Break-In 1932

December 10, 1932
Page 369


Back row (left to right) :- M. Pettifer, 2KJ ; S. French, 2JB; – Crooks, 2MQ; A. Crabtree, 2FQ; Mr I. Baird, J. O. Neill, 2KT; A. Robertson, 2KM; H. Roberts, 2FY; E. Beale, 2AT.

Front row (left to right) :- C. Simpson, 2KD, H. Etheridge, 2FW; F. I. R. Hunt (Vice-President) 2GQ; R. Scott (President) 2CR; G. E. Tyler (Secretary) 2GE; R. H. King, 2KI; L. T. Young, 2KK.


The activities in amateur radio in this district during the past twelve months have shown that this hobby is increasing in popularity to a great extent.

During the past year many enthusiasts have passed their tickets and joined up with the local Branch here, making a total to date of 16 transmitting members, as well as several listeners.

At the annual general meeting, held at the beginning of the year, the responsibility of the chair was entrusted to Mr R. H. J. Scott (ZL2CR), the secretary being Mr G. E. Tyler (ZL2GE).

The meetings of the Branch are held alternately in Napier and Hastings in the shacks of different members, after which the “boys” adjourn to a near-by restaurant for supper, which makes an excellent way of winding up such a pleasant evening.

The meetings are carried on in quite a formal fashion, opening by the secretary reading the previous minutes and correspondence, after which subjects are brought up for discussion, and members discuss different transmitting problems which they have encountered.

These meetings are thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend, and also tend to hold the Association together as a body, as well as being a great help in settling minor local matters in connection with station interference, etc.

During the year a list of Branch rules was drawn up in order to ensure perfect harmony in the future,

concerning new members, election of officers, and voting, etc.

The inauguration of the Radio Emergency Corps was welcomed with great enthusiasm in this district, and it was decided from the outset to form a section here, details of the activities of which will be found in the R.E.C. notes.

Many of the amateurs in this district have now obtained higher frequency permits and DX conditions during the past three months have been quite favourable, quite a number of the new members having had QSO’s with other continents on low-powered transmitters. Since the earthquake of 1931, conditions here in regard to electric power interference have been far from satisfactory, many of us having been forced to break off QSO’s on account of this trouble, but we do hope and dream that there will be a time when interference and static of any description will be gone and forgotten, never to return.

In reference to transmitter design in this district, there seems to be a tendency to build low-powered MOPA’s, some in push-pull, some with buffer stages, and some just the conventional driver and power amplifier. Phone transmissions are heard quite often from this district, and some are as good as those heard on the broadcast band.

In conclusion, let us, on behalf of the Napier-Hastings Branch of the N.Z.A.R.T., tender congratulations to the Headquarters staff at Christchurch, who have. done their work so wonderfully well during the past year, with special mention of their achievements in the publication of “Break-In” and the inauguration of the Radio Emergency Corps. We wish them as well as the other members of the N.Z.A.R.T. a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

December 10, 1932
Page 387


Left to right :- 2MD, 2HP, 2CZ, 2NM.


Once agn Christmas is near and wd it comes increased ham activity in this district. Sa oms make wi New Year motto to “act up to the ham code and to send in notes to 2MD.” Each With Hi.

2CZ been on 40m.; repts DX n.g., so back on 80 wd loop fone (vy FB hr) es BK in CW. Taking portable to Ruahines at Christmas.
2GC still keeps Tuesday nite skeds wd first district; uses Hartley wd 210 modulated wd a Tobe toob drawing abt 4½ mills (100 per cent. om?).

2GV staging a come-back sn.

2CF comes in hr vy FB on both CW and fone.

2HP trying out portable Hartley ready for Christmas holidays. Gd to hr u on agn, OM, but put in a grid leak next time. Hi! Hi!

2MD rebuilding wl use Hartley Wd 400v. on 45 both on fone and CW Heising modulator (if it wks). 2NM, our newest ham, is doing gd wk wd 201A’s in a PP FGTP xmtr wd abt 5 Watts inpt. Don’t forget that rept to ZL2MD, Takapau, before 12th of each mth. Only costs ½d and wl hlp to make these notes worth while.

Compliments of season to everyone. – 2MD


The Hawke’s Bay Branch of the R.E.C. was efficiently organised at a local meeting of the N.Z.A.R.T. early in March of this year, when the following members were elected:- Section Leader G. E. Tyler, 2GE; Deputy Section Leader H. R. Roberts, 2FY; Equip. Supervisor H. Etheridge, 2FW; Asst. Equip. Supervisor C. Simpson, 2KD; Secretary and Treasurer, T. F. Baird; Operators, F. Hunt, 2GQ, A. Crabtree, 2FQ, L. Wass, 2GY, M. Pettifer, ZKJ.

On the various field days participated in, the gang acquitted itself

admirably in regard to speedy station erection and operating technique. (Ask ZGE; he is an old Navy op. and he knows!)

We possess two portable combination transmitters and receivers, each approximately 18 inches square, and have a smaller and lower power job under construction. For transport purposes we are very fortunate in possessing two cars, a caravan fitted up with three bunks, and a sea-going motor-launch.

A newcomer to our ranks was Frank Hunt, ZGQ (of QRP fame); very acceptable too! We would like to take this opportunity of sending our best wishes for Christmas and New Year to all the R.E.C. sections and 73’s to members individually.
– T. F. Baird, Hon Sec. and Treas.

FOR SALE – Condenser Mike Heads in solid brass construction, fitted with stretched dural diaphragms and mounting bracket; £3. Condenser Mikes, complete with shielded amplifier and type, 230 tubes; £10. Write for further particulars to ZL2FY, 106 Southampton Street, Hastings.

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NZ Amateur Radio Transmitters

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Date published

10 December 1932

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