Breakout 2017 – 06 June


The Newsletter of the Hastings and Napier Amateur Radio Clubs

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier 25 NZART   Volume 17, Issue 6   June 2017


Hastings Br 13 Club Calls

Napier Br 25 Club Calls


9.00 AM
Sunday Morning

John Newson

Spud gun redundant

See inside for more details …

Emergency Call-in Frequencies: 3615khz and 670 repeater


Inside This Issue
Hastings Branch 13 Report   Page 2
Napier Branch 25 Report   Page 3
Drone use at Branch 25   Page 4
Jumbo Godfey [Godfrey] Award   Page 5
For Sale   Page 5
NZART Conference Photos   Page 5
National System Use   Page 5

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 2   Volume 17, Issue 6 June 2017

President:   Rob Leicester ZL2US   Ph 878 6381
Secretary:   David Walker ZL2DW   Ph 876 0518   email [email protected]
Treasurer:   Peter Keong ZL2PW   Ph 877 4529   email: [email protected]
AREC/CD   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph 876 0370   email: [email protected]
AREC Deputy:   Robert Wallace ZL2SG   Ph 878 4993   email [email protected]

Committee   Ray Barlow ZL2RB   Ph 06 878 6068   email: [email protected]
Peter Moore ZL2HM   Ph   email:
Blue Smith 3TT   Ph 027 220 3724   email: [email protected]

Hastings QSL Distribution:   Wally Shuker ZL2MO   Ph 843 5497   email [email protected]
Magazine Editor:   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph. 027 230 3642   email [email protected]
NZART License Examiners:   Peter – ZL2LF,   Dave – ZL2MQ,   Ray – ZL2RB
Club Call:   ZL2AS and ZL2QS

Club Nights: Fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm Pakowhai Hall, Pakowhai Road, Pakowhai


The shack can be a bit colder in the Winter so less time is spent seeking out DX, however there have been times of good openings, especially on 20m.

We have another “Boot Camp Weekend” under way and while the actual date is not finalised it is likely to be during the last weekend in August or the first weekend in September, we should be able to firm up on this very soon so keep an eye out for further notices. If you know anyone who would be interested send them along to David ZL2DW or myself.

The “Donated Junk Auction…and scrap metal donations” event is still on queue for 26 July so start sorting out what you may like to contribute (it all goes towards club funds)…and we’ll have some fun along the way.

It’s pleasing to hear (or not hear) the garbage intruding onto our 670 repeater now, the offender has replaced their cables and swapped their service over to them on 20 May, yippee.

I noticed on a recent NZART reflector posting that Xenia ZL4YL and Alice ZL2EM have started off with a “hiss and a roar” in the Mid Winter HF Sprint, well done, we will be watching future efforts with interest.

At the NZART Conference this year (at Rotorua) two of our members won awards and it will be my pleasure to present them with their Certificates etc at our next Branch 13/HBARC meeting.

Talking of meetings, our next one will be at the Pakowhai Hall, 7-30pm, Wednesday 28 June, all welcome.

73 and good DX, Rob Leicester ZL2US, (President, Branch 13/HBARC, Hastings)

BR13/HBARC, Hastings, office bearers,
Peter Keong ZL2PW (Treasurer),
Rob Leicester ZL2US (President),
David Walker ZL2DW (Secretary).

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 3   Volume 17, Issue 6 June 2017

President: Dave Crook ZL2MQ,   02102969006   email [email protected]
Secretary: Karl Matthys ZL1TJ   845 4372   email [email protected]
Treasurer: Stan White ZL2ST   843 7236   email [email protected]
AREC: Mike Bull ZL2VM   843 6052   email [email protected]

Michael Mullins ZL2MY   843 4210   email [email protected]
Revell Troy ZL2SS   0210742837   email [email protected]
Peter Breen ZL2CD   0274721527   email [email protected]
Wally Shuker ZL2MO   843 5497   email [email protected]
Paul Cavanagh ZL2HB,   843 1977   email [email protected]

Committee Meetings: 7:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, November
Club Calls: ZL2GT, ZL2G
Club Web Site:

Club Nights: First Wednesday each month (except January) 7.30pm at the Club Rooms: 123 Latham Street Napier

Napier Amateur Radio Club

Winter has definitely arrived and temperatures have certainly dropped. There has been some limited Winter Es across the pond to Australia, and I have scored a few JT65A contacts on 6 metres, hopefully there will be a few more openings. The most recent Sunday of a series of Open Days at Napier Amateur Radio Clubrooms saw a number of members from both Hastings and Napier turn up to witness the highly successful deployment of a halyard over one of “our” trees with the Phil ZL2RO drone, I personally was amazed with the performance of this machine. Thanks for the demo Phil. Plenty of other technical (and non-technical) discussion went on between the 15 or so attendees. The next Sunday is scheduled for 16 July, where I plan to “show and tell “ how to generate a PC board using Eagle software, Please feel free to attend, as I am sure there will be plenty of pleasant conversation as well.

My involvement with 2 of the current projects the Club has got going has seen me playing with temperature controllers (beacons) and working my way through the Arduino sketch for the auto adjusting SWR bridge project, as well as finalising the PC board layouts. Progress is good with prototype boards coming shortly, and my brain responding to re- learning my old C skills. The beacons are complete except for a better temperature controller which is coming, and the deployment of renovated or rebuilt antennae, which others including Mike ZL2VM are working on. If someone has drawing skills and can spare some time, I’d like drawings of the front and back panels of the SWR project as well as a good schematic of the project, drawn from my hastily scribbled notes, any takers?

The Team NZ efforts in Bemuda [Bermuda] have me engrossed and getting the TV on early, so good luck to them, and The All Blacks are one up in the Lions series, so hopefully they can complete a series win there.

The next Branch 25 meeting (on 5th July) will feature usual business as well as Paul ZL2HB is scheduled to talk about the Napier Clubs plans to be involved in Jota. Hopefully we will see you there, all welcome.

That’s all for this month, keep warm and good luck with your ham radio pursuits.

Best 73
Dave ZL2MQ

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 4   Volume 17, Issue 6 June 2017

Drone use at Branch 25

Napier Br 25 held an “Open afternoon” on Sunday 18 June. The prime mission was to use a Drone (thanks Phil ZL2RO) to run some pull cords over nearby trees that were tagged for use to support an 80/40m trapped dipole. Complete with attached bamboo stick and nylon line over the tree went the Drone and down the other side…disconnect nylon…job done…how many seconds did that take? A cord was then pulled through and secured in the tree out of reach of passers-by…ready for use on the aerial erection day.

Drone getting set up ready to fly. Phil ZL2RO, Mike ZL2VM, Mike ZL2MY, Stan ZL2ST

Drone over flying the future wire aerial support tree

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 5    Volume 17, Issue 6 June 2017

Jumbo Godfrey Award

At the June Branch 25 meeting Laurie Winton ZL2TC was presented with his “Jumbo Godfrey Award” for outstanding service to Amateur Radio at a branch level, by David ZL2DW on behalf of Branch 25

For Sale

Yaesu FT897 (HF – VHF – UHF all mode transceiver), with companion ATU.
Yaesu FP1030A power supply.
Ex a SK estate, offers to David ZL2DW, (home phone 06 8760518)

NZART Conference Photos

A link to a selection of pictures taken at the NZART Conference at Rotorua, Queens Birthday weekend 2017.

Reminder re the National System Use

Local – local contacts via our National System port (Mt Erin 485) are discouraged (unless perhaps you are in a Nation wide net or group) as while you are talking across town your transmissions are being sent all around the country (because that is what the National System does). While your transmissions are crossing town you are holding up the National System use by others who may want to talk from one end of the Country to the other.

Please change to another frequency (perhaps 405 Taraponui) for local – local exchanges.

ZL2DW trustee.

Original digital file


Non-commercial use

Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ)

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ).


Commercial Use

Please contact us for information about using this material commercially.

Can you help?

The Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank relies on donations to make this material available. Please consider making a donation towards preserving our local history.

Visit our donations page for more information.

Business / Organisation

Branches 13 and 25, NZ Amateur Radio Transmitters

Format of the original

pdf file

Date published

June 2017

Creator / Author

  • John Newson


  • Ray Barlow
  • Peter Breen
  • Mike Bull
  • Paul Cavanagh
  • Dave Crook
  • Peter Keong
  • Rob Leicester
  • Karl Matthys
  • Peter Moore
  • Michael Mullins
  • John Newson
  • Wally Shuker
  • Blue Smith
  • Revell Troy
  • David Walker
  • Robert Wallace
  • Stan White
  • Laurie Winton

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.