Breakout 2017 – 05 May


The Newsletter of the Hastings and Napier Amateur Radio Clubs

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier 25 NZART   Volume 17, Issue 5   May 2017


Hastings Br 13 Club Calls

Napier Br 25 Club Calls


Branch Nets
9.00 AM
Sunday Morning
3615 kHz
439.175 MHz

John Newson

Emergency Call-in Frequencies: 3615khz and 670 repeater


Inside This Issue
Hastings Branch 13 Report   Page 2
Napier Branch 25 Report   Page 3
Branch 25 Open Day 1   Page 4
For Sale (offers)   Page 4
A Super Cool Transmitter   Page 4
New Phonetic Alphabet   Page 4
Modern HF Amplifier Design   Page 5
Memories Wanted   Page 6

Photo caption – Ethernet cables wrapping over the LDF550 coax cable on 670 repeater and continuing in parallel up the tower, causing the noise we have heard on the repeater from time to time

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 2   Volume 17, Issue 5 May 2017

President:   Rob Leicester ZL2US   Ph 878 6381
Secretary:   David Walker ZL2DW   Ph 876 0518   email [email protected]
Treasurer:   Peter Keong ZL2PW   Ph 877 4529   email: [email protected]
AREC/CD   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph 876 0370   email: [email protected]
AREC Deputy:   Robert Wallace ZL2SG   Ph 878 4993   email [email protected]

Committee   Ray Barlow ZL2RB   Ph 06 878 6068   email: [email protected]
Peter Moore ZL2HM   Ph   email:
Blue Smith 3TT   Ph 027 220 3724   email: [email protected]

Hastings QSL Distribution:   Wally Shuker ZL2MO   Ph 843 5497   email [email protected]
Magazine Editor:   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph. 027 230 3642   email [email protected]
NZART License Examiners:   Peter – ZL2LF,   Dave – ZL2MQ,   Ray – ZL2RB
Club Call:   ZL2AS and ZL2QS

Club Nights: Fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm Pakowhai Hall, Pakowhai Road, Pakowhai


Just when I thought it was all over I got called back to do some more truck driving but this time only part time. This means that I have been able to attend some nets and make other HF calls. Ham Radio life continues.

We’ve had a good response from our sub’s reminder but there are still a small number outstanding. Sub’s were due in late November 2016. This will be your last reminder, if Break Out stops arriving you’ll know why. The Branch bank account number is 03 0642 0733310 00 for you to make an on line payment (use your call sign as the reference) or David ZL2DW or myself can be contacted for us to receive your cash or cheque. The sub is $20. Thank you.

July will be our usual “Donated Junk Sale” night but this time with an added twist…bring your scrap metal along too and we’ll turn it into Branch funds. Nothing will be to big or to small. If you wish to deliver your metal early talk to David ZL2DW to make arrangements to do so.

We are gathering a few names for our next AOC “Boot Camp” weekend, this time in late Aug. If you know of anyone that may like to sit the exam, get them into the NZART Training Manual NOW and get them to talk to David ZL2DW or myself.

Our next Branch 13/HBARC meeting will be on 24 May, 7-30pm, Pakowhai Hall. This month Rob ZL2AN will talk about the development and construction of his HF Solid State Amp., all welcome.

Rob ZL2US  President Branch 13/HBARC, Hastings

BR13/HBARC, Hastings, office bearers,
Peter Keong ZL2PW (Treasurer),
Rob Leicester ZL2US (President),
David Walker ZL2DW (Secretary).

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 3   Volume 17, Issue 5 May 2017

President: Dave Crook ZL2MQ,   02102969006   email [email protected]
Secretary: Karl Matthys ZL1TJ   845 4372   email [email protected]
Treasurer: Stan White ZL2ST   843 7236   email [email protected]
AREC: Mike Bull ZL2VM   843 6052   email [email protected]

Michael Mullins ZL2MY   843 4210   email [email protected]
Revell Troy ZL2SS   0210742837   email [email protected]
Peter Breen ZL2CD   0274721527   email [email protected]
Wally Shuker ZL2MO   843 5497   email [email protected]
Paul Cavanagh ZL2HB,   843 1977   email [email protected]

Committee Meetings: 7:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, November
Club Calls: ZL2GT, ZL2G
Club Web Site:

Club Nights: First Wednesday each month (except January) 7.30pm at the Club Rooms: 123 Latham Street Napier

Napier Amateur Radio Club

This month the topics seem to be antennae, the raising of them and testing thereafter.

The initial Sunday of a series of Open Days at Napier Amateur Radio Clubrooms obviously went well, with Mike ZL2VM, Wally ZL2MO, Randell ZL2NW and Revell ZL2SS joining in to raise and test antennae on the fields around the Clubrooms, then Revell demonstrated his breadboard projects along with a cuppa.

It was held on Mothers day, so we hope to see more at the next Opem [Open] Day, where David ZL2DW and Phil ZL2RO have offered to demo a Drone installing a lightweight string over a tree to pull up aerials (after attaching a heavier line).

This event will be the 18th June, 1330hrs. Bring your projects and questions for some lively discussion, and Cuppa.

Space launches are in the news and as I write this we are anticipating a launch from Mahia penisula. [peninsula]

This will be the first of 3 test launches before commercial flights begin. I wonder if AMSAT-ZL have considered asking for a “lift” on one of these test flights for their KIWISAT? You can see the progress of “KIWISAT”at

The Northern Summer has seen the deployment of a few EME Dxpeditions, so I have been chasing new DXCC entities, with limited success.

Progress on the beacons continues, 6M on 50,030 has been soak testing from my QTH and the frequency for the 2M version on 144.263 has been approved, so that version is being assembled and will soak test shortly. The hope is to install these at the Clubrooms on the 1st June, after the antennae have been repaired / installed. We will also attempt to finish the outside painting and complete the window installation to the “shack”, so if you are free on the 1st, please come and help out.

That’s all for this month, keep warm and good luck with your ham radio pursuits.

Best 73
Dave ZL2MQ

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 4   Volume 17, Issue 5 May 2017

Branch 25 Clubrooms Open Day 1

The first in series of Sunday afternoon Open Days was held at the Branch 25 Clubrooms in Latham Street, Napier, 14 May 2017 at 1330.

Those in attendance were: Mike ZL2VM, Wally ZL2MO, Randall ZL1NW and Revell ZL2SS

The main activity on this day was tuning antennae.

Mike ZL2VM erected his portable fibreglass mast and aerials run up and tuned were as follows:

Mike   80m dipole
20m dipole
40m extension to 20m dipole

Wally   40m long wire
80m long wire
160m long wire

Randall   80m lightweight dipole

Once completed, time out for coffee and an opportunity for Revell to demonstrate his breadboard projects.

All cleaned up and away by 1530.

Proposed dates for the next BR25 Clubroom Open Day(s) are:
18 June, 16 July, 20 August, 17 September. (I.E. 3rd Sunday) and then we will review.

Activity ideas needed – please forward to Mike ZL2VM [[email protected] is BEST].

Volunteers required to Host as well.

Mike ZL2VM

FOR SALE (offers)
an almost complete 100m reel of RG58, 50 ohm, Cellfoil Low Loss coax cable.
spec’s here
Offers to David ZL2DW (hm 8760518)

A super cool transmitter – maybe ZL2OK’s next acquisition???

An Alternative Phonetic Alphabet

Hastings Branch 13 NZART Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 5   Volume 17, Issue 5 May 2017

Building the RS2400 by Rob Shepherd

At the next Br 13/HBARC meeting Rob ZL2AN will talk about the development (smoke and all) and construction of his Solid State HF Linear Amp.

Come along and hear about his exploits. Even the Power Supply is an entertaining story.

Hawkes Bay Digital Archives Trust

Memories Wanted

Have you a story to tell about growing up in Hawke’s Bay?

We would like to hear about your memories or your family’s history.

We have volunteers who will interview you and record these memories so they are available to future generations.

To record your memories
Ring 833 5333 between 10 am and 3pm weekdays.

Original digital file


Non-commercial use

Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ)

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ).


Commercial Use

Please contact us for information about using this material commercially.

Can you help?

The Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank relies on donations to make this material available. Please consider making a donation towards preserving our local history.

Visit our donations page for more information.

Business / Organisation

Branches 13 and 25, NZ Amateur Radio Transmitters

Format of the original

pdf file

Date published

May 2017

Creator / Author

  • John Newson


  • Ray Barlow
  • Peter Breen
  • Mike Bull
  • Paul Cavanagh
  • Dave Crook
  • Peter Keong
  • Rob Leicester
  • Karl Matthys
  • Peter Moore
  • Michael Mullins
  • Rob Shepherd
  • Wally Shuker
  • Blue Smith
  • Revell Troy
  • David Walker
  • Robert Wallace
  • Stan White

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.