is the result of the combined interaction of all. It was my aim at the commencement of the year to stimulate committee attendance and fellowship, and thereby committee activity, and some measure of success was achieved. The following reports listing many successful projects are evidence of this.

Probably my only regret, though considerable emphasis was given, is the fact we managed to induct only two new members. It is pleasing to note the some [same] names and classifications that were being considered are likely to result in new members in the coming year.

Club activities for the year included:

Providing funds for a trip to Sydney for pupils from Kowhai School of the I.H.C. Charity Golf Classic from which $3000 each was given to the Hastings Citizens’ Band for uniform replacement, and to the Child Cancer Support Group of H.B.

Support for the Diabetes Screening program for children, initially as a donation of $1000, then in assisting schools in the Hastings and surrounding areas to hold [to hold] fundraising barbeques. Our thanks are due to Alan Scott who was our Liaison person. A total of 18 schools were involved and $8000 collected.

District 9930 Conference was held in Hastings, with our main responsibility being the arranging of accommodation for visiting delegates. Our thanks are due to Don Patterson and Ian Cameron who completed most of the work on our behalf.

Other projects referred to more fully in later reports were the tree planting at Te Mata Park, combining with the Hastings District Council in appointing a replacement teacher for our Guillin [Guilin] project, and the money given for the support and education of two children in Dr Graham’s Homes in India.

Neil Donaldson.
Past President.


A series of vocational visits for members and wives was planned and held, with each one ending with a meal together. The first was a visit to McKearney’s Antique showroom, where a talk and demonstration given on the history, the availability and the value of antiques was given. Next was a tour and explanation of various aspects of brewing


and marketing at the N.Z. Breweries plant. Then a visit to a stud farm at Maraetotara, the subject being an important part of N.Z’s farming base and export capability. All were well attended and good fellowship and improved knowledge resulted.

Applications were sought and received from students at local High Schools for selection to attend the N.Z. Summer School of Science held in January at the University of Auckland. Here top students work and study in a “hands on” program, to develop a knowledge of the latest developments, become aware of the importance of science based industries to N.Z., and to become aware of the range of sciences available to them as creer [career] options. Stewart McLean of Karamu High School has been nominated by the Club and final selection by Rotary and the University is awaited

I have appreciated the support of committee members during the year. Thank you.

Rex McLay.


The year has been a successful one with good participation from both committee and Club members.

A bus trip for senior citizens finishing with afternoon tea at Twyford Hall was appreciated by the 40 involved.

The Ladies Probus Club of Hastings sponsored by us was formed in April with 34 foundation members attending. This was chaired by President Neil, with District 9930 Probus Chairman present together with representatives of other local Probus Clubs.

In conjunction with the Stortford and Karamu Clubs, we participated in a project to plant native trees and shrubs at Te Mata Park. This was well supported as a “Preserve Planet Earth” project.

Considerable planning and work by the committee, especially Keith Brazier and Charlie Trask, and with the cooperation of the Te Mata Park Trust Board, a marble plaque was presented recording the planting of the Redwood Grove by the Club in 1974, and a new directory board showing the various walkways erected near the park Carpark.

Firewood was delivered on behalf of Birthright to families in the area. Our thanks to all involved.

Two gas heaters were donated to the Parentline organisation.

Good use was made of the J.R. McKenzie Youth Education Fund with 4 students receiving grants amounting to $1100.

The Club assisted with 3 street collections.

My thanks to all for the support willingly given to me as Chairman.

John Eddington.



Your Committee has completed a solid if not spectacular year. We have carried on with past success and introduced some new.

World Community Service:
The Committee elected to continue to support Dr Graham’s Home in Kalimpong, a project initiated by our predecessors. While there are some uncertainties associated with this project because of distance, the project gives a sense of purpose. We are helping two young children to achieve a better life and attain a meaningful standard of education in a part of the world not known for its charity to the less fortunate.  Our Rotarians have supported this project generously throughout the year.

International Service:
A highlight for the committee this year has been being able together with the Hastings District Council to select a new replacement teacher for Guilin. The Mayor Jeremy Dwyer, Councillor Baker and the efforts of Rotarian John Mills acting as an official of the Council, have been greatly appreciated and together we have been successful with the selection of Marion Mawhiney who will leave for Guilin in September. We must continue to remain in contact and continue to support Marion during her tour of duty.

International Youth Exchange
The Committee has this year recommended and Directors’ approval given to our Club supporting an outward bound student. Together with Stortford Lodge Rotary, this intention was advertised and all Hastings Secondary Schools advised. The lack of applications was something of a surprise with only 4 interviews taking place at final selection. The standard of applicants was far from outstanding. However our Club has attained a student of high calibre in Karen Wood whose application has been accepted by District 9930 as Hastings Rotary’s outgoing student. We wish Karen every success in what will be for her a most challenging and exciting experience, as she has been assigned to Germany and has the additional task of mastering a new language.

What we as a Committee have set out to achieve, we have completed in a meaningful and positive manner. The Support has come from a small hard core within our Committee. We can be pleased with our efforts and have enjoyed good company and fellowship at our Committee Meetings which is what Rotary is all about.

My personal thanks to President, Neil, whose support and encouragement has made my ask [task] as Committee Chairman-both pleasurable and worthwhile.

Tony Brooker



The above Committee met at regular intervals during the year at the County Club Rooms, with attendances averaging 6 to 7 members per meeting.

A range of projects were undertaken either individually or in conjunction with other committees.

The major ventures undertaken were in the areas of Student Exchange, Rotoract and the proposed Annual “Rotary Charity Auction”.

Student Exchange
Whilst the Club’s involvement in this project was both successful and enjoyable, a number of aspects should be considered before we embark on this type of commitment in the future. With this in mind it is recommended that those club members most closely associated with this project compile a set of recommendations for future use by the Club.

Our thanks must go to Anica’s host families and also to her Club councillors, Roger Bate and Graeme Richardson for their help and hospitality over the year.

Hastings Rotoract has struggled over the year for lack of membership. They appealed to Hastings Rotary for support and it is pleasing to advise the Club was instrumental in introducing six potential members to Rotoract. They are a very enthusiastic group of young people and deserve our continued Support and encouragement.

Charity Auction
While this undertaking did not come to fruition at the anticipated time, the framework has been put in place to make the “Charity Auction” an annual event. It will be the one project each year where all club members will be involved and should raise much needed finance for charitable causes. Our thanks must go particularly to Charlie Trask for his continued involvement in this project.

In conclusion I would like to thank those members of the Youth Committee for 1990-1991 who gave their regular support and encouragement.  I feel their efforts made the year both successful and enjoyable.

B.A. Epplett

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

27 August 1991

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