Breakout 2017 – 07 July


The Newsletter of the Hastings and Napier Amateur Radio Clubs

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier 25 NZART   Volume 17, Issue 7   July 2017


Hastings Br 13 Club Calls

Napier Br 25 Club Calls


9.00 AM
Sunday Morning

John Newson

Emergency Call-in Frequencies: 3615khz and 670 repeater


Inside This Issue
Hastings Branch 13 Report   Page 2
Napier Branch 25 Report   Page 3
Drones and aerials   Page 4
Branch 13   Page 4
NZART Awards and Prizes   Page 5
Boot Camp Weekend   Page 5
The definition of Amateur Radio   Page 5
Cornflakes Net   Page 6
AREC Training Day   Page 6

Photo caption – Rob ZL2AN presenting his home made HF Linear Amp at the May Branch 13 meeting

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 2   Volume 17, Issue 7 July 2017

President:   Rob Leicester ZL2US   Ph 878 6381
Secretary:   David Walker ZL2DW   Ph 876 0518   email [email protected]
Treasurer:   Peter Keong ZL2PW   Ph 877 4529   email: [email protected]
AREC/CD   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph 876 0370   email: [email protected]
AREC Deputy:   Robert Wallace ZL2SG   Ph 878 4993   email [email protected]

Committee   Ray Barlow ZL2RB   Ph 06 878 6068   email: [email protected]
Peter Moore ZL2HM   Ph   email:
Blue Smith 3TT   Ph 027 220 3724   email: [email protected]

Hastings QSL Distribution:   Wally Shuker ZL2MO   Ph 843 5497   email [email protected]
Magazine Editor:   John Newson ZL2VAF   Ph. 027 230 3642   email [email protected]
NZART License Examiners:   Peter – ZL2LF,   Dave – ZL2MQ,   Ray – ZL2RB
Club Call:   ZL2AS and ZL2QS

Club Nights: Fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm Pakowhai Hall, Pakowhai Road, Pakowhai

A Note From The Vice President (Branch 13)

Well the boss is away sunning himself in the Northern Hemisphere so it has come my lot to stand in for him. I guess I’m a bit envious of Rob and Sue so I hope they enjoy themselves while away…and I know that Ham Radio will feature in some of their journey.

Talking of Ham Radio I wish I could comment on some recent contacts I’ve had but life and work seems to keep me away from the microphone…oh well one day it will be my turn. Talking of “turn’s” I note that our three local young lady hams have acquited themselves well in the Winter 40/80m Sprints, well done Xenia ZL4YL, Alice ZL2EM, Saskia ZL2GQ.

I’m looking forward to the Branch 13 26 June meeting, in particular the “Donated Junk Auction (and scrap metal receiving) Event”. It’s a chance to firstly have a fun night and secondly to make a contribution to the club to assist with our financial well being so get the crow bar under your wallet.

I’m very pleased to see that a couple of our members were Award recipients at the NZART Rotorua Conference and these awards were presented to them at our May meeting, well done Alice ZL2EM and Holger ZL2IO.

I have nothing more to report so it’s head down and back to work for me…looking forward to seeing you all on 26 July.

Rob Wallace ZL2SG
Branch 13/HBARC VicePresident

BR13/HBARC, Hastings, office bearers,
Peter Keong ZL2PW (Treasurer),
Rob Leicester ZL2US (President),
David Walker ZL2DW (Secretary).

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 3   Volume 17, Issue 7 July 2017

President: Dave Crook ZL2MQ,   02102969006   email [email protected]
Secretary: Karl Matthys ZL1TJ   845 4372   email [email protected]
Treasurer: Stan White ZL2ST   843 7236   email [email protected]
AREC: Mike Bull ZL2VM   843 6052   email [email protected]

Michael Mullins ZL2MY   843 4210   email [email protected]
Revell Troy ZL2SS   0210742837   email [email protected]
Peter Breen ZL2CD   0274721527   email [email protected]
Wally Shuker ZL2MO   843 5497   email [email protected]
Paul Cavanagh ZL2HB,   843 1977   email [email protected]

Committee Meetings: 7:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, November
Club Calls: ZL2GT, ZL2G
Club Web Site:

Club Nights: First Wednesday each month (except January) 7.30pm at the Club Rooms: 123 Latham Street Napier

Napier Amateur Radio Club

This month appears to have an Amateur Radio activities flavour.

From the NARC Committee meeting, it has been decided to hold another bi-annual HAMFEST, and to this end, this is a request for people to offer a talk (white Paper) or demonstration of some facet of Radio related activity for the Hamfest program, we will also advertise for these papers nationally so please bring your forte to our attention. The Hamfest will happen in April 2018. Please advise any committee member of your skill, and desire to be part of the presentation.

I have been approached to bring OCAN to our members attention, this is an national activity that is designed to activate our VHF bands, it is run like a relaxed contest, but you can participate without contesting. In essence the activities occur on Monday evenings, the first Monday of the month is 6 metres, 2nd Monday 2M and 70cm, 3rd Monday is 23 and 33cm, 4th Monday is anything above 23cm.

This activity is alive and well mainly in the South Island and lower North Island, so here is a chance to test your equipment, all modes are acceptable, so give it a go. The web site is http:\\ Go there for a greater understanding of these events.

The most recent Sunday of a series of Open Days at Napier Amateur Radio Clubrooms (16th July) saw six members show up for a demonstration of PCB board generation, and a cuppa. The next Open Day will be 20th August and Dave ZL2DW will demonstarte [demonstrate] remote control as used in Mountain Radio. Please feel free to attend, as I am sure there will be plenty of pleasant conversation as well.

Karl ZL1TJ, noted that our improved Radio room is under utilised and has proposed a competition along the lines of “who can make the most contacts over a 2 month period using the clubs equipment”, this to be discussed in the general meeting, along with another couple of activities mooted at the committee meeting, come and have a say.

The next Branch 25 meeting (on 2nd August) will feature usual business as well as the anuual [annual] “Bring and Show” where your discovery or new purchase can be displayed. Hopefully we will see you there, all welcome.

Those free on the 10th August are invited to help complete the painting job around the club house and help install the beacon aerials, start about 9am, weather permitting.

That’s all for this month, keep warm and good luck with your ham radio pursuits.

Best 73, Dave ZL2MQ

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 4   Volume 17, Issue 7 July 2017


Faced with a dilemma of getting a halyard rope over an almost 50m high tree someone asked if I had considered using a Drone? I spoke to Phil ZL2RO and we hatched a plan to “play” one Saturday morning at my daughters place in the country. (She has relocated so this meant that I had to take down my cross valley OCFD, this also meant that I had to find a way to put it back up at her new place).

With a bamboo stick attached to the skid on the Drone and nylon fishing line attached to the protruding stick tip (to keep it clear of the Drone blades) off it flew, way above, over and beyond the tree (it was approaching this point that Phil was able to tell me the height of the tree…a feature of the “smarts” in a Drone). Phil commanded the Drone to hover stationary while he walked out the far side of the trees where he took up command of the Drone again in the descending sequence…remembering to be sure to keep the nylon clear of the Drone blades.

So how long did all of this take…about one minute.

After the drone was detached from the bamboo and nylon we used the line to pull over a cord which in turn we used to pull over a 10mm rope (the halyard).

We then used the same sequence on the second tree, this one being about 16m high.

So now we were ready to erect the 160m OCFD.  Many thanks Phil…boys and toys huh, good stuff, hi hi

David ZL2DW

Phil ZL2RO with Drone. Yellow halyard can be seen against and over the centre, tall tree in the picture.

Branch 13/HBARC, Hastings

After our next meeting, on Wed. 26 July, there will be a “Donated Junk Auction”and a collection of scrap metal, bring your junk (not computers etc) along and we’ll sell it back to you for Club funds. Also the Pakowhai Hall will be a collecting Depot for your scrap metal, which the committee will sell on to the scrap metal dealer…again for club funds.

Come along (with money) and enjoy a fun night.

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NZART Awards and Prizes

At the May Branch13/HBARC meeting two awards and prizes were given to members (initially at the NZART Rotorua Conference)

President Rob ZL2US is shown presenting the award for “youngest new Ham in 2016” to Alice Bowler-Parkin ZL2EM and “best technical article in Break In in 2016″, to Holger Hannemann ZL2IO”


Branch 13/HBARC, Hastings, is making available an Amateur Operators Certificate training weekend (Boot Camp) on 16/17 September 2017.

If you or someone you know is interested please contact David Walker ZL2DW ([email protected]) (home 06 8760518) to get the details and information about the weekend.

These weekends have proven highly successful so don’t miss out. You could leave at the end of the weekend with your AOC “ticket” and call sign.

The definition of Amateur Radio

Hastings Branch 13 NZART – Napier Branch 25 NZART   Page 6    Volume 17, Issue 7 July 2017

Cornflakes Net

Recently some of the “Cornflakes Net” folk gathered for a luncheon

AREC Training Day

Sunday 6th August, 0930 on the grass area outside CD HQ Next to the Hastings District Council building. Assemble all masts and antenna, set up the STSP Repeater complete with solar panel and antenna.

All welcome, smoko provided by CD

Original digital file


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Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ)

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ).


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Business / Organisation

Branches 13 and 25, NZ Amateur Radio Transmitters

Format of the original

pdf file

Date published

July 2017

Creator / Author

  • John Newson


  • Ray Barlow
  • Alice Bowler-ParkIn
  • Peter Breen
  • Mike Bull
  • Paul Cavanagh
  • Dave Crook
  • Holger Hannemann
  • Peter Keong
  • Rob Leicester
  • Karl Matthys
  • Peter Moore
  • Michael Mullins
  • Wally Shuker
  • Blue Smith
  • Revell Troy
  • David Walker
  • Robert Wallace
  • Stan White

Accession number


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