Breakout 2007 – 09 September


The Newsletter of the Hastings and Napier Amateur Radio Clubs

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8   September 2007


John Newson

Hastings Br 13
Club Calls

Napier Br 25
Club Calls

Node 6793

Connect and type

Branch Nets
9.00 AM
Sunday Morning
3615 kHz
147.250 MHz


Join the KIWI DX Group
Talk to ZL2AL for Details

Inside This Issue
Hastings Branch 13 Report   Page 2
Napier Branch 25 Report   Page 3
CQWW Winners   Page 4
‘2BCX 2 Metre Beam   Page 5
Notices   Page 10
The last Bit   Page 10

Certificate caption – Our world class DX team pull it off!!!

President:   Warren Harris ZL2AJ   Ph 027 564 9284 or 856 8587   email [email protected]
Vice President:   Robert Wallace ZL2SG   Ph. 878 4993   email [email protected]
Treasurer:   Bill Lowes ZL2UBG   Ph 877 5078   email [email protected]
AREC/CD   Robert Wallace ZL2SG   Ph 878 4993   email [email protected]
AREC Deputy:   Warren Harris ZL2AJ   Ph 021-649284   email [email protected]

Committee:   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph. 879 7977   email [email protected]
Wayne Wilson ZL2WL   Ph 027 499 7109   email [email protected]
Lee Jennings ZL2AL   Ph. 876 6662   email [email protected]
Peter Dingley ZL2LF  Ph. 843 2664   email

Hastings QSL Distribution:   Chris Johnson ZL2VC   Ph 879 5219
Hastings Newsletter Distribution:   Lee (ZL2LE) & Morrie (ZL2AAA) White   Ph 876 7904
email [email protected]

NZART License Examiners:   Lee – ZL2AL and Peter – ZL2LF
Club Call:   ZL2AS

Club Nights: Fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm Surf Club Rooms, Windsor Park, Hastings

Hastings Branch 13 – President’s Report

Hi all.

This has been a busy time for me. The 2 wheel drive an classic car rally is just about on us and I am desperately seeking operators for this event. If you are available please let me know ASAP.

670 Repeater has found a new lease on life with its replacement aerials. The signal leaving Kahuranaki is 2dB better than before antenna change and the sensitivity of the receiver is up to 10dB better, suggesting the receive antenna may have been faulty. Comments are that the interference we still get on 670 has lessened, and that Palmerston North stations are able to trigger 670 with ease, in many cases on 5W.

I’m hoping to get my own antenna tower up soon, and will forward some pics for the magazine. It has been a while coming so I am quite excited about getting it done.

The Jock White field day date has been set for the final weekend in February. Time to start thinking about teams. The VHF UHF field day is on the first weekend of December. I would like to take a team up Taraponui again. If you are keen to bear the elements at 1300m please let me know. If not, please make yourself available on the day for contact points. We won on 50MHz and 432MHz last year, and came second on 144MHz, I’m sure we can take out 144MHz this year as well. The local contacts are invaluable.

That’s all for September. The next branch meeting is on the 26th. After meeting topic will be a talk on CTCSS – what is it – what can it do – what are we doing with CTCSS in Hawkes Bay.

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART    Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

President: Laurie Winton ZL2TC   843 8519   email [email protected]
Secretary: Stan White ZL2ST   845 2422   email [email protected]
Treasurer: Stan White ZL2ST   845 2422   email [email protected]
AREC: Tony Wall ZL2RZ   email [email protected]

Tony Wall ZL2RZ   email [email protected]
Gary James ZL2GAZ   843 9596   email [email protected]

Committee Meetings: 3rd Monday of the month 7pm at Club Rooms

Club Call: ZL2GT

Club Nights: First Wednesday each month (except January) 7.30pm at the Club Rooms: 123 Latham Street Napier

Branch 25 Napier News…

The next Napier meeting will be on Wednesday 3 October at the clubrooms at 7:30pm

At our last meeting Peter ZL4TCC was all set to do a presentation on his visit to UK radio establishments but unfortunately the pc available did not have a suitable programme. Peter has offered to return when we can arrange a suitable pc.

The November meeting is the AGM and Pan Pac constructors trophy – get your projects ready!

During the last month two ex club members have become silent keys. Fred Smith ZL2NP an ex Civil Aviation technician and Gordon Frazer ZL2NF ex the accountancy profession both passed away.

At this time there is again activity from St Brandon Island in the Indian Ocean. There was another group there several months ago. This group will be active until 24 September on all bands. This is the group that did 3B9C several years ago and were worked on all bands from here. To date Lee ZL2AL has them on CW on 80, 40, 30 metres while I have only scored on 80 CW at 1830 Z today. They have been worked on 160 metres by a ZL3 in the early hours of the morning.

Remember the flea market Saturday October 20 (Labour weekend) 10 am at the Pakowhai hall. If you aren’t in a buying or selling mood call in and socialise with fellow hams

de STan ZL2ST

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

CQWW Contest Winners

The team of Stan ZL2ST, Mike ZL2CC, John ZL2QM, Peter ZL2LF, Chris ZL2DX and Lee ZL2AL contested the CQWW SSB Contest in October 2006. With 2700 + Contact points and 2,291,882 points managed to achieve No. 1 New Zealand and No. 2

Australasia in the two station, multiband, multi operator class. It was out first time out as a team and we are looking forward to doing the 2007 Contest from the same location on the cliffs above Tongoio beach north of Napier in late October this year.

The CQWW is a very old contest with over 10,000 participants world wide each year. If anyone needs any advice on how to enter and what to do if you haven’t worked a contest before please contact me. The CQWW has many different classes of entry from the huge Multi, Multi stations with amazing antenna arrays and high power on every band to small single operator, single band classes with limited antennas. It is interesting to compete as you can improve your skills, meet a lot of nice guys over the years and find out how good your station is in comparison with others in the same class. Go to for the 2007 Contest rules.

The CQWW is a 48 hour contest beginning on the last Saturday in October at 0000 UTC (around noon local time) to the same time on Monday. To achieve a certificate you will need to operate a minimum of 12 hours total time. If you simply want to pick up a few new countries you only need to go on the air as little or as often as you like.

73, Lee ZL2AL

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

[Article from Practical Wireless magazine, February 1980]

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

[Article from Practical Wireless magazine, February 1980]

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

[Article from Practical Wireless magazine, February 1980]

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

[Article from Practical Wireless magazine, February 1980]

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

[Article from Practical Wireless magazine, February 1980]

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007


a tilt over pipe mast, 40ft approx. Needs to be recovered from the site in Hastings

Flea market Saturday October 20 (Labour weekend) 10 am at the Pakowhai hall.

VHF UHF Field Day is on the 1st and 2nd of December 2007

Jock White Field Day 23rd & 24th February 2008

NZART Conference Hawkes Bay Labour Weekend 2009

Please feel free to sent notices to iohn newson@xtra co_nz

The Last Bit

Well I finally got the blessed thing out – sorry for the magazine being so late I am not in ‘MagMode” yet and do not have any articles etc waiting to go so have had to chase around at the last minute to get stuff for the magazine. As every editor says “GIVE ME STUFF!!”

Warren ZL2AJ and I went to the Daybreaker Rally and had a bit of fun sliding around in the mud there – the 4 wheel drive vehicles we had couldn’t climb a slight rise due to mud so we asked the local farmer with his 4 wheel drive tractor if he could help us out and he only got halfway up the hill we were trying to get to the top of. It was then a slog to get two repeaters and all the gear required up the last half of the hill. The bloody stuff was about a meter deep once you got through the crust. I spent the day in HQ and Warren was out in the field not far from the furtherest out repeater site ready to pull down once it wasn’t required any more. Pretty successful all round as far as the event and comms went.

We have had the first meeting of the 2009 Conference Committee and are underway with the stuff required for that. We have a good core team that Will be looking for assistance as we go along

Looking forward to the 2 Wheel Drive Rally – its quite a fun day out and not very stressful if you want a low key entry into, or a look at, what we do for Rally Comms.

Some of the cars get really smashed up but keep on going – you gotta see it to believe it.

I would like to give Lee ZL2AL his dues – he’s left me with a huge job trying to emulate what he did with the magazine, I only hope I can maintain his high standards.

Til next time

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Volume 5, Issue 8 September 2007

Original digital file


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[This Breakout magazine is still to be transcribed – HBKB]

Business / Organisation

Branches 13 and 25, NZ Amateur Radio Transmitters

Format of the original

pdf file

Date published

September 2007

Creator / Author

  • John Newson


  • Peter Dingley
  • Gordon Fraser
  • Warren Harris
  • Gary James
  • Lee Jennings
  • Crhis Johnson
  • Bill Lowes
  • Fred Smith
  • Tony Wall
  • Robert Wallace
  • Jock White
  • Lee White
  • Morrie White
  • Stan White
  • Wayne Wilson
  • Laurie Winton

Accession number


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