Annual Report 1995-6


To-day heralds the end of another year for the Hasting’s Croquet Club and the beginning of another one.

The 1995-96 season has not been our most successful on record as far as Inter-club competitions are concerned, However the players who represented us acquitted themselves well and made the other Clubs work hard for their victories!

The “Fun Days” that we held were well patronised by our own members & visitors from other local clubs. These proved to be very popular and we intend to hold more of these during the next year.

An “Open Day” was held early in October. This was well attended with many club members bringing prospective players along. As a result five new members have joined our club. Thank you to all club members who helped in any way.

The “Winter Tournaaments [Tournaments]” once again proved to be very popular and a great money raiser for our club. If you have read the financial report you will have noticed that we ran at a small loss for this year. If we did not have these winter tournaments this club would be bankrupt.

The Hastings Croquet Club Annual Tournament was held over Labour weekend this time instead of during a week. This was an attempt to attract more competitors. However this was not altogether successful and if it had not been for the stirling [sterling] efforts of David Curtis the tournament would have been a dismal failure. I suggest that next time the events be split and played over two week-ends. Perhaps the Women’s Handicap & Men’s Handicap events on one week-end and the Open Champion & Handicap Pairs events be held on another. (Not necessarily on consecutive week-ends)

The Ivy was removed from the East boundry [boundary] wall during this year and when the weather has worn the residue away this wall will need to be


repainted. When this happens I would like to see our name boldly sign-written on the higher part so that it is clearly visible to the public.


The Captain & Vice-Captain who have had a busy and strenuous year but you will agree with me when I say that they have been successful in pleasing most of the people most of the time and this is no mean achievement in a club of this nature. Thank you Olive & Dorothy!

The Vice-President who has been the proverbial “Tower of Strength” not only to me but to all the committee. She is always willing to do all she can to further the interests of this club. Thank you Joyce!

The Secretary who is super efficient and keeps us all on the straight and narrow! Without a good secretary this club could not function. Thank you Eileen!

The Treasurer who has worked hard to keep us in the “black” by preventing us from spending money unnecessarily. I assure you she keeps a tight hold on the “purse strings”. Thank you Beryl!

The Hostess who has a real talent for catering – she could do this professionally and make a fortune at it. Thank you Dawn.

The Almoner who keeps in touch with members who are sick and also keeps us all informed as to their health status. Thank you Noeline!

The Publicity Officer who has managed to get our croquet results published in the local newspaper on a regular basis. Thank you Noeline!

The Coaching Co-ordinator. Margaret Hussey was co-opted to do this job as we were desperate for someone to undertake this task. Not only has she fulfilled her duties well but also willingly! Thank you!

The committee members who have worked in various ways to keep the club functioning in the expected fashion. Thank you!

The coaches and umpires who gave of their time, expertise & energy to all of us at various times during the year. Thank you!

The Club Handicapper who stepped into the breech when no-one else was willing to take on this task. Thank you Val for the unbiassed [unbiased] way you have carried out this job!


New Members Secretary has once again  proved to be invaluable in this position. It is with the greatest regret that I have to tell you that Dulcie is not going to contiue [continue] as our new members secretary next year. We thank you Dulcie for all your efforts to encourage and support new members in this club over the last six years.

To Bill Harrison for his work on the lawns etc;. We know that during this year your health has not been the best but you have still managed to do a great deal. Thank you Bill! You will be pleased to hear that the committee has engaged a professional firm to maintain the lawns in coming year.

There are many “unsung heros” in this club who perform all the seemingly small but essential jobs year after year. The people who supply food for tournaments and who serve teas & lunches;; organise the weekly raffle; mark the white lines; clean the club house; supply & arrange the flowers; Run the Sales Table; Weed the garden; and a hundred and one other tasks . Thank you all for your efforts! I wish you all a successful and happy 1996-97 year.

A McCracken

A. McCracken.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Croquet Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

11 May 1996


  • David Curtis
  • Margaret Hussey
  • A McCracken

Accession number


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