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Bulletin 1976
TUESDAY, 20th January, 1976:
PROGRAMME: Milk is Health – Hear the story of the Hastings Milk Treatment [Station] told by the Chairman of Directors – giving us the cream off the top.
Mess: Doug. [Dug] Huggett
Bryan Hutchinson
Charlie Jackson
John Holderness
Coffee: Bryce Jones
Paul Jones
Sgt-at-Arms: Pat Stainer
Cpls: Bill Langford
Gordon Lee
Top Table: Gwyn Lewis
Noel Louis
Emergencies: John McCormick
Peter McKeown
Hamish McPherson
Host: Gordon Morley
VITAL STATISTICS, 13th January, 1976:
Present 68 Fines $3.50
Absent 31 Shrapnel $7.43
Attendance 69% Total $10.93
GOSSIP ROUND OUR OFFICE: I believe my junior office girl did some exciting shopping over Xmas – she went to the store’s perfume counter and said, “What do you recommend for a beginner”.
Significant Achievement Awards: It will be some time before we receive the results of this year’s awards, but looking back to 1974-75 there was a total of over 60 service projects, chosen to receive the certificate attesting the Award. The prisoner rehabilitation programmes of the Tarzana Club in U.S.A. is one example. A vocational counselling programme was developed. Ten seminars were held at which Rotarians spoke on subjects ranging from law to social needs. A scholarship programme for further education also was promoted to help inmates prepare for post-prison life. The Hermosilla Club of Mexico received its Award for its “sonrisa allegre” project aimed at repairing persons disfigured with hare lips. In association with others, the Club developed surgical facilities for repairs of such defects. Tochigi West Club in Japan used some idle land to develop a children’s park complete with equipment and helped environmental improvement, converting a rubbish area to one of recreational use.
A Club in South Africa created a “Cancer Interim Home” for treatment of patients not requiring hospitalisation. Club members from a Club in India, organised a rehabilitation centre for cripples including plans to develop it into a hospital. Victoriaville, U.S.A., laid 5,000 railroad ties for a nature trail for crippled children and adults.
The Cattooma Club, Rhodesia, developed a boys’ camp for nature study and training in survival techniques. Lotung, Taiwan, built a home for 400 aging citizens. And so it goes on. How does our Club measure up to the – Significant Achievement Awards?
Over the next few weeks you’ll hear me talking a good deal about attending the District Conference in Tauranga – from Friday evening, 5th March, to Sunday midday, 7th March. Registrations for the Conference must be sent off by early February.
I hope you’ll get the message that attending the Conference is not a Rotary chore, an obligation; I look upon it as a “fun thing”, an enjoyable and very relaxing week-end providing a great opportunity to meet interesting people and to enjoy what will undoubtedly be superb entertainment and hospitality.
By present day standards it’s an inexpensive conference (Ray Custance can give you full details of cost and explain how you can “opt” for the various functions you wish to attend and pay only for those), and, we can keep transport costs down by sharing cars for the journey to and from.
So, Rotarians (and wives who are reading this Bulletin), how about a week-end break in Tauranga with Alison and me, with Peter and Robin and with the other couples who have already signified that they are going to Tauranga – maybe we can take over a whole motel complex? Return filled Registration Forms to Ray Custance – he’ll organise the rest.
NEWS OF OUR MEMBERS: Ladies of Rotary join us with good health wishes to Lorna wife of Bob Price, in the Palmerston North Hospital.
Bill Patterson is in the Memorial Hospital, Hastings – kind thoughts from all members.
Peter McKeown – good to see you back after a spell in hospital.
Wedding Anniversary:
Jan 24th, Florence and Bob French.
Jan 19th, Ian Snadden.
We know our Ambulance man has a bottle of brandy in his first aid kit – we hope he can stretcher far enough to go around.
LOOKING BACK TO AN EVENT WE REMEMBER: A bequest in the amount of U.S.$25,000 was received by the Rotary Foundation as a memorial to one of the four men who met on 23 February, 1905, to found the first Rotary Club. According to the provision in the will of Miss Mary MacDonald, the gift was made “In memory of Silvester Schiele, my brother-in-law, who was the first President of the first Rotary Club in the World in Chicago, Illinois.” Miss MacDonald was a friend and Secretary to Paul P. Harris, founder of Rotary.
LOOKING BACK TO A HIGHLIGHT IN THE PAST SIX MONTHS: Rotary International Treasurer Edul C. Eduljei, of Nagpu, Maharashtra, India, concluded his report at the last R.I. Conference and presented his salary of $1 as Treasurer of R.I. to the Rotary Foundation and his personal cheque of $1,000.
HOW MANY PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS WILL THERE BE THIS YEAR? There were 3,791 Paul Harris Fellows in 1974-75, and of this number, 39 percent were in Asia, which has 14 percent of Rotary membership. There were 137 new Paul Harris Fellows in Central and South America (49 in Sao Paulo, Brazil) as compared to only 18 in the previous Rotary year.

SPEAKER: Mr Barry Keating – N.Z. Forest Service – speaking on Forestry in Hawkes Bay.’
Introduction: Selwyn Begley
Thanks: Dug Huggett
Mess: Ian Featherstone
Bob Fish
Ted Gallen
Keith Garland
Coffee: Ron Giorgi
Dick Gray
Sgt-at-Arms: Frank Darroch
Cpls: Tom Graham
Jim Harvey
Top Table: Ron Hendry
John Holderness
Doug Huggett
Brian [Bryan] Hutchinson
Charles Jackson
Host: Gordon Morley
VITAL STATISTICS, 17th February, 1976.
Present 79 Fines $2.80
Absent 22 Shrapnel $5.71
Attendance 76% Total $8.51
District Hastings
48.60% 75.30
Our President reports that our club is running 3rd in the Attendance Percentage Stakes for January – can we keep it up before they give him a swab test.
NOMINATIONS: The following Nominations have been approved by the Directors and the Nominees have agreed to their names going forward:-
Government Departments – Police:- Norman H. Hardy.
Air Transport Services:- John G. Kennedy.
Advertising Services:- David C. Wright.
If no objections are received by the 2nd March, 1976, then the proposed members will be considered duly elected.
CLASSIFICATION: The Directors advise the opening of the following classification:-
Religion – Catholic.
Nominations close 2nd March, 1976. Forms available from Secretary Frank.
Wedding Anniversaries
Feb. 23, Anne & John Cornelius
Feb. 28 Sheliah [Sheilah] & Pat Chamberlain
Feb. 26 Joan & Vel Velvin.
Our Eye Specialist decided to have a party, so we took a vote whether to go or not – the eyes had it.
P.P. Wally Butler, Chairman of Zone 2 Rotary Information Committee has arranged a Zone Information Forum for Sunday, 22 Feb. 1976, at the Kinvara Lounge, Te Puke, commencing at 9.30 a.m. Arrangements have been made to include a library presentation, so that the many publications will be available for examination to help in planning future Rotary activities in the coming year.
This Tournament is being held on 5 March Tauranga South Greens – Tauranga, commencing 9.30 a.m. Entries to: Roy Gallagher, 95 Eighth Ave. Tauranga, by the 21 March. Entry Fee $5. per team.
Alison and I do extend a very warm welcome to all of you (particularly you, ladies) to our home on Saturday night. We believe that Rotary fellowship is at it’s best in the relaxed outdoor atmosphere of a barbecue party, and we’re glad that Peter and his committee decided to organise one again this year, and asked us to host it.
From what I’ve observed, Club Service Committee are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that the organisation is just superb as far as entertainment , food and drink are concerned. All that is necessary now is a nice warm evening, and most important, your presence! Alison and I will be waiting to greet you!
BARBECUE: Well – you’ve had the invitation in President’s Corner to be at the Barbecue Saturday evening – 21st February, at 7 p.m. and it only remains for us to tell you to bring your knife and fork – plate – your own meat (steak, chops etc.) and your best girl. All other extras are laid on. Of course this depends on the weather and the state of the ground, so we ask you to tune in your radios at 5 p.m. when you will be advised if the Barbecue is cancelled.
Remember, no news is good news, but if in doubt, ring Peter Single or Jim Redgrave. Well that’s about it, except to see you at “Redgraves Retreat”. I’ve been practising diving into the pool, and wondered why I had a headache – they’re filling the pool tomorrow.
Paul Harris and three men met in room 711 Unity Building in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. on Thursday evening 23rd Feb. 1905. It was the meeting of the first Rotary Club in the world. It started with an idea from one man – Paul Harris. A fellowship composed of just one man from each of many different occupations, without restrictions as to their politics or religion, with a broad tolerance of each others opinions. A simple plan of mutual co-operation and informal friendship. The name Rotary was selected as these meetings were held in rotation at offices and places of business. From such humble beginnings Rotary now has a membership of over 780,000 members, and remembering the words of Paul Harris – “Thus we began as ‘Rotarians’ and such we continue to be.”
We have pleasure in recording the selection of P.D.G. Vel Velvin, by the President Rotary International to be his representative at the District 298 Conference being held in the South Island. We are also pleased to record the appointment of our fellow Rotarian Len Webb to the position of Secretary to the Trustees of the District Fund. Congratulations to you both from all club members.
OUR LUNCHEON MEETINGS. We have been asked to remind all members to be early at our Luncheon Meetings, and to take note of the following times:- Assembly Time – 12.15p.m. All seated for lunch – 12.25p.m. President starts proceedings – 12.50p.m. Closing prayer – 1.50 p.m. (at the latest)
It has been noticed that a number of visitors do arrive at 12.15 p.m. to find an empty room. Assembly time is a wonderful time for fellowship – so let’s all enjoy it.

TUESDAY, 2nd March, 1976:
No Visitors, please,
We are holding CLUB DAY on this day, Tuesday 2nd March, 1976, so that all members may have the opportunity to discuss any relevant or business matters pertaining to the affairs of the Club.
Mess: Bryce Jones
Paul Jones
Bill Langford
Gordon Lee
Coffee: Gwyn Lewis
Noel Louis
Sgt-at-Arms: Alan Walker
Cpls: John McCormick
Peter McKeown
Top Table: Hamish McPherson
Ian McPherson
Emergencies: Alex Mitchell
Bryan Newport
Host: Gordon Morley
VITAL STATISTICS, 24th February, 1976:
Present 80 Fines $6.10
Absent 21 Shrapnel $5.25
Attendance 76% Total $11.35
LADIES OF ROTARY: The Fantasyland Community Gala Day is being held on 13th March and in conjunction with the Rotary effort your Lady President has asked that the Ladies support this project by running a second-hand jewellery stall. Personal contact will be made to all the Ladies, so please gather together any suitable articles of jewellery from your neighbours, relations and friends.
NOMINATIONS: The following nominations have been approved by the Directors and the nominees have agreed to their names going forward:-
Government Departments – Police – Norman H. Hardy.
Air Transport Services – John G. Kennedy
Advertising Services – David C. Wright.
If no objections are received by the 2nd March, 1976, then the proposed members will be considered duly elected.
CLASSIFICATION: The Directors advise the opening of the following classification:- Religion – Catholic.
Nominations close 2nd March, 1976. Forms available from Secretary Frank.
March 2, Bert Worley.
March 4, Colin Blackmore.
Wedding Anniversaries:
March 2, Muriel and Evan Hughes.
March 1, Margaret and Doug Turner.
You’re all invited to our office equipment man’s celebrations. It’s his Anniversary and also the twins’ birthday – a truck will call anywhere for the presents.
SENIOR DEBATING CONTEST: The Hastings Toastmasters’ Club desire to promote a Senior Debating Contest in Napier-Hastings area to involve service and professional organisations and High Schools etc. It is hoped that the competition will be run each year by the organisations who enter teams. Secretary Frank has more details.
We will be discussing several topics at our Club Day, next Tuesday. One of these will be “consideration of an important remit for Conference – a remit proposing a new Rotary membership classification – that of ROTARACT PAST SERVICE. There are other remits concerning attendance requirements – remits which you will undoubtedly want to discuss.
We will also be hearing from Gwyn about our involvement in the Mayor’s Fantasyland Gala on March 13th, and, if time permits, I hope to initiate a discussion on possible community “projects” which have been suggested as worthy of substantial donations from our Club’s quite large “Project Fund”.
N.Z. GOLF SUPPORTERS’ TOUR: You can watch our fellow Rotarian Richard Watson play in the N.Z. Rotary Golf Team against the Australian Team at the Royal Brisbane Golf’ Course. Your Proposed Itinerary: 5 March fly to Brisbane – 5/11 March accommodation Metropolitan Brisbane on a share twin room basis, and a half day sightseeing tour provided during the stay in Brisbane; 11 March, taken to Brisbane Airport, fly to Sydney and transferred to Hotel, also share twin room basis; 14 March fly Sydney/Wellington. On arrival in Wgtn arrangements terminate. The cost of the above will be $388 per person on a share twin basis, and includes all flights, transfers and accommodation and sightseeing as mentioned in the above itinerary. This is a basic tour and anyone desiring additional travel, and/or sightseeing, may request adjustments to suit their requirements. For enquiries contact Naenae Travel Centre, P.O. Box 35043 – Phone 673519/671977, or Geof. Head (Manager, N.Z. Rotary Golf Team), P.O. Box 36-150 Naenae. We are pleased to record that the Rotary Club of Hastings has supported the N.Z. Rotary Golf Team by making a contribution towards the outfitting of the members of the team. There’s one thing for sure, if we can’t be on the trip, our best wishes will be in the golf bag of our fellow Rotarian, Richard Watson.
The Directors advise that they have accepted with regret the following resignations:-
Bill Wong
Arthur Giorgi
Peter Mills
Barney Ryan
We will miss their good fellowship.
As of 2 January, 1976, there were 16,649 Rotary Clubs and an estimated 780,750 Rotarians in 151 countries and geographical regions. Since 1 July, 1975, 144 new clubs were admitted in 32 countries.
District 298 – New Club – Waitaki meets Brydon Hotel, Thames St., Waitaki, 5,45pm Wednesdays,
District 293 – Te Rapa Club meets Waikato Motor Hotel 5.30 pm Thursdays.
District 292 – Panmure Club now meets at Mt Wgtn Trust Tavern – Ellerslie Highway, Panmure.

WEDNESDAY, April 28th, 1976.
We are holding an EVENING MEETING – WEDNESDAY, 28th APRIL in lieu of our usual Luncheon Meeting. Please note change of venue – MARAEKAKAHO HALL where we will be meeting the Maraekakaho Branch of the Federated Farmers on Wednesday evening. Our members attending are asked to assemble Western Side Woolworths Car Park at 5.30p.m. for allocation of transport. Please be early as we desire to arrive at Maraekakaho at 6 p.m. for half an hour of fellowship – meeting start 6.30 p.m.
Speaker: Mr Charles Hilgendorf, Chairman New Zealand Meat Producers Board.
INTRODUCTION: Ian Featherstone
Thanks: Rei Apatu
Duties: Members may be asked to help with certain duties, to allow our club to keep up the usual high standard of presentation at our evening meeting.
VITAL STATISTICS – 20 April, 1976.
Present 64 Fines $5.15
Absent 36 Shrapnel $4.53
Attendance 64% Total $9.68
We have told you before about the Tour including the All Black itinerary, but this is the other Tour to the R.I. Convention at New Orleans, with 15 days in South America. Visiting Honolulu for 3 days before crossing the International Date Line. You will have 2 days in Los Angeles; visiting Disney Land 2 days to get acquainted with Lima, (the Capital of Peru) – 2 days Cuzco and the famous Inca ruins – 2 days at Buenos Aires (Paris of South America – 3 days Iguassu Falls and Ascension, (on the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay). You will spend 3 days at Rio De Janeiro (rides G cable car to the summit of Sugar Loaf – Copacabana Palace Hotel – the fabulous beaches) – and then its off to the Caribbean. A pause of 4 days, Antigua, Caribbean before continuing to the U.S.A. – and [an] exciting 15 days in South America of Coach Trips; air flights; boat sightseeing trips; night life; shopping or just lazing in the sun. The period at the Convention, New Orleans is 5 days for the Spirit of Rotary – 2 days Houston and Space Centre – 3 days Santa Fe – 2 days Los Angeles – and 3 days en route back to N.Z. The cost is Share Twin basis $2595 – 36 days from 20 May to 26 June, 1976 arranged by Thos Cook on behalf of the Convention Organising Committee – District 292.
IN REMEMBRANCE. Once again we have a sad occasion, with the recording of the passing of our fellow Rotarian Bob French. Bob joined our club in the year 1956; held many appointments in our club, and was made an honorary member when illness forced his retirement from active participation in Rotary. We extend our sincere sympathy to his family.
CLASSIFICATIONS. The Directors advise the opening of the following Classifications.
Advertising – Newspaper
Book-Selling – Menswear Retailing
Nominations close 4th May, 1976:
Forms available from Secretary Frank.
This Saturday, Peter Single and one or two of his incoming Committee Chairmen, journey to Taupo to take part in this year’s District Assembly. For the uninitiated, District Assembly is where incoming club officers are given guidance on their new duties, are told of the incoming District Governor’s plans and benefit by meeting and discussing Rotary problems with incoming officers.
This year’s Assembly is on a smaller scale. To cut costs and to make the gathering more personal, the numbers required to attend from each club are reduced to two or three. I am sure you will enjoy the Assembly, Peter, and will find it well worthwhile. We hope you will come back with lots of bright ideas for your Presidential year.
Wedding Anniversaries:
May 2, Rosie & Bill Kemp
April 26, Ted Tucker Apr. 27, Don Wilson
April 28, Max Luttrell
April 30, Eric Phillips
May 2, Roy Batchelor
I have to give our Candid Cameraman an expensive present; he has a photo of my gorgeous typiste – but my wife hasn’t.
Luncheon address by Dr. P.A. Lane – Department of Economics, Massey University
Radical changes made recently to the banking system as part of Governments plan to restructure the economy, and to divert financial resources to areas of greatest priority. A discussion of the Government’s current monetary policy and its likely effect on the private sector. Venue Stortford Lodge Hotel, Hastings; Date, Tuesday 27 April – start, 12.30 p.m. – cost $3.50. Advise the Sec. N.Z. Institute of Management Inc. H.B. Division, P.O. Box 1329, Hastings.
P.D.G Bill Whitlock attended the 50th Anniversary night, celebrated by the Gisborne Rotary Club on Saturday, 10th April. His presence, with his congratulations, together with greetings and best wishes from the Rotary Club of Hastings were gestures of a sincere Rotarian, appreciated by all members of Rotary.
Thank you Bill Whitlock.
HAVELOCK NORTH JAYCEES – BAVARIAN BIER & WEIN FEST. Host, Herr Win Heuser invites you to be at the Tomoana Grandstand Auditorium on Saturday, 1 May, and wear Bavarian Costume. A continuous supper – Bavarian Village Villians Accordions – Oompah Band – Delightful Frauleins – German Toasts and drinking songs, all add up to the Bavarian Bier & Wein Fest. Cost $15 double, staged by Havelock North Jaycees.
The Directors advise that the Classification of Dael Therkelson [Therkleson] has been changed to – Commercial Photography.
The trouble with the best friends who won’t tell you is that they never fail to tell all the others.

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Surnames in these bulletins –
Apatu, Batchelor, Begley, Blackmore, Chamberlain, Cornelius, Custance, Darroch, Featherstone, Fish, French, Gallen, Garland, Giorgi, Graham, Gray, Hardy, Harvey, Hendry, Heuser, Holderness, Huggett, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jones, Keating, Kemp, Kennedy, Langford, Lee, Lewis, Louis, Luttrell, McCormick, McKeown, McPherson, McPherson, Mills, Mitchell, Morley, Newport, Patterson, Phillips, Price, Redgrave, Ryan, Single, Snadden, Stainer, Therkleson, Tucker, Turner, Velvin, Watson, Webb, Whitlock, Wilson, Wong, Worley, Wright
Bulletins from other years held at the Knowledge Bank
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