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- Booklet 1993-94
Booklet 1993-94
(Charter Issued 1924)
(Official Club Motto)
Send your Make-ups to Secretary Derek Burns
P.O. Box 752
John Dent
Kevin Williams
Ian Cameron
IMPORTANT – This Booklet is to be kept for the use of Rotarians only.

Page 1
We’re proud and we’re glad to extend
May the spirit of Rotary ever
Make you feel you are more than a friend
In the dim distant days yet to come
May fond memory brighten the eye
When you hear once again our refrain

Page 3
1933 Giorgi, R. V. Ron S.A. Menswear Rt. (Millicent)
1938 van Asch, P. Piet S.A. Aerial Mapping (Dorothy)
1948 Wilkie, C. J. Cyril S.A. Transp. Goods (Mary)
1955 Garland, K. O. Keith S.A. Jewel Retail (Molly)
1962 Darroch, F. G. Frank S.A. Insurance-Life (Margaret)
Tucker, E. W. Ted S.A. Engin. Refrig.
1965 Crist, W. F. Frank S.A. Educ. Second. (Greta)
1966 Peryer, D. A. Des. S.A. Mortician
1967 Bate, E. R. Roger S.A. Solicitor (Jennifer)
Jones, J. B. Bryce S.A. Depart. Stores (Jocelyn)
1968 Patterson, D. W. Don S.A. Office Equip. (Annette)
Pascoe, W. A. Bill S.A. Public Trustee (Joan)
Webb, L. J. Len S.A. Chartered Acc. (Margaret)
1969 Jones, P. Paul S.A. Car Retailing (Sylvia)
1971 Apatu, R. F. Rei S.A. Agric. Farming
Clarke, G. Graeme S.A. Med. Pract. (Margaret)
Davidson, D. H. C. David S.A. Gynaecology (Beth)
Trask, C. J. Charlie S.A. Building Cont.
Campbell, B. D. Brian S.A. Comp. Holdings (Hale)
1972 Custance, R. J. Ray S.A. Indust. Design (Ann)
Mullany, J. J. John S.A. Musical Instru. Retail (Audrey)
Cameron, I. D. Ian S.A. Freezing Works (Kere)
1973 Cornelius, J. A. John S.A. Sharebroking (Anne)
Lee, G. B. Gordon S.A. Cafeteria Services (Shui Yee)
Snookes, L. P. Les S.A. Chiropractic (Barbara)
Cross, A. E. N. Tony S.A. Apple & Pear Market. (Patricia)
1975 Andersen, H. C. Hans S.A. Veterinary Med. (Inger)

Page 4
1976 Donaldson, N. D. Neil S.A. Optometry (Valda)
Brook, B. F. Byron S.A. Book Selling (Margaret)
Brooker, B. E. Basil S.A. Auditing (Diana)
1977 Eddington, J. R. John P.S. Public Trustee (Joan)
Spence, R. G. Dick Ind. Elect. Auto. (Diana)
Fine, D. David P.S. Pri. Bank Savings (Brenda)
1978 Burns, D. J. W. Derek S.A. P.S. Build Soc. Perm. (Betty)
1980 Walker, R. L. Ron Lighting Services (Helen)
Mills, J. C. John Parks & Reserves (Sue)
1981 Lawson, I. C. Ian Transport Admin. (Wendy)
Struthers, R. J. Sandy Milk Treat Admin. (Diana)
1982 Le Claire, R. D. Darryl Data Processing (Valerie)
Hurford, J. F. Jim Insurance Broking (Joy)
1983 Douglas, H. V. Hugh Ophthalmic Services (Cathy)
Naylor, R. E. Rod Panelbeating (Carol)
1984 Williams, K. J. Kevin Chartered Account. (Margaret)
1985 Fear, G. K. Graeme Homeware Retailing
Walker, R. A. Royden China & Gift Ret. (Janet)
Scott, A. W. Alan S.A. P.S. Education (Murrae)
Atkins, B. G. Brian Swimming Pool Ser. (Judith)
1936 Coxon, T. R. Terry Public Valuing (Joan)
Lewis, M. J. Merv Sec. Education (Judy)
1987 Gusscott, D. N. David Meat Processing (Liz)
de Treend, R. Ricardo Horticultural Serv. (Cheryl)
Richardson, G. W. Graeme Pharmacy (Lyn)
Williamson, N. G. Neville Industrial Chaplain (Margaret)
1988 Whittaker, J. W. Jeff Horticultural Retail (Helen)
1989 Boyce, M. D. Mike Building Society Local (Delys)
Epplett, B. A. Brian Insurance Domestic (Pat)
Knight, O. Owen Music (Jean)
Millin, I. V. Ian Insurance Life (Pauline)
Schultze, A. M. Arthur Primary Products Dist. (Judith)
Higgins, B. B. Bryon Insurance (Topsy)
1990 Faulkner, D. Derek Banking Community (Sally)
Hutchinson, B. J. D. Bryan Furniture Retail (Anne)
Peryer, J. John Funeral Services (Kathy)
Standish, P. Peter Assurance – Superannuation (Jenny)

Page 5
1991 Anderson, Rev. S. Pad Stuart Religion (Anglican) (Eve)
Shaw, A. A. Alisdair Horticulture (Orchardist) (Jenny)
Bryan, A. Tony Packaging (Sally)
Leys, R. M. Bob Banking Retail (Liz)
Hocquard, P. W. Philip Solicitor (Denise)
Barnes, J. P. B. Peter Accountant Taxation (Shona)
Millar, E. Eric Local Body Administration (Cherry)
Brodie, A. N. Allan Kiwi Fruit Marketing (Pam)
1992 Spittle, D. J. John Banking General (Iris)
Luoni, M. K. Michael Financial Services (Susan)
Botherway, M. J. Max Newspaper Advertising (Cheri)
Mulvanah, G. Gary Travel (Marie)
Sutton, N. R. Nigel Airport Admin. (Joan)
Coe, B. J. Brian Credit Union (Susan)
Collins, B. H. Brian Solicitor Conveyancing (Marie)
Standring, D. J. Denis Motelier (Lorraine)
1993 Dent, J. R. John Accountant Auditing (Lesley)
Kilgour, K. C. Craig Clergyman (Janet)
Robertson, W. N. S. Bill Banking Commercial (Gaye)
Kirk, C. M. Cynthia Accountant
Thompson, H. J. John Energy Admin. (Pam)
Edwards, B. D. Brian Food Processing (Shirley)
Cooper, K. M. Karen Hort. Research
James, T. Terry Hort. Tomato Growing (Margaret)
James, B. H. Brian Stock & Station Finance (Jane)
Sutton, K. V. Kevin Banking Finance (Sue)
1938 Bate, Sir Edwin Ed. Barrister
1952 Kemp, W. R. Bill Dry Cleaning (Rosie)
1952 Velvin, E. J. Vel Md. Opth. Sur. (Joan)
1977 George Pacey (Dec’d)
1979 Ron Giorgi
1981 Frank Crist
1983 Max Luttrell (Dec’d)
1986 Colin Young (Dec’d)
1988 Len Webb
1992 Craig Kilgour
1988 John Holderness (Dec’d)
1988 Bill Pascoe
1988 Cyril Wilkie
1988 Lee Barradell
1990 Vel Velvin
1992 Piet van Asch
1993 Don Patterson
Grant Milne (President) 876-9351 835-5757
Margaret McLean (Secretary) 879-7907
Page 6
DIRECTORS: Home Phone Bus. Phone
Merv Lewis – President – 877-6405 878-7139
John Peryer – Vice President (Club Service) 876-2799 878-5149
Bryon Higgins – Past President 877-5167 876-5938
Derek Burns – Secretary 879-7474 876-5648
John Dent – Treasurer 876-4404 876-8126
Ian Cameron – Past President (Bulletin) 877-6088 –
Frank Crist – Past President 878-3241 –
Hugh Douglas – Members Rep 877-6084 878-4521
Tony Bryan – International 879-8352 879-9020
Owen Knight – Vocational 878-6796 878-7107
Garry Mulvanah – Community 878-7203 878-9069
Allan Brodie – Youth 877-8437 876 4588
Peter Barnes – Accountant 877-6628 876 7159
Kevin Williams RYLA (O.S.E.) G.S.E 876-9561 878-7077
ELDER STATESMEN (50yrs & Over Service)
Ron Giorgi 878-9700 –
Piet van Asch 878-8585 –
Phil Hocquard (Convenor) 876-2212 876-6199
Bryon Higgins 877-5167 876-5938
Bryan Hutchinson 878-4512 878-2144
Max Botherway 875-0704 878-5155
John Cornelius 877-8505 878-5143
Ian Cameron 877-6088
Bryon Higgins 877-5167 876-5938
Sandy Struthers 876-7563 876-8056
Paul Jones (C) 878-3252 878-7149
Roger Bate 877-8425 878-5033
Neil Donaldson 877-4323 876-3777
Page 7
Craig Kilgour (C) 878-9704 878-8247
David Gusscott 844-8466 878-6069
Phil Hocquard 876-2212 876-6199
Denis Standring 878-4216
Ted Tucker 878-9825
John Mullany 878-3102
Basil Brooker 877-8344 876-8044
John Spittle 877-5938 876-8099
Alan Scott 878-2922
Ian Millin 843-2166 876-7012
Dick Spence 878-4439
Frank Crist 878-3241
RYLA – O.S.E. – G.S.E.
Kevin Williams (C) 876-9561 878-7077
Roydon [Royden] Walker 877-7244 878-7181
Cynthia Kirk 877-7821 876-7159
Neil Donaldson 877-4323 876-3777
Darryl Le Claire 844-9310 876-6004
John Spittle 877-5938 876-8099
Don Patterson 877-4937 878-2199
Page 8
Keith Garland 876-6030
Len Webb 878-3433
Dick Spence 878-4439
Rei Apatu 874-3833
Cyril Wilkie 878-9630
John Eddington 876-7418
Bill Pascoe 878-3415
Alan Scott 878-2922
Dick Spence 878-4439
Gordon Lee 878-8163 835-9477
Derek Faulkner 877-4737 878-2094
Cynthia Kirk 877-7821 876-7159
Mike Boyce 877-8051 876-5169
Brian Atkins 878-7230 876-8045
Brian Campbell 878-6831
Frank Darroch 877-7856
Bill Pascoe 878-3145
Bill Pascoe 878-3145
John Peryer 876-2799 878-5149
Jeff Whittaker 878-3762 878-8655
Page 9
CLUB SERVICE: Home Phone Bus. Phone
John Peryer (Chairman) 876-2799 878-5149
Peter Barnes 877-6628 876-7159
Ian Cameron 877-6088
Craig Kilgour 878-9704 878-8247
Derek Burns 879-7474 876-5648
Paul Jones 878-3252 878-7149
Bryon Higgins 877-5167 876-5938
Derek Faulkner 877-4737 878-2094
Phil Hocquard 876-2212 876-6199
John Dent 876-4404 876-8126
John Mullany 878-3102
Dick Spence 878-4439
Ted Tucker 878-9825
Kevin Williams 876-9561 878-7077
Cyril Wilkie 878-9630
Owen Knight (Chairman) 878-6796 878-7107
Brian Atkins 878-7230 876-0845
Roger Bate 877-8425 878-5033
Basil Brooker 877-8344 876-8044
John Cornelius 877-8505 878-5143
Frank Crist 878-3241
Brian Edwards 877-5731 876-6169
Graeme Fear 877-7993 878-8346
David Fine 877-6650
Bryan Hutchinson 878-4512 878-2144
Terry James 878-8041
Rod Naylor 878-4329 876-7521
Arthur Schultze 843-5371 876-5394
Allan Scott 878-2922
Alisdair Shaw 879-7307
Denis Standring 878-4216
Charlie Trask 878-6431 878-7878
Neville Williamson 876-8436
Page 10
YOUTH: Home Phone Bus. Phone
Allan Brodie (Chairman) 877-8437 876-4588
John Spittle 877-5938 876-8099
Stuart Anderson 877-8567
Mike Boyce 877-8051 876-5169
Brian Campbell 878-6831
Brian Coe 877-5050 878-6000
Terry Coxon 877-6622 876-6034
Hugh Douglas 877-6084 878-4521
Brian Epplett 879-7278 876-7012
David Gusscott 844-8466 878-6069
Jim Hurford (06) 856-8050
Ian Lawson 879-7602 876-0179
Darryl Le Claire 844-9310 876-6004
Graeme Richardson 876-9395 878-8555
Kevin Sutton 844-7172 878-8770
Nigel Sutton 877-6852 835-3427
John Thompson 843-7558 876-8163
Ron Walker 877-6752 878-8148
Tony Bryan (Chairman) 879-8352 879-9020
Max Botherway 875-0704 878-5155
Byron Brook 877-5087 878-9204
Karen Cooper 878-5501 870-0511
Frank Darroch 877-7856
Ricardo De Treend 876-6887 878-8650
Brian James 877-5731 876-6169
Cynthia Kirk 877-7821 876-7159
Bob Leys 835-5770 876-0227
Michael Luoni 844-6312 876-5285
Ian Millin 843-2166 876-7012
John Mills 876-7886 876-5059
Bill Pascoe 878-3415
Don Patterson 877-4937 878-2199
Des Peryer 878-3253 878-5149
Les Snookes 877-5363 878-5210
Roydon Walker 877-7244 878-7181
Peter Standish 877-5934 878-3029
Page 11
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Home Phone Bus. Phone
Garry Mulvanah (Chairman) 878-7203 878-9069
Hans Andersen 876-5273
Rei Apatu 874-3833
Graeme Clarke 876-8155 878-2228
Brian Collins 878-8811 878-4093
Tony Cross 877-4378 876-8149
Ray Custance 877-8446 878-5179
David Davidson 876-9355 876-0214
Neil Donaldson 877-4323 876-3777
John Eddington 876-7418
Bryce Jones 874-7897
Gordon Lee 878-8163 835-9477
Eric Millar 877-6583 876-5059
Gary Pike 876-9190 879-8361
Rill Robertson 877-7689 878-3033
Sandy Struthers 876-7563 876-8056
Len Webb 878-3433
Name Home Phone Bus Phone Committee
Page 12
AHURIRI Napier Sailing Club Mon. 5.30pm
GREENMEADOWS Taradale Town Hall Wed. 5.30pm
HASTINGS-KARAMU Hastings Club Thur. 5.30pm
HAVELOCK NORTH Parkwood Country Lodge Mon. 6.00pm
NAPIER Cosmopolitan Club Marine Parade Mon. 12.15pm
NAPIER WEST Fire Station Taradale Road Tues. 5.30pm
STORTFORD LODGE Heretaunga Club Victoria Street Hastings Tues. 5.30pm
TARADALE Taradale Town Hall Thur. 5.30pm
WAIPAWA Coronation Park Wed. 5.30pm
WAIPUKURAU Tavistock Hotel Mon. 5.45pm
Page 14
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that hant it.
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae The Lord be thank it.
For what we have eaten may The Lord make us truly thankful, and keep us mindful of the needs of others.
For food in a world where many walk in hunger.
For faith in a world where many walk in fear.
For friends in a world where many walk alone.
We give Thee thanks O’ Lord.
Page 15
1924/25 W. Richmond
1925/26 C. Gardner
1926/27 E. J. W. Hallett
1927/28 W. J. Rowe
A. E. O’Meara
1928/29 H. R. French
1929/30 F. S. Budd
1930/31 R. D. Brown
1931/32 A. F. Redgrave
1932/33 C. Griffiths
1933/34 D. A. Bathgate
1934/35 A. E. O’Meara
1935/36 W. A. Whitlock P.D.G.
1936/37 C. A. Hendry
1937/38 A. J. C. Runciman
1938/39 A. J. Grant
1939/40 E. T. Gifford
1940/41 G. H. Roach
1941/42 Rev. W. T. Drake
1942/43 J. Wattie
1943/44 W. A. G. Penlington
1944/45 H. E. Phillips
1945/46 A. C. A. Hyde
1946/47 W. E. Bate
1947/48 A. Kirkpatrick
1948/49 R. V. Giorgi
1949/50 W. A. Greer
1950/51 J. J. Nimon
1951/52 J. K. Agnew
1952/53 R. F. Campbell
1953/54 W. R. Warnes
1954/55 P. J. Priest
1955/56 R. P. Fish
1956/57 J. H. Holderness
1957/58 L. C. Kerr
1958/59 H. a’C. FitzGerald
1959/60 J. E. Tier
1960/61 E. A. Batson
1961/62 E. D. Anderson
1962/63 E. J. Velvin P.D.G.
1963/64 T. C. Jackson
1964/65 J. G. Seton
1965/66 G. L. Pacey
1966/67 K. O. Garland
1967/68 S. J. Begley
1968/69 C. R. Campbell
1969/70 C. P. Chamberlain
1970/71 R. H. Rangiihu
1971/72 L. H. Wainscott
1972/73 J. A. Dallimore
1973/74 J. B. McCormick
1974/75 J. B. Jones
1975/76 J. A. Redgrave
1976/77 P. C. Single
1977/78 D. W. Patterson
1978/79 E. R. Bate
1979/80 F. G. Darroch
1980/81 J. H. Cooper
1981/82 C. J. Trask
1982/83 E. Robertson
1983/84 P. W. Young
1984/85 J. Mills
1985/86 D. J. W. Burns
1986/87 G. O. Robson
1987/88 R. E. Naylor
1988/89 I. D. Cameron
1989/90 G. B. Pike
1990/91 N. D. Donaldson
1991/92 W. F. Crist
1992/93 B. B. Higgins
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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]
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