Annual Report 1991-2


LADIES & GENTLEMEN: It is with great pleasure that I present to you, the 64th Annual Report of the Hastings Croquet Club (Inc.)

It has been a very busy and exciting year, with so much achieved by the work of the committee and all the Club members.

During this year a new hot water cylinder, a larger “Zip”, a “Scope” heater and a ceiling fan have all been installed. We have all appreciated the extra warmth in winter and the cool air in summer. Our new automatic dish-washer was finally purchased and installed. What an asset this has proved to be, especially during tournaments! Another purchase for the kitchen was the new china.

Major improvements to our grounds include the erection of two shelters on the Omahu Rd. boundary and the building of a new fence on the south-east boundary.

Our membership is fairly static with an overall number of 78. Seven new members joined us but four resigned. There are two prospective members who have had part of their coaching.

Sadly, in April, we learnt of the death of Bill Curtin. For many years he has been a respected member of this club. Several members attended Bill’s funeral and formed a “guard of honour” outside the church.

Our Winter Tournaments and School-age Tournament were as popular as ever and proved to be enjoyable and successful occassions [occasions]. The N.Z. Championships and the Arthur Ross Memorial events were held here during the season and I am pleased to record that these National competitions were also a great success. Special thanks must go to David Curtis whose expertise and hard work were invaluable during the preparations and running of these tournaments. Many thanks also to the Managers, Referees, Umpires, members who provided food, helped in the kitchen, dressed the lawns or helped in any way. Without your willingness and generosity these tournaments would not be so popular and successful. Incidently [Incidentally] they are also very lucrative for our Club!

Other money raised this season came from cake stalls; trash & treasure; monthly sales tables; sale of pine cones & sheep manure ; Christmas cake raffle; sale of apples; donations etc;. A big thank you to each and everyone of you for supporting these projects.

The Hastings Building Society continues to support and sponsor our Club with a donation of $300 for the tournament and $100 for our “open day” each year. Over and above this they continue to subsidise our subscriptions by $20 per member.

During the season new umbrella stands were made and four of our club members generously paid for them. Thank you!

Unfortunately our Club House continues to be vandalised. The replacement of window glass seems to be an ongoing and expensive exercise. Special thanks to the “odd job” men who board up the windows (when necessary); replace worn tap washers; replace locks; construct new ball boxes; mend centre pegs; invent and make ingenious notices for our new appliances (see dish washer); and one hundred and one other jobs.

During the year the lawns have been scarified, fertilised, sprayed for worms etc; this seems to be a never ending problem. Thank you to our Greens Supervisor and his band of helpers, who have given endless hours of their time to keep the lawns in such good playing order. Although not able to do as much these days, our stalwart Earnie [Ernie] Williams, is always available to offer help and his cheerful advice. Bill Dougan still mows the lawns and is always co-operative with members. The lawns are in superb condition for winter play and a credit to those involved in the upkeep!

Congratulations to all competition winners and also to Frank Booth for gaining a place in the Arthur Ross event.

On 1st Dec. twelve of our members travelled to Taupo and spent a very happy social day with the Taupe Croquet Club.

Thank you Jessie Hunter for acting as Club Secretary for the first four months of the year. Your willingness to help out in this difficult situation was truly appreciated.

Thank you Audrey McCracken for taking over this job, you have been an asset to the committee.

Thank you Vice-President David Curtis for your help and support. You are always a tower of strength!

Thank you Captain Karl, Treasurer Margaret, and all the committee. You have given your time and energies so freely and with such enthusiasm that it has been a pleasure to work with you all.

Thank you to Douglas Hunter who nobly continues to be the Club’s Honorary Auditor.

To committee members who are not seeking re-election, thank you for the time you have served. Welcome to all new committee members.

Thank you to all members you have been very supportive and loyal to me during my time as your President. I have spent three very happy years working with and for you.

To my successor I wish an interesting and fulfilling year. I am sure that the Club members will continue to give you their co-operation & support and that our Club will continue to prosper.

I wish you all a happy and successful 1992/1993 season.

N Harrison   9/5/92

Noeline Harrison   Date

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Croquet Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

9 May 1992


  • Bill Curtin
  • David Curtis
  • Bill Dougan
  • Noeline Harrison
  • Douglas Hunter
  • Jessie Hunter
  • Audrey McCracken
  • Ernie Williams

Accession number


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